opinions por favor!

i'm working on the garden design as a shirt, and was wondering which one you guys like? if none, that's okay too haha i'm just using black as an example for now
i would have done a poll but i guess we can't do those here anymore?




thanks in advance for any input you can give!





thanks in advance for any input you can give!

Post edited by Unknown User on
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
so i say 3
mookey didn't mean to add any phallic imagery in there
doin good speedy, been a long busy day and i'm ready to crash! how are you doing?
hows the new business going????
you make your 1st million yet???? hehehehe
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
the image is smaller. I tend to like shirts that don't have the print all over it. and I also think it would be cool
if the walking person were walking on cool artistic stones, or amongst the uniform stone graves of soldiers like many say the song suggests. just my 2 cents anyway.
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the fluidity in that design is just stunning.
Definitely numero tres
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
"Vinyl or not, you will need to pay someone to take RA of your hands" - Smile05
424, xxx
first time you posted this image, i have to say, 'phallic' was the very first thing i saw too, which of course is rather distracting from your excellent work :oops: .....so definitely 3.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I know a couple of people mentioned that. Call me naive but I didn't see that at all! Just a very soft, beautiful flow of a lady walking away.... Damn... usually I'm the one with the 'dirty' mind
oh cmon....REALLY?!
i think the first time chiqui posted it she mentioned it was in relation to pj's song garden, the whole, my hands bound line. idk why, i but i always saw it as a guy...probably b/c of the GIANT SWIRL curling up in front of the figure.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Well I'll be damned... I must be reverting to some innocent thing in my old age! To me it's such a feminine image. Maybe because it's so delicate. If you did not associate Garden with it, would it be the same (though I don't see Garden as a 'dirty' song - hands bound or not!)?
that frontal swirl immediately makes the figure 'male' no matter what. :P
also, the figure simply looks more masculine to me, in comparison to any other figures within chiqui's work. it may be the figure's stance, and it almost appears more 'muscular' to me....just a stronger figure. yes, overall most of her work has a vry feminine quality....and this still does have those beautiful sinuous lines....but not quite as undulating nor as feminine. what can i say? we all see different things in art, just one small part of what makes it all so fascinating. also, your comment about it being a beatiful female figure simply walking away.....probably why i like choice #3 all the more.....b/c it completely gets ride of the phallic imagery....it does indeed look like the figure is walking away due to compositional placement, and honestly, that big giant frontal swirl to me actually makes the figure 'static'...it is trapped.....can't move forward, it keeps the figure locked in place - which would probably fit well with the whole garden theme and being bound, subconsciously or consciously. and i am sure chica did not imagine such in depth analysis!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow