Looking for a place to spend the night of 9/30 in Austin...

McJuicyMcJuicy Posts: 753
edited September 2009 in The Porch
Before I check out couchsurfing.org, would anyone on the board be willing to share their home or hotel room for the evening of Wednesday September 30th in Austin, Texas? My friend, who I will be spending the rest of the weekend with, had to switch his flight to Thursday October 1st for business reasons, and I cannot access his condo due to "fort knox"-like security during acl. Anyhow, I arrive in Austin at approximately 9:30 PM on 9/30, and I am open to virtually any options. I just checked hotwire, and there is a 2 star hotel available for $49 (plus taxes, fees, etc.), so that is my best alternative to this point. I would be willing to make an equitable contribution to any shared hotel accommodations, and could also offer other goods/services to any fan willing to take me in for the night. If you have further questions, concerns, or inquiries, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss any additional information at your convenience. Thank you very much for looking, I hope to receive a response!
buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
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  • McJuicyMcJuicy Posts: 753
    buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
  • I can't help. But I was kind of wondering what kind of "services" you're offering ... :)
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • McJuicyMcJuicy Posts: 753
    slightofjeff, thanks for your interest, please let me know what type/s of services you would like rendered, and i will notify you whether or not I can be of any assistance
    buf dtw buf sce yyz tol grr yhm yyz pit yyz yyz pit bna cae aus lax lax san phl phl cle buf mke mke atl pit buf clt san lax lax gsp cae bna sea sea
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