he's just not that into you

decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
edited June 2009 in All Encompassing Trip
that's right.....i LOVED this flick! :oops: :lol::mrgreen:

never read the book, don't care if it's thought to be lame....but this was classic, chick-flick romantic comedy.....and i thought it was awesome. loved the cast of characters, even loved most of the actors in their respective roles. also liked the little cameos meant to be interviews with 'real people'...some very funny stuff in there. saw it in the theatre....and that's right....just picked it up on blu-ray and watched it the other night. love it.

go ahead and laugh ;)......especially those who accuse me of high-brow tastes most of the time.....don't care! and hey, if you enjoyed it too.....let it be known!
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I am myself like you somehow

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  • Ugh, I hated this movie, sorry. [spoilers:]

    The main character was a desperate stalker. Most people in my group spent the whole film cringing at her scenes. And it didn't even follow its own rules at the end... "You're my exception even though I established that there are never exceptions!" Way to confirm the unstable heroine's whacked out ideas. It's like entirely different people wrote the first and second halves of the movie. Seemed like critics agreed.
    I'll wait for an angel, but won't hold my breath
  • mca47mca47 Posts: 13,305
    I saw it on a flight from Miami to Phoenix. Worst piece of crap movie ever!

    Horribly predictable, and pretty crappy acting despite there being some well known actors in it. I mean really...the Mac guy?!?!?! That guy is the worst!
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    hahahahahaha....i still loved it!

    btw - in regards to the "she's theexception, not the rule"..... discussing GFs of gigi's with their amazing stories...justin long's character DID admit there ARE exceptions, such as these women discussed, just said they are exceptions, not the rule, and that ginnefer goodwin's character WAS the rule. so actually, his cheesy line at the end DID work. just sayin'.

    and no, this is no great art film, nor oscar worthy, hahahaha...it's just a very entertaining chick flick. :mrgreen:

    who is the mac guy? :?
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • who is the mac guy? :?

    justin long
    I can't teach common sense.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    who is the mac guy? :?

    justin long

    i don't get it? :? :?:
    did he do commericals for apple or something?forgive my seemingly living under a rock perspective, but i cannot tell you the last time (outside of pj on conan) that i watched commerical tv. the only thing i know justin long from is a few movies.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • who is the mac guy? :?

    justin long

    i don't get it? :? :?:
    did he do commericals for apple or something?forgive my seemingly living under a rock perspective, but i cannot tell you the last time (outside of pj on conan) that i watched commerical tv. the only thing i know justin long from is a few movies.


    I can't teach common sense.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    justin long

    i don't get it? :? :?:
    did he do commericals for apple or something?forgive my seemingly living under a rock perspective, but i cannot tell you the last time (outside of pj on conan) that i watched commerical tv. the only thing i know justin long from is a few movies.



    alrighty then, thanks....b/c i had no idea.......haha.

    mac guy or not....what can i say......i really loved this little flick. jennifer connelley and jennifer anniston, both were particularly good in their roles.....loved their characters. :P and hell, i am a 40 year old married woman. outside of being female, i am hardly their target demographic. ;)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • I have not seen the movie, but a few of my single friends have.

    For what its worth, the consensus is that only married men should attempt to watch it. And I quote..."Watching this on a date is an incredibly stupid thing to do...under no circumstance should anyone attempt this maneuver. Its too dangerous."
    I can't teach common sense.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    I have not seen the movie, but a few of my single friends have.

    For what its worth, the consensus is that only married men should attempt to watch it. And I quote..."Watching this on a date is an incredibly stupid thing to do...under no circumstance should anyone attempt this maneuver. Its too dangerous."

    hahahahahahahaha....awesome, and probably VERY true!
    i did see it with my husband the first time. :mrgreen:
    it's definitely a chick flick, and sure...filled with the requisite cliches, etc....but i personally thought, for what it was about/based on, it was actually pretty tame. like i said, i never read the book.....but i knew about it. it's definitely a flick for single women, marriedm women, and sure..i guess married men too......that can laugh about such shit. granted, i've never experienced most of what occurs, nor thought the way most of the characters did, but i still found it amusing...and sure...i'm a sucker for romantic comedies......
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Indifference71Indifference71 Chicago Posts: 14,879
    I saw this with my gf when it first came out and it was painful. So many good actors and it was just so dull and boring. I can enjoy the occasional chick flick, but this was just awful.
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    with that cast...more importantly, is there any nudity? :D
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    with that cast...more importantly, is there any nudity? :D

    hahahaha....sorry buddy, but no. :lol:
    i think the flick is PG-13? i don't even remember.

    eh well, i am alone in my love....at least on the pj boards. :P
    as i've said, it's no great work of art by any stretch, but i found it extremely entertaining/adorable.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • tvismyfriendtvismyfriend Posts: 2,118
    I have not seen the movie, but a few of my single friends have.

    For what its worth, the consensus is that only married men should attempt to watch it. And I quote..."Watching this on a date is an incredibly stupid thing to do...under no circumstance should anyone attempt this maneuver. Its too dangerous."
    Ha, that's funny because they were marketing it as the perfect date movie.
  • I have not seen the movie, but a few of my single friends have.

    For what its worth, the consensus is that only married men should attempt to watch it. And I quote..."Watching this on a date is an incredibly stupid thing to do...under no circumstance should anyone attempt this maneuver. Its too dangerous."
    Ha, that's funny because they were marketing it as the perfect date movie.
    lol nope, all the men were massive tools and all the women were super clingy. Stereotypes out the roof.
    I'll wait for an angel, but won't hold my breath
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    I have not seen the movie, but a few of my single friends have.

    For what its worth, the consensus is that only married men should attempt to watch it. And I quote..."Watching this on a date is an incredibly stupid thing to do...under no circumstance should anyone attempt this maneuver. Its too dangerous."
    Ha, that's funny because they were marketing it as the perfect date movie.
    lol nope, all the men were massive tools and all the women were super clingy. Stereotypes out the roof.

    no they werent! :P

    ben affleck's character was close to the 'perfect guy'....and that real estate guy was probably more clingy than a lot of women ;)...but really he was the proverbial nice guy, total sweetheart. jennifer anniston was nothing at all relating to clingy, nor really jennifer connolley's character...tho she did have other issues. :D it was however, none the less stereotypes and cliches...absolutely.......
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • I have not seen the movie, but a few of my single friends have.

    For what its worth, the consensus is that only married men should attempt to watch it. And I quote..."Watching this on a date is an incredibly stupid thing to do...under no circumstance should anyone attempt this maneuver. Its too dangerous."

    Why Is that?
    *Official Marker in the Sand Fan Club Junkie*
    Member # 0004

    Rather than being birthed like a normal child, Chuck Norris instead
    decided to punch his way out of his mother's womb. Shortly thereafter
    he grew a beard.
  • JordyWordyJordyWordy Posts: 2,261
    Most chick flicks are unbearable. This one however, has Scarlett Johanssen. Therefore, why are the blokes complaining??? Did you not watcht the pool scene????? :shock: and all the other scenes with her too ;)

    I genuinely did think its decent movie, and good as a date movie - light hearted, awkward funny moments, eye candy for both sexes ..... thus it has plenty of talking points. If people on dates cant laugh at their own experiences with that kind of stuff or make a joke of the madness of it, then no, they shouldnt watch it....but if you're not uptight, its grand. :)
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    I can certainly relate to this... :| not a good feeling at all... :roll: haven't seen the movie, but plan on it... :)

    Wish you were here...

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