My computer has gone crazy

Well at first it seemed like my anti virus wouldn't start and now when I try to scan it my anti virus keeps shutting down. Down in the right hand corner icons I have two printer icons but my printer isn't on??? Says I have documents to print???
I wasn't using my printer. I guess I can call my ISP in the morning. Anyone have any insight for a computer dope like myself?

Post edited by Unknown User on
much love beck!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
thanks, dreams for the positive vibes and much love back to ya!! Got any new pics of Igby and Chloe in antlers
Thanks I will try those. I did use my spyware that I use but I just orderes new spyware from ISP. Of course it won't likely start until tomorrow. pooey. damn virus starters!!!
however, i guess it could be a virus. what kind of anti-virus program are you running? you should check out cnet and maybe download some free programs there or elsewhere on the net.
most of the time the programs that come with a computer only look for specific viruses and thus overlook the newer ones out there....just like my Trend Micro does
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
I use anti virus from my internet provider. It is Freedom antivirus if that means anything. I always liked it and I have had it for about a year. I just never know which ones are safe to use when I go looking for updates out there and what is the best spyware catcher??
Visit this page
and download the patch.
That'll be $30 for my time
The cheque is the mail
Thank you for your input everyone. Still trying to sort out this whole mess!!!
Didn't the patch work for you?
I couldn't download it.. I think I must have done something wrong
You probably need the Windows XP x86 version, you can try disabling the add-in too
Good luck with the ISP, those guys are just reading a script. Most of them don't have any training or experience in the field.
The senior support guy called me back. Fixed some stuff and now I am doing some scans. If anything cannot be deleted I have to call back but I will take your advice with the patch after I finish all this.
What ISP are you calling? I probably worked for them or know someone who has.
Aliant. I suppose it is Bell Aliant now. Actually I just started working for Aliant but I work in a different department. Obviously....:p
Strange, I've never actually heard of them, but my ex-gf worked for Bell.
Still, there process is usually:
Clean-up startup
Check internet settings
Run virus check
Refer you to your computer OEM.
For liability and throughput reasons they typically can't help with too much except their own software and configuration.
I had to go in and change some stuff. The sr support guy had a bit more to offer than the first girl to whom I spoke. She was helpful and nice but this guy seemed to be a bit more in the know.
When the four Atlantic provinces telephone companies joined together they created it under the name Aliant. I know that Island Tel was always a "sister" company to Bell and now Bell has bought Aliant.
So stupid question.. is it normal that some files cannot be scanned??
mm nope, as long as you have an administrator account (default), you should be able to scan all the files. Unless they are in use. If a file is being used, or is a system component in use, then you won't be able to scan it until you reboot.
Sometimes virus files will need to be unregistered with the system to delete them, or you can use a delete on boot tool.
Well it showed I had encrypted files that it said would have to be scanned manually
Any idea what files they are?
There are 117 of them. Some say Spybot and one says MSOE but I think the majority of them have Spybot before the rest of the title.
Maybe they are previously quarantined files. Or what program are you scanning with?
Sometimes certain anti-spyware programs will identify certain other anti-spyware programs as being spyware.
Maybe that could be it. It is Freedom Anti virus.
I've never heard of it, I stick to using Spybot, Adaware, Housecall Antivirus and HijackThis. If you download HijackThis and print a log we can look at what's going on more closely and manually remove anything.
But I would suggest running that phishing filter update first. Because the bug in the phishing filter is supposed to bog down the computer a great deal.
Thanks so much for your help. I will do the patch thing now as I was puttering. I have a Dell, it is about four years old. But beyond that it is pretty much all I know
Oh ok. Let me know how the patch works out.
Well it seems with the patch and all that other stuff that my computer seems to be running better. I had a SHITLOAD of spyware on there :eek: I don't know where it all came from.
Of course, mind you maybe I should be a tad concerned about the black box on the bottom of system tray
I do appreciate the input!