I hope you motherfuckers are right

I recall reading a story in the days after the 2004 election about Vincent D'Onofrio, the "Law and Order" guy, and how he was so depressed about Bush's re-election that he couldn't even go into work for a month.
I thought, at the time, that he was kind of being an overemotional imbecile. I woke up this morning, however, kind of sympathizing with him -- and with the rest of you who figured four more years of Bush meant the end of the world as we knew it.
I'm not feeling quite as melodramatic as Vince was back in '04. Perhaps, since there's been a feel of inevitability about an Obama win for at least the past month, I'd grown used to the idea. It wasn't like I was blindsided.
However, I can say that, after this election of "hope" and "changed:" The only thing that has changed is an increase in my hopelessness. As the father of a 2-month-old, I worry about what her world will be like for the next four (or eight) years.
I am worried Obama's extreme environmental policies are going to cause my gas and electric bills to skyrocket. Again, even if he doesn't raise my taxes ... well, this has the same net effect.
I am worried Obama's tax plans are going to cost my family money, if not directly (and simply allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will cost me $4,000. without Obama lifting a finger) then indirectly. Even if he only overtaxes The Rich ... well, The Rich are the people who pay my salary and sell me groceries ... so, it still affects me.
I am worried Obama's I'm-okay, you're-okay foreign policy will take us back to a time when it was easy to terrorize on American soil. Say what you want about Bush -- and you have plenty of legitimate fodder -- the one thing he was good at, since 9/11, was keeping shit from blowing up on this side of the pond.
But, now, after all that, I get to my point. The incendiary nature of this thread title aside, I really mean it:
I hope you Obama motherfuckers are right. From the bottom of my heart, I hope that.
Unlike some folks, I don't think of politics as game, where my team needs to beat your team. Obama won the election. If he sucks, we're all losers. If he succeeds, we're all winners.
I want him to succeed. I need him to succeed.
So, I hope I am wrong about everything I believe. I hope the worldview under which I've existed for my entire life is shattered.
It's an odd feeling: I hope, sincerely, that everything I know is wrong. And that all you other motherfuckers are right.
Today, it's the only thing keeping me from pulling a D'Onofrio.
I thought, at the time, that he was kind of being an overemotional imbecile. I woke up this morning, however, kind of sympathizing with him -- and with the rest of you who figured four more years of Bush meant the end of the world as we knew it.
I'm not feeling quite as melodramatic as Vince was back in '04. Perhaps, since there's been a feel of inevitability about an Obama win for at least the past month, I'd grown used to the idea. It wasn't like I was blindsided.
However, I can say that, after this election of "hope" and "changed:" The only thing that has changed is an increase in my hopelessness. As the father of a 2-month-old, I worry about what her world will be like for the next four (or eight) years.
I am worried Obama's extreme environmental policies are going to cause my gas and electric bills to skyrocket. Again, even if he doesn't raise my taxes ... well, this has the same net effect.
I am worried Obama's tax plans are going to cost my family money, if not directly (and simply allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire will cost me $4,000. without Obama lifting a finger) then indirectly. Even if he only overtaxes The Rich ... well, The Rich are the people who pay my salary and sell me groceries ... so, it still affects me.
I am worried Obama's I'm-okay, you're-okay foreign policy will take us back to a time when it was easy to terrorize on American soil. Say what you want about Bush -- and you have plenty of legitimate fodder -- the one thing he was good at, since 9/11, was keeping shit from blowing up on this side of the pond.
But, now, after all that, I get to my point. The incendiary nature of this thread title aside, I really mean it:
I hope you Obama motherfuckers are right. From the bottom of my heart, I hope that.
Unlike some folks, I don't think of politics as game, where my team needs to beat your team. Obama won the election. If he sucks, we're all losers. If he succeeds, we're all winners.
I want him to succeed. I need him to succeed.
So, I hope I am wrong about everything I believe. I hope the worldview under which I've existed for my entire life is shattered.
It's an odd feeling: I hope, sincerely, that everything I know is wrong. And that all you other motherfuckers are right.
Today, it's the only thing keeping me from pulling a D'Onofrio.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
for the least they could possibly do
Post edited by Unknown User on
he sucked BAD and now look, we all suck BAD...
like gabers said, no where to go but up
The Sentence Above Is False
Grow some balls.
Seriously, we're all gonna die someday. Take it one day at a time. Rely on your intuition, not your primitive inner fears.
Dude, come on, I'm sure your a nice guy but you just had 8 years of the worst US President in the history of the nation. Give me a break, your just now getting worried? No matter what, unless your rich, Obama will be better than the fuckin Republicans and if you don't know that by now then you got bigger problems at hand.
Hey, this is such a beautiful post... I totally understand your point and even if I am an obama supporter I share your same hopes and fears for you and all the world, because believe me... I am really scared by a disappointment right now.... a disapponitment at this time will really have terrible consequences not only for you americans but for the whole world...
But let me just tell you this.... if obama succeeds with his environmental issue, I mean if he really succeeds in the way we hope, you won't have your bills growing, because what will really make your bills growing is oil pick and the big oil speculation that is right now in front of our eyes. A successful alternative energy plan has exactly the opposite goal, to have more clean and cheap energy for all, and your two month old baby will have the chance to live in a more healthy planet. IF Obama will succeed, to me, means exactly this and this is what I most hope. As for your taxes.... maybe I have to admit that rising taxes can have a certain impact, but it depends on what you get in exchange. If you get more social service, more free health care, better education for your kid in return, if you get the economic crisis and the house loans problem to get a solution also by tax rising... wouldn't you see it as a good deal? I personally would. It all depends on how things are managed. And here also I hope you won't be disappointed.
I just wish you and your baby a better world, whatever it happens.
i'm always right afterall i'm a NY'ker but really dude get tough and show support like evrone else has stated we can't get much lower can we ? ..
I want him to succeed. I need him to succeed.
we all do.
and yes, i supported him...but you bet i will be disappointed and hold him accountable if he doesn't set in motion much of what he ran on.
such differing perspectives. when bush got elected, i was horrified. when he got reelected i was beyond disgusted, and yes....fearful for what it meant. no the world did not end, but sweet bejeebus we'v gone to hell in a handbasket. i have a new-found hope for the future.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
i woke up the day after the election and was depressed and ashamed of my country...while "history" was being made that the first black president was elected in the united states
all i could think about was man, noone looked into this guys policies or background, well they just didnt care, they just wanted to make history
this guys has done nothing, absolutely nothing, but make great speeches...he has no background, no experience, shady associations...what qualifies him to be president besides fake hope and change?
noone cared about anything other than the speeches...
no we have an all democratic house and senate and a liberal president with Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid at the helm...all who had a lower approval rating that Bush did and they are all back for more destruction
Rahm Emanuel has been chosen and the cards are on the table..things are going to be what i thought they would be with Obama and its only been two days
i just hope you "motherf*ckers are right" too
If you have the self-confidence and ability to reason intelligently nothing's going to change enough to make matters any worse. You can start by not allowing the fear mongers into your life. Almost everything you read, see or hear on TV and the Internet is absolute bullshit.
Once you learn to reason and adapt nothing should scare you.
My family has been farming for 100 years and we've learned how to react to almost all challenges the different governments have thrown at us.
Stay prepared not scared.
1. As a parent, regardless of who the President is, you will always worry about your family, that's part of your responsibility.
2. The utility companies have already received approval to raise their rates for the upcoming winter. If you're not sure, call your local utility provider. It's no different from what you have already seen in the price increases for your daily living requirements, when you go the grocery store, the price of pampers, baby food, etc. How about those co-pays for the trip to the doctor for that 2-month old, health plans have already posted their increase, hell, Blue Cross/Blue Shield is going up 13%.
3. There will still be a sizable deduction for dependents and married couples. Its the single people that will take a hit, in fact they always take a hit. The wealthy will always be wealthy an Obama tax on the wealthy will not stop them from finding ways to generate money.
4. You must be forgetting about Oklahoma City bombing, the bombing in Atlanta, GA during the Olympics and the mailing of anthrax, all terrorist acts, all committed by home grown Americans on American soil.
A new baby generates a lot of anxiety, add on top of that the poor state of our economy; a person can easily become overwhelmed on how they are going to make it through these tough times. Don't use Obama as an excuse to do something stupid because everything you brought up has happened under the Bush Administration. You need to step back and do the best you can to keep your family moving ahead. If you don't you're the only motherfucker to blame.
Honestly, I don't know if this is true. It can't get worse? Really? I mean, by the according to Hoyle definition, we haven't even hit a recession yet. It can get worse.
I did hug a black person. Who turned out to me Mike Tyson. He punched me and threatened to eat my children ... I wonder if I still get a child tax credit if that happens?
for the least they could possibly do
and do you truly believe that a recession will be the 'fault' of an obama presidency? there is so much more in the works here. bottomline, sure, you can adopt a 'sky is falling' mentality...but what good will that do you or your family? he WILL be our next president, period. so sure....even if he was not who you desired, try and be a bit optimistic about the future. overall, much in your own life is a question of your own mindset, pov.......choose to be hopeful. it may pay off, and if it doesn't....well, being miserable and fearful now would not change that outcome either. hope feels a whole lot better though.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
You're right, it could be worse.
Tyson could have raped you.
To your original point though, you're not alone. It's either cynical or optimistic for me to assure that things aren't going to change too much. I'm not sure which it is, but it's certainly the truth.
When you look at Obama's stances and the policies he looks to put forward, they're not crushingly different. Repealing the Bush tax cuts isn't going to take food out of your family's mouth or clothes off your back. Obama's energy policies don't look too jarringly different than McCain's would. If anything, they seek the same ends, they're just slightly more defined. And as for foreign policy, we're still buddy-buddy with Israel, we're still wary of Pakistan, we're still good with the Patriot Act. The military industrial complex will be fed just as well under Obama as it would have under McCain.
Whether some of those things are good things or bad things is a personal opinion and I don't think this is the thread to delve into them, but they're still pretty similar to what we've had going.
Good post. I think about correct too.
Do you know what fed this 'Change'?
The past 8 years.
Maybe if Bush supporters would have questioned his decisions, instead of agreeing and making excuses for him, the outcome would have been different. It's not so much that we WANTED Obama... it was more likely because we didn't want more George W. Bush.
Hail, Hail!!!
I hope you take the opportunity to listen to this news conference because it good provide you some piece of mind while you await January 20, 2009.