i'm not sure how true this is, only b/c i lurk over at RM, but it seems that people from RM and BRY aren't too fond of the people on this board... not sure why... maybe someone could explain that to me if it is in fact true.
i'm not sure how true this is, only b/c i lurk over at RM, but it seems that people from RM and BRY aren't too fond of the people on this board... not sure why... maybe someone could explain that to me if it is in fact true.
i'm sure if you lurked at RM you would know this and why
i'm not sure how true this is, only b/c i lurk over at RM, but it seems that people from RM and BRY aren't too fond of the people on this board... not sure why... maybe someone could explain that to me if it is in fact true.
Because the casual fan starts here 1st, the stalker/fanboy/fangirl factor of a few, blah, blah, blah...
anyway... RM pretty accepting... at least your get a warning or 2 for a dumbass post....
i'm not sure how true this is, only b/c i lurk over at RM, but it seems that people from RM and BRY aren't too fond of the people on this board... not sure why... maybe someone could explain that to me if it is in fact true.
beacuse the people slurp everything that is pearl jam on here and make lame ass threads like the pics where ed is hot or when are they gonna play the south or i heard pearl jam on the baseball game today. this places also has alot of people who arent funny and try to be but fail everytime
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
beacuse the people slurp everything that is pearl jam on here and make lame ass threads like the pics where ed is hot or when are they gonna play the south or i hears pearl jam on the baseball game today. this places also has alot of people who arent funny and try to be but fail everytime
i'm sure if you lurked at RM you would know this and why
i've been to RM, really only for setlists and the occasional torrent link. however, i've seen a few comments about the message pit. i did make an account there a long long time ago but never really posted much.
its not all bad here, plus lets face it, most message boards are full of crap
at the risk of losing my RM access, i agree .. this board boasts a lot more intelligence than some other bands' forums. and elitism when it comes to a message board is a bit sad (insert nerd smiley here).
1995: Melbourne 1
1998: Melbourne 1, 2, 3
2003: Sydney 1, 2, 3, Melbourne 1, 2, 3
2006: Sydney 1, 2, Melbourne 1, 2, 3, Sydney 3, Newcastle, Adelaide 1, 2, Perth
2009: LA 1, 2, Melbourne, Sydney
2014: Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sydney
hmm... how did i get to 80 some posts here? i guess it was during other RM down times. and i need to update my 'shows ive been to' sig. meh, maybe later.
Nope. The folks over at RM are wonderful people who have (through B&P's, trades, and just plain freebies) helped me collect about 100 different dvd's as well as screw with my head with their riddles game. In Deniro's voice "They're Good People".
"The leads are weak!"
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
i like this place, but the organization of RM is much better. You see a lot of repeat threads here which aren't merged. Not saying whether that's bad or good, just that i prefer the organization of RM. And RM has their share of shite threads... You can't complain about an Ed is hot thread when you have a thread about Stone's shoes too. This place and RM just have completely different feels... And it seems like you get to know people better over there since there are less... Plus the politics forum; this one is incedibly hostile. Then again that one can be too, but it seems to have less conspiracy theorists. And I like it when there's one thing 99.9% of the board will agree on, and that is that Loose Change is a crock of shit. But maybe the Moving Train has changed a little... Anyway, it's WAY more active than the RM N&D forum, so i'll give it that for sure, and you don't really know what a lot of people will say, because you have so many more people, unlike at RM where you predict PD and LW will get into it in most threads.
Also, GD over there I love it.
But in the end it's just diff. strokes. Also, another thing I enjoy, there is much less political correctness on the RM boards. Very good.
i've only been on RM for a short while, but i already miss it. :(
Jon Stewart: "[about Russia's new president]...Dmitri Medevvvevv.... Dmitri Meh..... Dmitri M.! Or... as George W. Bush would probably pronounce it... Eddie Vedder."
__________________________________ http://www.myspace.com/pearl_jamn_it
Sorry for the downtime everyone. We've done some big updates to the server and we're working to get everything back to normal again. Please bare with us
i'm sure if you lurked at RM you would know this and why
Because the casual fan starts here 1st, the stalker/fanboy/fangirl factor of a few, blah, blah, blah...
anyway... RM pretty accepting... at least your get a warning or 2 for a dumbass post....
BRY.... good luck
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I'm funny!!!!
i've been to RM, really only for setlists and the occasional torrent link. however, i've seen a few comments about the message pit. i did make an account there a long long time ago but never really posted much.
well i guess a lame board is better than no board at all?
its not all bad here, plus lets face it, most message boards are full of crap
Elitists suck cock...
Anyway, this is the best place to be, no doubt
at the risk of losing my RM access, i agree
1998: Melbourne 1, 2, 3
2003: Sydney 1, 2, 3, Melbourne 1, 2, 3
2006: Sydney 1, 2, Melbourne 1, 2, 3, Sydney 3, Newcastle, Adelaide 1, 2, Perth
2009: LA 1, 2, Melbourne, Sydney
2014: Gold Coast, Melbourne, Sydney
hello to the message pit people as well. i hope this day finds you all well.
howdy clint
havn't seen you around rm much.. You're still the only regular RMr that I've met. Should be meeting a few more at lolla next month.
Nope. The folks over at RM are wonderful people who have (through B&P's, trades, and just plain freebies) helped me collect about 100 different dvd's as well as screw with my head with their riddles game. In Deniro's voice "They're Good People".
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Also, GD over there I love it.
But in the end it's just diff. strokes. Also, another thing I enjoy, there is much less political correctness on the RM boards. Very good.
Couldn't find it there.
Lisbon '06 (x2)
Katowice '07
London '07 '09 (x2), '10
MSG NY '08 (x2)
Manchester '09 '12
Belfast '10
PJ20 Alpine '11 (x2)
Leeds '14
but seems to be down along with the forum at the moment, hopefully for update of the latest shows
oh, and about the dowtime: