Ipods on noisy planes

Is there anything better for blocking out screaming babies with inept parents?!
(I don't think so.)
Instead of getting aggravated, I just listened to Hawaii '06 and managed to ignore the whole mess unfolding five rows back.

Instead of getting aggravated, I just listened to Hawaii '06 and managed to ignore the whole mess unfolding five rows back.
Post edited by Unknown User on
The Best parents are those without kids. Don't judge until you're in their shoes.
I have two children, thank you very much.
I've lived through enough tantrums to know what works to calm upset children and what doesn't.
Oh no. More technology I haven't heard of yet! :shock:
Well it must be nice to be so perfect. Although I think you're lying out your ass.
Just out of curiosity, why are you taking this so personally? Were they your kids?
I think you're trying to start a fight over something YOU know nothing about. I have two boys and I have taken them on planes. I bring snacks for them, I bring things for them to do, I make sure they are cared for. Who do you think you are to question my experience?
These parents were making the situation worse by SLAPPING the child to try to get it to stop crying. Are you telling me that's better than what I do? Get a grip. Some parents ARE inept but I put the effort in to learn how to manage my children.
Why are you insisting upon de-railing my thread about ipods?
they are a GODSEND!!!
of course, even an ipod cannot stop a child from kicking your seat behind you
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i will...........someday.
right now, really not a priority.
i use my ipod daily for my commute, but honestly, the outside 'noise' really isn't anything that interferes much at all. perhaps next time i plan a plane trip, i will. as of right now, i have bigger priorities for my $$$.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow