Happy Birthday Long Red!

TrixieCatTrixieCat Posts: 5,756
edited December 2007 in All Encompassing Trip
Have an awesome day.
Hope you get lots of great books!
Happy Birthday!
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    Happy Birthday! :)

    wishing you a great day...

    and a great year ahead!!

    I've learned from experience...

    Sooner or later... If you hang on tight enough... long enough...

    It has to be ...

    YOUR YEAR!!! :)
    Exercising her will to lose control...
    she lets go
  • ahhhhhh jams...i do remember the 'long red' intrigue/story many years back. ;) haha.

    haven't really seen my LI breathren posting too much anymore, so i hope that meas life is full and busy!

    happy, happy birthday long red!

    given the fact you probably live less than 5 miles away.....you really should make a meet-up one of these days! :p hope your birthday is fantastic!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • ahhhhhh jams...i do remember the 'long red' intrigue/story many years back. ;) haha


    That should get at the very least...

    a Birthday Smile out of Red :p

    I recall there was a night... just about 4 years ago... that I was in the middle of a 'drunken posting' session and was threatening to book a flight to NY the following day :p

    *excuses herself for temporarily hijacking thread... but thinks Red will forgive me and enjoy the chuckle*
    Exercising her will to lose control...
    she lets go
  • jamainiac wrote:

    That should get at the very least...

    a Birthday Smile out of Red :p

    I recall there was a night... just about 4 years ago... that I was in the middle of a 'drunken posting' session and was threatening to book a flight to NY the following day :p

    *excuses herself for temporarily hijacking thread... but thinks Red will forgive me and enjoy the chuckle*

    exactly. :D
    i remember.

    and it's not a hijack, b/c it IS all to make long red smile on his birthday. :)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • hahahaha whoa man....memories, memories, memories...and mammaries, too! you've definitely elicited a smile from me.

    thanks for the bday wishes....i know i dont come around all that often, but thats only because i finally got out of my horrible office job! so its a good thing ... very busy gettin' my learn on!

    thanks again for the wishes!
    Jam out with your clam out.
  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    Happy Bday Long Red!
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,595
    happy bday to you my fellow long islander ....
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
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