connecting turntable --- 5.1 ----> pc

ok, so i finally got a new turntable friday, my computer speakers have an aux in on the subwoofer, so i plugged in directly (switch for 5.1 pc to aux/stereo) i am getting sounds out of it but its really really really low, im not sure if i'm doing something wrong, but there's an extra connector besides the (red/white) audio cables, not sure what it's called but it's similiar to those old rf/tv connections but there's nowhere to connect this,
just curious if someone has a similiar setup, im also on the fence regarding messing with the pc/sound options as there's a toggle switch on the sub, thanks for any input and i hope this makes sense!
just curious if someone has a similiar setup, im also on the fence regarding messing with the pc/sound options as there's a toggle switch on the sub, thanks for any input and i hope this makes sense!
"ah fuck it get in trouble"
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
Post edited by Unknown User on
It's A Right Royal Cockney Barrel Of Monkeys
All Monkfish Great And Small
They have external/drive bay connectors for almost everything...
I hooked up my semi-accoustic guitar to it and it works like a charm.
For your problem, your subwoofer acts as a pre-amp probably, but you might want to find a way tohook yer gzmo's up to yer audio-card instead of going directly to your woofer and tweeters...
- Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
first thing i tried was hooking it up via my tv/dvd receiver out in the living room, same result, im thinking it may just be cheap cables from the turntable?
im gonna give it a shot on the sound card in a few
thanks again
p.s. : im lovin this new 'spinner' it has a cue up button & a 'reject' button to put the needle back in place, a LOT better than my previous model
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06
Here's some basic info:,117810-page,1/article.html
Here's a bit more advanced info, plus lots more if you dig about the forum:
Good luck!
- Antwerp '06, Nijmegen '07, Werchter '07
Go to Start and click Run
Type "sndvol32" press Enter
Select Options->Properties and Check all the Controls
Select "Recording" and Check all the Controls
Play around with the different Controls
It probably won't help you, but it's the cheapest solution
Note: You'll have to go to Options->Properties to switch between Input and Output, Recording and Playing, Controls.
good info in there thanks!! & thanks to everyone else posting along in here, latest update is that i bought rca --> headphone jacks to connect directly to soundcard as i didnt have the proper connection types, I may look into gettin a preamp if this doesnt work
the volume now is loud enough (barely) to listen, but it shouldnt be so low! since i have to crank it to hear it
anywho, ill mess around some more while awaiting the xmas single, also just picked up Pete Townsend's 'who came first' on vinyl today
06/29/03 09/22/05 09/24/05 09/25/05 05/09/06 05/10/06