Witchdoctor---The Stone Gossard Curse

On Sunday 9-14-08 I saw Stone at the Living Room in NYC.
Mike, the guitarist from the Roy Kay Trio was very nice and gave me a paper with the lyrics to Stone's new tune Witchdoctor.
When the show was over Stone was very cool and signed the lyrics for me... I got some photos with him and life was good. Doesn't get much better than that.
Except.... then.... I had the opportunity to sit and chat with STONE for about thirty minutes. I took the paper and put it on the "empty" table next to me as I didn't want anything to happen to them. When I turned to get up and walk away I discovered that while i was sitting there acting like a goof because I was with Stone... the staff came around cleaning off tables... and cleaned up my lyrics as well!!!
I was so sad!!! So I told Stone what happened... And he said he'd make up for it. I then gave him the envelope my tickets had come in and he wrote on them for me... It says...
"Got nowhere to call my own
Lost my keys and phone
Love to you (and my name)
Well three days later i lost my keys and last night i lost my phone.
All has been recovered... but those are the opening lines to Witchdoctor.
If I had to have a witchdoctor put a curse on me...
I'm glad it was cast by Stone.
Mike, the guitarist from the Roy Kay Trio was very nice and gave me a paper with the lyrics to Stone's new tune Witchdoctor.
When the show was over Stone was very cool and signed the lyrics for me... I got some photos with him and life was good. Doesn't get much better than that.

Except.... then.... I had the opportunity to sit and chat with STONE for about thirty minutes. I took the paper and put it on the "empty" table next to me as I didn't want anything to happen to them. When I turned to get up and walk away I discovered that while i was sitting there acting like a goof because I was with Stone... the staff came around cleaning off tables... and cleaned up my lyrics as well!!!
I was so sad!!! So I told Stone what happened... And he said he'd make up for it. I then gave him the envelope my tickets had come in and he wrote on them for me... It says...
"Got nowhere to call my own
Lost my keys and phone
Love to you (and my name)
Well three days later i lost my keys and last night i lost my phone.
All has been recovered... but those are the opening lines to Witchdoctor.
If I had to have a witchdoctor put a curse on me...
I'm glad it was cast by Stone.

Post edited by Unknown User on
maybe get some guitar playing tips
and def ask him about the new PJ album!!!
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
(off to find stone gossard thread...)
I would have to strongly agree. a witch...I figured from Bayleaf. "tried to woo him to me but the spell I cast was far week to break him free,who woe him.."
And with a song titled Witch Doctor just proves it..is there any more to say?
What’s self destruction and how can we last?
"I cannot stop the thought of running in the dark.
Coming up a which way sign. All good truants must decide."
McCain, America's scariest grandpa!
so um what does one chat with stone about for 30minutes?
more details please
Stone's fault... The Gossard Curse.
stone is a very nice guy indeed. i got to meet him and chat him up after a BRAD show in 2003. great story, thanks for sharing!