Berlin Show

Simply amazing.
Cried for the first time in probably 10 years at the show tonight. There was something going on tonight; some sort of energy I can't quite describe, but that knocked me on my a$$...metaphorically.
I don't know, maybe I am the only one that felt it, but regardless: a million thank-yous to all involved: the band, the fans, R.E.M., the crew, even security...thanks.
Cried for the first time in probably 10 years at the show tonight. There was something going on tonight; some sort of energy I can't quite describe, but that knocked me on my a$$...metaphorically.
I don't know, maybe I am the only one that felt it, but regardless: a million thank-yous to all involved: the band, the fans, R.E.M., the crew, even security...thanks.
"The goal of a coach is to take a guy who has beaten down by his parents, by religion, by society, to take that guy and build him back up to find his spirit to go out and fight" Joe Lewis
Post edited by Unknown User on
That was very much a kind of what I felt tonight, when I was at this show. I normally don't like to talk about emotional things in forums, but it's kind of amazing, that I'm not the only one who felt like this at tonights show.
The first time I got tearful eyes was at the moment when they played Love Boat Captain during soundcheck.
And there were some other moments and songs when it happend to me. Lots of goose bumps.
I can totally agree with these thing that you've said about the special energy / ambience.
Great setlist (I really liked the smooth opening in contrast to last year, when I got several hematoma during the first 10 minutes), relaxed athmosphere, nice people around me (2nd row, left side infront of the stage, the Portuguise seem to be relaxed folks ;-) )
Hope it will also be relaxed tomorrow in Poland. I'm not the fan of those huge festivals.
Peace out,