And I live in Lexington NY and still waiting, ehhhh....
Warsaw 96/11/01 ; Katowice 00/06/15, Katowice 00/06/16 ; Chicago 03/06/18 ; Chicago 06/05/16 ; Chicago 06/05/17 ; Chicago 07/08/05 ; Boston 08/06/30 ; Philadelphia 09/10/27 ; New York 10/05/20 ; New York 10/05/21 ; Alpine Valley 11/09/03 ; Alpine Valley 11/09/04 ; Wrigley Field 13/07/19 ; Pittsburgh 13/10/11 ; St.Louis 14/10/03
are you talking cd or vinyl? i live in lexington and got mine on either thursday or friday. where you live?
Weird. Fingers crossed.
I am talking CD. I live just north of Boston.
CD. I actually live in McKee, which is about 50 miles south of Lexington.
Good luck, dude.
Thanks. The worst part is that I refuse to listen to it before opening the packaging...I am a little stubborn.