that works on all 2 levels... which is the highest amount of levels a gun freak can compute... any more than that and they buy Finland's Greatest Hits.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
see i like to teach my kids how to go on a bike, play tetris, draw, an instrument... the last fucking thing i'll do is teachthem what a gun is for, how it works and then actually let them use one... i'd rather teach them jazz... and you evidently have no idea how much i loathe jazz.
See, I don't have kids and use my guns strictly to keep other people's kids off my lawn.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
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that works on all 2 levels... which is the highest amount of levels a gun freak can compute... any more than that and they buy Finland's Greatest Hits.
Wait, you're saying there's more than one level?
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
see i like to teach my kids how to go on a bike, play tetris, draw, an instrument... the last fucking thing i'll do is teachthem what a gun is for, how it works and then actually let them use one... i'd rather teach them jazz... and you evidently have no idea how much i loathe jazz.
see i like to teach my kids how to go on a bike, play tetris, draw, an instrument... the last fucking thing i'll do is teachthem what a gun is for, how it works and then actually let them use one... i'd rather teach them jazz... and you evidently have no idea how much i loathe jazz.
Yes. Ignorance is clearly the best policy. Make sure you don't teach them about any other threatening things.
I'm not saying give your child a gun. That would be/is fairly retarded. I'm saying if you own guns, and you have them in the house, instead of letting them stumble upon it and learn a lesson the hard way, when the appropriate age comes, educate your children.
See, I don't have kids and use my guns strictly to keep other people's kids off my lawn.
i'd agree.. a man's lawn is his castle.. i should know.. i live in a castle... and Tiger Forrest or wahtever he's called plays on my lawn... but i still try and shoot him
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
jazz. jizz gave me 2 great kids. jazz gives me a soft-off
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Yes. Ignorance is clearly the best policy. Make sure you don't teach them about any other threatening things.
I'm not saying give your child a gun. That would be/is fairly retarded. I'm saying if you own guns, and you have them in the house, instead of letting them stumble upon it and learn a lesson the hard way, when the appropriate age comes, educate your children.
And what's your problem with jazz?
I like jazz more than guns.
its not ignorance... i dont live in a country that has to contemplate the need to show kids how to use a gun... ergo i'd rather show them fun stuff.... AIDS is a threatening thing... should i teach my 6 year old about that? what about heroin? terrorism?
kids are kids... let them be such.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
its not ignorance... i dont live in a country that has to contemplate the need to show kids how to use a gun... ergo i'd rather show them fun stuff.... AIDS is a threatening thing... should i teach my 6 year old about that? what about heroin? terrorism?
kids are kids... let them be such.
That's a bit of a straw man argument there. Ignore the appropriate age part--largely subjective as it is--and you get this response.
Teaching six year olds about AIDS does not equate to teaching a fourteen or fifteen year old what a gun is or how to ensure that the safety is on. It doesn't equate telling four year olds about terrorism or discussing the medicinal qualities of marijuana with a giraffe or any other non-sense you can come up with.
The difference in countries does come into play. I'm discussing this from the perspective of someone who lives in a well-armed and at times irrational country. It wouldn't seem prudent or worthwhile for you to teach a child about gun safety if they are incredibly uncommon in your country, does it? As much as I would rather they were less common here in the states, that doesn't make it so. And as much as I would prefer households with lots of children didn't contain an arsenal of deadly weapons, they do. In light of that, I don't see what is wrong with educating your child about the danger of guns at an appropriate age.
don't tell eyedclaar about your kids. He may think they're worth 15 points, that crazy bastard.
Dunk's kids would be worth 100 points, but on the off-chance that they grow up to be half as amusing as their old man, I think I'll just kidnap them and put them to work in my acid mine. I hear morale is a bit low down there.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
The difference in countries does come into play. I'm discussing this from the perspective of someone who lives in a well-armed and at times irrational country. It wouldn't seem prudent or worthwhile for you to teach a child about gun safety if they are incredibly uncommon in your country, does it? As much as I would rather they were less common here in the states, that doesn't make it so. And as much as I would prefer households with lots of children didn't contain an arsenal of deadly weapons, they do. In light of that, I don't see what is wrong with educating your child about the danger of guns at an appropriate age.
and may god bless Scotland
you're right.. if guns are so prevalent then education is the key... i agree... but as long as parents arent 'showing' their kids about guns at age 14... you know.. 'forcing' them... then fair enough.
After Dunblane i was embarrassed to be Scottish.. not now... we did and tried to do something about it... the US looks at many many many school shottings per year and it becomes a 'gun rights' issue... fuck their rights... where is the victims right to a life?
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
did you read that one? nobody replies to them on the MT...
americans and your guns.. you guys crack me up. "shucks, its mah right to bear arms"... yes it is... it was a right given to you by 12 old farts in an office over 200 years ago who had just fought a civil war... women couldnt vote, ships were made of trees and England had a fucking beard tax.... times move on... so should america...
A beard tax? What in the world was the reasoning behind that?
A beard tax? What in the world was the reasoning behind that?
Elizabeth I didn't like them.... but she had wooden teeth, so what does she know
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
So, it is acceptable to "hunt", and you should see the definition of hunting these days( sand above the feeder like a chickenshit), but not okay to own arms to defend yourself. I don't see them getting to gun laws that quickly, but at some point they may. I also may disagree then. The 2nd ammendment is more about owning firearms to defend oneself from a tyranical government.
I also think that some nations have been reluctant to invade US soil, since there could be armed citezens. Still, I have no problem with background checks-personally do not need an AK, Ar or anything like it. I wonder though if at some point perhaps a semi auto 30-06, or 7mm mag would be included in a ban? BTW, none anywhere NEAR my children-and yes when my daughter is 9 next year, I will take her to the gun range-I want her to see that guns are lethal weapons, not toys. I will not encourage her opinion either way, but she needs to see first hand what a firearm is capable of.
did you read that one? nobody replies to them on the MT...
americans and your guns.. you guys crack me up. "shucks, its mah right to bear arms"... yes it is... it was a right given to you by 12 old farts in an office over 200 years ago who had just fought a civil war... women couldnt vote, ships were made of trees and England had a fucking beard tax.... times move on... so should america...
the right to bear arms was put in place because the fore-fathers knew the potential for government to turn corrupt and tyrannical and that the American people should have a means to fight back if need be and ensure adherence to the constitution!! the 2nd amendment doesn't have shit to do with deer hunting!!
now all you slave minded people who enjoy being disarmed and like to rely on others to protect them...that's fine! but don't try and emasculate me as well.
you can't trust or rely on the police and they have no legal obligation to protect you!
the right to bear arms was put in place because the fore-fathers knew the potential for government to turn corrupt and tyrannical and that the American people should have a means to fight back if need be and ensure adherence to the constitution!! the 2nd amendment doesn't have shit to do with deer hunting!!
thanks for the laugh. the worlds most powerful army against 20 fat men from Iowa. american soldiers would most likely and very probably never turn its guns on its own people.
maybe 200+ years ago.. but not now.
its still funny though.
most of you couldnt fight sleep, never mind a tyrannical government
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
the right to bear arms was put in place because the fore-fathers knew the potential for government to turn corrupt and tyrannical and that the American people should have a means to fight back if need be and ensure adherence to the constitution!! the 2nd amendment doesn't have shit to do with deer hunting!!
now all you slave minded people who enjoy being disarmed and like to rely on others to protect them...that's fine! but don't try and emasculate me as well.
you can't trust or rely on the police and they have no legal obligation to protect you!
If the government turns corrupt and tyrannical, you really think having a gun is going to save you? Your gun is going to be about as useless as those words written on that piece of paper that you wave around if it ever comes to fruition.
Choosing to not own a gun is not being slave minded. I refuse to live in fear. If it happens then i'll probably just die a bit quicker than you, but if it ever comes to that we don't really have any quality of life anyway do we.
I am not anti gun. I respect the right for people to bear arms but i do think that there needs to be stricter laws in place regarding the purchasing and ownership of one. It also pisses me off when you say things like we like to rely on others to protect us. Says who? How is not owning a gun relying on others to protect me?
thanks for the laugh. the worlds most powerful army against 20 fat men from Iowa. american soldiers would most likely and very probably never turn its guns on its own people.
maybe 200+ years ago.. but not now.
its still funny though.
most of you couldnt fight sleep, never mind a tyrannical government
you mean like how a small group of farmers took down the world conquering British military?? and no they probably wouldn't turn their guns on Americans..that's why they will bring in foreign armies that will.
Don't get it twisted Dunk,there are plenty of able body fighters here in the US...and did you know only about 6% of the colonists actively participated in the revolutionary war.a small number of men fighting for freedom are able to take out a large number of men fighting for tyranny.
If the government turns corrupt and tyrannical, you really think having a gun is going to save you? Your gun is going to be about as useless as those words written on that piece of paper that you wave around if it ever comes to fruition.
Choosing to not own a gun is not being slave minded. I refuse to live in fear. If it happens then i'll probably just die a bit quicker than you, but if it ever comes to that we don't really have any quality of life anyway do we.
I am not anti gun. I respect the right for people to bear arms but i do think that there needs to be stricter laws in place regarding the purchasing and ownership of one. It also pisses me off when you say things like we like to rely on others to protect us. Says who? How is not owning a gun relying on others to protect me?
there are over 300 million people in this country and at least 1/3 of them are armed! 100 million citizen with don't really think that we pose no threat to an impending dictatorship? let me tell you something, if we didn't have all these guns we'd be a hell of a lot worse off as far as being subjugated by the scum in DC.that's why they have been trying to disarm us slowly but surely
gee if there are say 2 or 3 guys at your front door trying to break in and rape you or rob you or rob & rape you..what are you going to do? call the police (if you can) and cower and hide and pray they get there in time to save your ass!! that's how YOU RELY ON OTHERS TO PROTECT YOU! and that scenario happens every day in this country!! Now if you had auto shotgun or an AR-15 and knew how to use them you could defend yourself and avoid being raped,robbed or murdered (and relying on police for protection)
"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
-- Thomas Jefferson
" ... to disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
-- George Mason
"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
-- Patrick Henry
If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual State. In a single State, if the persons entrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.
-- Alexander Hamilton
I am not anti-gun, but this makes me cringe... This is all we need, thousands of more guns on the street purchased out of fear and anger.
Yep. I'd like to go a step further.
I have a suggestion for every goofball who thinks Obama will take their guns away: Get together somewhere with all the other people who padded their arsenals after Nov. 4. Have some drinks, cook some food; do whatever. Then, at the end of the night take your newly purchased guns and form a circular firing squad. Obama will come in and pry your guns from your cold, dead hands sometime afterwards.
It's ridiculous. Nobody is taking anybody else's guns. I have no problem with hunters. People whose freakout instinct involves heavily arming themselves make me nervous.
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
gee if there are say 2 or 3 guys at your front door trying to break in and rape you or rob you or rob & rape you..what are you going to do? call the police (if you can) and cower and hide and pray they get there in time to save your ass!! that's how YOU RELY ON OTHERS TO PROTECT YOU! and that scenario happens every day in this country!! Now if you had auto shotgun or an AR-15 and knew how to use them you could defend yourself and avoid being raped,robbed or murdered (and relying on police for protection)
I'll lock our doors, keep our mean assed looking dog close by, and if they want any of my possessions they can take them. Not real keen on the raping scenario, but if that ever happened, i doubt that any gun could save me because i wouldn't be walking around with it 24 7 anyway.
You know the one thing always strikes me as funny from the people who argue they need a gun for “personal protection”, most of them have never personally been mugged, had their house broken into by gun weilding thieves, or been a victim of crime. Most of them are gonna die from too many crappy but yummy cheeseburgers, smoking, fucked up driving, (and don't give me your argument about cars killing, i know that, but cars were not designed to kill. Guns were), stress of worrying about trivial things, (fear), booze, drugs, self destruction and so on. I have never gotten into a situation where my having a gun would have been the best option.
There is some kind of logical irony that people want guns to protect them from other people with guns. The gun makers are the only real winners here. So ok, i've been trying to understand the mind set that dictates it is necessary to have unrestricted access to guns to give people political power. Nobody has been able to explain it to me. The USA may have been the first democracy but it no longer has a monopoly on putting people in control of the government. However, we are pretty much the only country in which the concepts of democracy and the right to bear arms are inextricably linked. And holy crap, it's an absolute fact that usually reasonable people become so defensive whenever gun control is even mentioned.
The nearest I’ve come to an explanation is that the principle of bearing arms is an archaic notion–but that once this particular genie is out of the bottle it is damn impossible to put back.
I would be much more at ease if the ownership and carrying of guns was more tightly controlled. Not banned…just controlled. I'm not a hater, just want it safer.
you mean like how a small group of farmers took down the world conquering British military?? and no they probably wouldn't turn their guns on Americans..that's why they will bring in foreign armies that will.
Don't get it twisted Dunk,there are plenty of able body fighters here in the US...and did you know only about 6% of the colonists actively participated in the revolutionary war.a small number of men fighting for freedom are able to take out a large number of men fighting for tyranny.
yeah, as i previously stated that was over 200+ years ago. now correct me if i'm wrong but those farmers didnthave anti-tank missiles, tanks, jeeps, aircraft carriers, missiles, machine guns, grenades, muskets... oh wait they did have muskets... apache gunships, laser guided missiles, kevlar body armour, night vision, radar, cannons that toook 18 minutes to relaod... oh wait they did have them... etc etc etc
they wont bring in foreign armies that will shoot you all.. its not the fucking Death Star... ok you might get some hardcore mercenaries from piss poor countries... but you wont find the Argentinian army being drafted up to Denver to shoot Farmer Buck and his 7 kids.
there are over 300 million people in this country and at least 1/3 of them are armed! 100 million citizen with don't really think that we pose no threat to an impending dictatorship? let me tell you something, if we didn't have all these guns we'd be a hell of a lot worse off as far as being subjugated by the scum in DC.that's why they have been trying to disarm us slowly but surely
no i dont. that 100million people with guns will create anarchy... they will create (and i mean this hypothetically as it;ll never ever happen) a country where violence will win. I need bread, the guy along the road has 2 loaves... i'll just shoot him.
those 100million people dont have the same agenda, zero organisation, zero infrastructure.. you cant just take 100million people and say "we are fighting for this! you 20million attack here... this 10 million go there" you just dont have the facilities, know-how, weaponry, transportation, resources, etc... how do you feed those 100million? fuel? ammunition? this isnt War Games and you arent Matthew Broderick.
The US govt would hoard the oil, food, wepaonry, resources, media, etc... you're 100million people would have no idea what was going on... you'd fail 100%
gee if there are say 2 or 3 guys at your front door trying to break in and rape you or rob you or rob & rape you..what are you going to do? call the police (if you can) and cower and hide and pray they get there in time to save your ass!! that's how YOU RELY ON OTHERS TO PROTECT YOU! and that scenario happens every day in this country!! Now if you had auto shotgun or an AR-15 and knew how to use them you could defend yourself and avoid being raped,robbed or murdered (and relying on police for protection)
i'm just not thats scared buddy Happy Living in Fear Day though.
"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
-- Thomas Jefferson
" ... to disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
-- George Mason
"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
-- Patrick Henry
If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual State. In a single State, if the persons entrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.
-- Alexander Hamilton
Thomas Jefferson died 1826.. the same year Samuel Morey patents the internal combustion engine.
George Mason died 1792.. the same year Captain Robert Gray becomes the first white man to enter the Columbia River.
Patrick Henry died 1799... the same year that New York passes a law aimed at gradually abolishing slavery in the state.
Alexander Hamilton died in 1804.. the same year that The Cornishman Richard Trevithick's newly-built Penydarren steam locomotive becomes the world's first locomotive to work on rails
these are quite different times... living in fear and letting the 200+ year old quotes be the code in which you live that life seems absurd to me.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
yeah, as i previously stated that was over 200+ years ago. now correct me if i'm wrong but those farmers didnthave anti-tank missiles, tanks, jeeps, aircraft carriers, missiles, machine guns, grenades, muskets... oh wait they did have muskets... apache gunships, laser guided missiles, kevlar body armour, night vision, radar, cannons that toook 18 minutes to relaod... oh wait they did have them... etc etc etc
they wont bring in foreign armies that will shoot you all.. its not the fucking Death Star... ok you might get some hardcore mercenaries from piss poor countries... but you wont find the Argentinian army being drafted up to Denver to shoot Farmer Buck and his 7 kids.
no i dont. that 100million people with guns will create anarchy... they will create (and i mean this hypothetically as it;ll never ever happen) a country where violence will win. I need bread, the guy along the road has 2 loaves... i'll just shoot him.
those 100million people dont have the same agenda, zero organisation, zero infrastructure.. you cant just take 100million people and say "we are fighting for this! you 20million attack here... this 10 million go there" you just dont have the facilities, know-how, weaponry, transportation, resources, etc... how do you feed those 100million? fuel? ammunition? this isnt War Games and you arent Matthew Broderick.
The US govt would hoard the oil, food, wepaonry, resources, media, etc... you're 100million people would have no idea what was going on... you'd fail 100%
i'm just not thats scared buddy Happy Living in Fear Day though.
Thomas Jefferson died 1826.. the same year Samuel Morey patents the internal combustion engine.
George Mason died 1792.. the same year Captain Robert Gray becomes the first white man to enter the Columbia River.
Patrick Henry died 1799... the same year that New York passes a law aimed at gradually abolishing slavery in the state.
Alexander Hamilton died in 1804.. the same year that The Cornishman Richard Trevithick's newly-built Penydarren steam locomotive becomes the world's first locomotive to work on rails
these are quite different times... living in fear and letting the 200+ year old quotes be the code in which you live that life seems absurd to me.
no one is living in fear..certainly not me! being a student of history i know that tyrants will always be around and it will require patriots to always be around as well to preserve our freedom.
and any weapons that the military could use on citizens can be taken and turned against them with the help of smaller arms.(i pray it never gets to that point...but in this world we live in never really know)
and the fact that these men died 100's of years ago is totally irrelevant! much of what they say is very pertinent to today's world/situation.
so do you think everyone in the world should have their guns taken away except police and military??!! do you think that they can be trusted as sole controllers?! I sure the fuck don't!!!
that works on all 2 levels... which is the highest amount of levels a gun freak can compute... any more than that and they buy Finland's Greatest Hits.
See, I don't have kids and use my guns strictly to keep other people's kids off my lawn.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Wait, you're saying there's more than one level?
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
what do you loathe more, jazz or jizz?
you make it seem like 12 year olds are worth 3 points!
EDIT: Um, did I say that?
Well yeah, but once you get the head mounted above the mantle, they are worth 5.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Yes. Ignorance is clearly the best policy. Make sure you don't teach them about any other threatening things.
I'm not saying give your child a gun. That would be/is fairly retarded. I'm saying if you own guns, and you have them in the house, instead of letting them stumble upon it and learn a lesson the hard way, when the appropriate age comes, educate your children.
And what's your problem with jazz?
I like jazz more than guns.
i'd agree.. a man's lawn is his castle.. i should know.. i live in a castle... and Tiger Forrest or wahtever he's called plays on my lawn... but i still try and shoot him
jazz. jizz gave me 2 great kids. jazz gives me a soft-off
its not ignorance... i dont live in a country that has to contemplate the need to show kids how to use a gun... ergo i'd rather show them fun stuff.... AIDS is a threatening thing... should i teach my 6 year old about that? what about heroin? terrorism?
kids are kids... let them be such.
don't tell eyedclaar about your kids. He may think they're worth 15 points, that crazy bastard.
That's a bit of a straw man argument there. Ignore the appropriate age part--largely subjective as it is--and you get this response.
Teaching six year olds about AIDS does not equate to teaching a fourteen or fifteen year old what a gun is or how to ensure that the safety is on. It doesn't equate telling four year olds about terrorism or discussing the medicinal qualities of marijuana with a giraffe or any other non-sense you can come up with.
The difference in countries does come into play. I'm discussing this from the perspective of someone who lives in a well-armed and at times irrational country. It wouldn't seem prudent or worthwhile for you to teach a child about gun safety if they are incredibly uncommon in your country, does it? As much as I would rather they were less common here in the states, that doesn't make it so. And as much as I would prefer households with lots of children didn't contain an arsenal of deadly weapons, they do. In light of that, I don't see what is wrong with educating your child about the danger of guns at an appropriate age.
haven't you ever heard of recycling?
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Dunk's kids would be worth 100 points, but on the off-chance that they grow up to be half as amusing as their old man, I think I'll just kidnap them and put them to work in my acid mine. I hear morale is a bit low down there.
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and may god bless Scotland
you're right.. if guns are so prevalent then education is the key... i agree... but as long as parents arent 'showing' their kids about guns at age 14... you know.. 'forcing' them... then fair enough.
After Dunblane i was embarrassed to be Scottish.. not now... we did and tried to do something about it... the US looks at many many many school shottings per year and it becomes a 'gun rights' issue... fuck their rights... where is the victims right to a life?
A beard tax? What in the world was the reasoning behind that?
Elizabeth I didn't like them.... but she had wooden teeth, so what does she know
I also think that some nations have been reluctant to invade US soil, since there could be armed citezens. Still, I have no problem with background checks-personally do not need an AK, Ar or anything like it. I wonder though if at some point perhaps a semi auto 30-06, or 7mm mag would be included in a ban? BTW, none anywhere NEAR my children-and yes when my daughter is 9 next year, I will take her to the gun range-I want her to see that guns are lethal weapons, not toys. I will not encourage her opinion either way, but she needs to see first hand what a firearm is capable of.
How can you not like shit like this?
the right to bear arms was put in place because the fore-fathers knew the potential for government to turn corrupt and tyrannical and that the American people should have a means to fight back if need be and ensure adherence to the constitution!! the 2nd amendment doesn't have shit to do with deer hunting!!
now all you slave minded people who enjoy being disarmed and like to rely on others to protect them...that's fine! but don't try and emasculate me as well.
you can't trust or rely on the police and they have no legal obligation to protect you!
thanks for the laugh. the worlds most powerful army against 20 fat men from Iowa. american soldiers would most likely and very probably never turn its guns on its own people.
maybe 200+ years ago.. but not now.
its still funny though.
most of you couldnt fight sleep, never mind a tyrannical government
Choosing to not own a gun is not being slave minded. I refuse to live in fear. If it happens then i'll probably just die a bit quicker than you, but if it ever comes to that we don't really have any quality of life anyway do we.
I am not anti gun. I respect the right for people to bear arms but i do think that there needs to be stricter laws in place regarding the purchasing and ownership of one. It also pisses me off when you say things like we like to rely on others to protect us. Says who? How is not owning a gun relying on others to protect me?
you mean like how a small group of farmers took down the world conquering British military?? and no they probably wouldn't turn their guns on Americans..that's why they will bring in foreign armies that will.
Don't get it twisted Dunk,there are plenty of able body fighters here in the US...and did you know only about 6% of the colonists actively participated in the revolutionary war.a small number of men fighting for freedom are able to take out a large number of men fighting for tyranny.
there are over 300 million people in this country and at least 1/3 of them are armed! 100 million citizen with don't really think that we pose no threat to an impending dictatorship? let me tell you something, if we didn't have all these guns we'd be a hell of a lot worse off as far as being subjugated by the scum in DC.that's why they have been trying to disarm us slowly but surely
gee if there are say 2 or 3 guys at your front door trying to break in and rape you or rob you or rob & rape you..what are you going to do? call the police (if you can) and cower and hide and pray they get there in time to save your ass!! that's how YOU RELY ON OTHERS TO PROTECT YOU! and that scenario happens every day in this country!! Now if you had auto shotgun or an AR-15 and knew how to use them you could defend yourself and avoid being raped,robbed or murdered (and relying on police for protection)
"What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"No Free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
-- Thomas Jefferson
" ... to disarm the people - that was the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
-- George Mason
"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
-- Patrick Henry
If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government, and which against the usurpations of the national rulers may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success than against those of the rulers of an individual State. In a single State, if the persons entrusted with supreme power become usurpers, the different parcels, subdivisions, or districts of which it consists, having no distinct government in each, can take no regular measures for defense. The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair.
-- Alexander Hamilton
Yep. I'd like to go a step further.
I have a suggestion for every goofball who thinks Obama will take their guns away: Get together somewhere with all the other people who padded their arsenals after Nov. 4. Have some drinks, cook some food; do whatever. Then, at the end of the night take your newly purchased guns and form a circular firing squad. Obama will come in and pry your guns from your cold, dead hands sometime afterwards.
It's ridiculous. Nobody is taking anybody else's guns. I have no problem with hunters. People whose freakout instinct involves heavily arming themselves make me nervous.
You know the one thing always strikes me as funny from the people who argue they need a gun for “personal protection”, most of them have never personally been mugged, had their house broken into by gun weilding thieves, or been a victim of crime. Most of them are gonna die from too many crappy but yummy cheeseburgers, smoking, fucked up driving, (and don't give me your argument about cars killing, i know that, but cars were not designed to kill. Guns were), stress of worrying about trivial things, (fear), booze, drugs, self destruction and so on. I have never gotten into a situation where my having a gun would have been the best option.
There is some kind of logical irony that people want guns to protect them from other people with guns. The gun makers are the only real winners here. So ok, i've been trying to understand the mind set that dictates it is necessary to have unrestricted access to guns to give people political power. Nobody has been able to explain it to me. The USA may have been the first democracy but it no longer has a monopoly on putting people in control of the government. However, we are pretty much the only country in which the concepts of democracy and the right to bear arms are inextricably linked. And holy crap, it's an absolute fact that usually reasonable people become so defensive whenever gun control is even mentioned.
The nearest I’ve come to an explanation is that the principle of bearing arms is an archaic notion–but that once this particular genie is out of the bottle it is damn impossible to put back.
I would be much more at ease if the ownership and carrying of guns was more tightly controlled. Not banned…just controlled. I'm not a hater, just want it safer.
yeah, as i previously stated that was over 200+ years ago. now correct me if i'm wrong but those farmers didnthave anti-tank missiles, tanks, jeeps, aircraft carriers, missiles, machine guns, grenades, muskets... oh wait they did have muskets... apache gunships, laser guided missiles, kevlar body armour, night vision, radar, cannons that toook 18 minutes to relaod... oh wait they did have them... etc etc etc
they wont bring in foreign armies that will shoot you all.. its not the fucking Death Star... ok you might get some hardcore mercenaries from piss poor countries... but you wont find the Argentinian army being drafted up to Denver to shoot Farmer Buck and his 7 kids.
no i dont. that 100million people with guns will create anarchy... they will create (and i mean this hypothetically as it;ll never ever happen) a country where violence will win. I need bread, the guy along the road has 2 loaves... i'll just shoot him.
those 100million people dont have the same agenda, zero organisation, zero infrastructure.. you cant just take 100million people and say "we are fighting for this! you 20million attack here... this 10 million go there" you just dont have the facilities, know-how, weaponry, transportation, resources, etc... how do you feed those 100million? fuel? ammunition? this isnt War Games and you arent Matthew Broderick.
The US govt would hoard the oil, food, wepaonry, resources, media, etc... you're 100million people would have no idea what was going on... you'd fail 100%
i'm just not thats scared buddy
Thomas Jefferson died 1826.. the same year Samuel Morey patents the internal combustion engine.
George Mason died 1792.. the same year Captain Robert Gray becomes the first white man to enter the Columbia River.
Patrick Henry died 1799... the same year that New York passes a law aimed at gradually abolishing slavery in the state.
Alexander Hamilton died in 1804.. the same year that The Cornishman Richard Trevithick's newly-built Penydarren steam locomotive becomes the world's first locomotive to work on rails
these are quite different times... living in fear and letting the 200+ year old quotes be the code in which you live that life seems absurd to me.
no one is living in fear..certainly not me! being a student of history i know that tyrants will always be around and it will require patriots to always be around as well to preserve our freedom.
and any weapons that the military could use on citizens can be taken and turned against them with the help of smaller arms.(i pray it never gets to that point...but in this world we live in never really know)
and the fact that these men died 100's of years ago is totally irrelevant! much of what they say is very pertinent to today's world/situation.
so do you think everyone in the world should have their guns taken away except police and military??!! do you think that they can be trusted as sole controllers?! I sure the fuck don't!!!
yeah i don't think so..unless your talking about innocent Iraqi citizens being shot my US troops...then 21,000 is a very small figure.