alcohol is like cocaine...

does anybody else feel like they're on uppers from drinking a bunch of beer? every time i drink a lot i'm up all night. many of times i'll go home around 2 am and just be watchin tv or listening to music for hours until i finally force myself to go to sleep. it's a really weird sensation that i've just been experiencing for the past couple of years. the only time that alcohol doesn't feel like an upper to me is if i get completely wasted (usually involving a lot of liquor) and in that case i may or may not just pass out. not really sure cause i can't remember. anyway, i'm wondering if the effect depends on the person, maybe some of you have the same experience with drinking? or if maybe this is a signal to a problem? i hardly feel like i have a drinking problem though, because i never crave alcohol, and i'm never disappointed when i miss out on a night of drinking on my day off. usually i just go out and drink out of boredom/or just to get out of my house, and i drink more excessively to make the douche bags that go to the bars more tolerable....that said, my tolerance seems to be out of control, i'm not really proud of it. any insight on this would be much appreciated.
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so looks like your not drinking enough
yeah i don't know about that, i'm sayin like 20 drinks down and i'm completely that really not enough booze? i feel like i should be tired, cause that's what happens to most people, but the opposite happens with me. that's why i'm asking about it, it just seems strange.
i suppose we all have different tolerances but you defo have a unique skill there
usually miller lite drafts, once in a while i'll opt for a micro brew, and of course the occasional shot that someone buys me. (i always thought that was odd. it's like hey can i buy you a shot? im always tempted to say hey, how about just giving me the 6 bucks instead. haha. that's a different story) but yeah, a case of miller lite will get me wired. weird i know.
well i did say it myself, so i can't fault you for agreeing, but i really don't feel like my drinking is a problem and i'm quite knowledgable about addiction because of past experiences. i've been to rehab, i've been to n.a. and a.a. meetings. i've been to counseling. given that, you probably feel like your opinion is further supported, but there are explanations for all of that, a whole other story.....anyway, i can tell you that the only reason that i drink is because im a 25 year old single guy. it's very typical behavior for singles at my age. not for everybody of course, but i still think it's pretty normal. whenever i've had a girlfriend, i would never drink and never thought about it. it's not really a struggle for me, and doesn't really affect my life, it's just something i do for the hell of it.
...... i realize that i brought up the whole alcohol problem question in my first post, so that's my fault. i was really just trying to guage how many other people feel this effect from alcohol, and if they knew what causes it. i'm starting think it's not many. maybe i'm just a freak of nature.
.. and you continue on the drinking path. You drink out of boredom - alcohol is your focus then, not anything else to alleviate your boredom. That is addiction. But you know all of that... you've been there before. As you say, there are always reasons, stories, etc.
And yep... you did bring it up!
Anyway... said my bit... will say no more.
i did go to rehab, meetings, etc. but that doesn't necessarily mean i have a drinking problem. i went to in-patient rehab for a month when i was 16 because i got caught with a little pot in high school. my parents freaked out and based on recommendations from the school, who knew nothing more than the fact that i smoked a little pot on at least one occasion, sent me off to rehab. the meetings, counseling etc. was part of the deal from being released from in-patient rehab. looking back on it, the whole thing was ridiculous. but i do understand that i just had concerned parents who didn't know the extent of my use, or where it could lead.
anyway, let's be realistic here, there are tons of people across the world that drink to get drunk from time to time. i would think that a good portion of those people are not alcoholics. i'm in that boat. you made it seem like i'm bored everyday and the only thing i do to alleviate boredom is drink. not the case. occasionally i'll go out and get drunk, i'm saying like a few times a month, not a huge deal, doesn't affect my life, i'm just wondering why i feel like i'm poppin amphetamines after drinking a bunch of beer that's supposed to make you tired, and wondering if anyone else has had this same experience.
(edit) you know what, looking at my first post, you probably should think i'm an alcoholic. haha. it's only logical. that's my fault for my wording. i seem to be contradicting myself here, should've made my first post shorter and more direct.
though.. you're saying that you're wired after 20 drinks. twenty?! bloody hell. in what amount of time would this be?
like redrock said, seeing that you go get wasted just cause you're bored (no matter which sex or how old you are) seems like a problem. I don't know much about addictions so I can't say for sure but it does sound a bit strange.
drinking gives you a high
not being able to stop drinking once started
blacking out (or forgetting things the next morning)
drinking out of boredom
drinking to deal with the environment around you
super high tolerance
all of this pretty much means your body is hardwired for addiction.
You have all the signs of a problem which means you're basically knocking on Addiction's door....that's when you will start to crave it and be chemically addicted.
my advice would be to quit right now before it gets worse. Change your environment and get rid of the boredom.
Not as bad if you are up and about but if you are sitting down you get sleepy.
alcohol IS a stimulant.
yes, oftentimes people, when drunk, fall asleep/get tired...but it is a disruptive sleep b/c again, alcohol is a stimulant, tho nothing in the category of cocaine. 20 drinks tho? wow.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
is it wrong that this seriously made me laugh? :? :oops:
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i'll never tell..........
hey, i'm still here, to count for sumthin'......
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
Coke will keep me up for HOURS on end if the party keeps rolling. Beer and alcohol makes me sleepy eventually.
Then stop drinking then. Plain and simple.