Want to fix this country?

One simple solution.
Term limits for everyone. Two consecutive terms for everyone from the President down to a Mayor of some town of 200. I should run, I'm brilliant.
Problem solved.
Term limits for everyone. Two consecutive terms for everyone from the President down to a Mayor of some town of 200. I should run, I'm brilliant.
Problem solved.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I agree. I also feel we would benefit from a Parlimentary style government.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
the problem with america is that it is not unified in what they are as a people - a big part of that is ignorance ... if people had an equal understanding of issues - it's much easier to build consensus ...
america is essentially a dichotomy that has people seeing the world thru their conventional party lines ... this ultimately makes the country divided which means that any solution to a problem will either be supported by one group and not by the other ...
any country that is successful in anything is so because collectively the populace believes in the problem and is willing to contribute to the solution ... we could solve almost any problem in the US if you could just get the population to a) accept there is a problem and b) agree to the solution ...
You're right. The two parties are dividing the country even further. Now moreso with media outlets that serve the agendas of both sides as well.
absolutely ... really, you can see it evident on this board ...
iraq is a great example: pre-war people fell along party lines but once we start seeing it for what it is - there is general consensus here that the war was a bad decision ... what is needed is that there has to be that kind of understanding of issues that is objective by everyone ... take any issue out there short of abortion and we could probably come to a consensus as long as everyone understands it through all relevant perspectives ...
Most of the problems that these morons use to justify their power are insoluble. Attempting to fix any single problem coercively only diverts resources away from other problems, creating new problems or worsening others.
It said "Life is nothing but a dream."
I've spent so many years in question
To find I'd known this all along.
hence my point about a collective understanding - fixing anything coercively doesn't work which is what is happening now ...
You will never have a collective understanding because all of the problems are subjective especially when pocketbooks are involved.
not true ... people can have a bias based on selfish reasons but given an objective understanding of any issue - i believe a decisive consensus can be reached by most of the population ...
of course people can agree that something is bad, but how then do you collectively prioritize all of the bad? How do you commit to solving a problem collectively without taking away resources from other problems?
I agree that would go a long way.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
well ... prioritizing is based on severity of the problem and resources available ... that is secondary ...
the bigger obstacle is getting everyone to see that there is a problem ... and to all see it with the same information ...
Do you realize the with term Limits... John McCain would have been out of politics in 1996?
And we already have term limits... they are called 'Elections'. it's not the politicians fault... it is the VOTER's fault we have people who serve life terms in office.
How about we get off the shitter and do something to get the incumbants out?
Hail, Hail!!!
Your point being?
It is two consecutive terms. They would be eligible to run again after that third term is skipped.
my point being...
WE are the ones responsible for hiring these politicians that WE give a 12% approval rating to. 12%!!! These guys need to improve 400% to achieve an F- Grade... yet.... WE continually give them their jobs back.
And we have Term Limits here in California and guess what happens? The SAME fucking assholes get elected to different offices. Attorney General runs for State Controller who runs for Insurance Commissioner who runs for Treasurer who runs for Lt. Governor. so, instead of incompetence in one office... they spread their incompetence around to every office.
WE are the ones at fault for continually re-hiring these people... and what you say... the SAME fucking people will get a 2 or 4 year vacation in the middle of their term. WE are the ones who need to improve. Instead of complaining about Congress... then, re-hiring them... How about we actually fucking DO something about it?
Me? Anyone with incumbant is not getting my vote... regardless of the name... regardless of the party.
Hail, Hail!!!
What this fucking country needs is a goddamn VOTER REVOLUTION. All it would take is ONE or TWO elections... where EVERY INCUMBANT is booted on his fucking ASS!!! No mater what the name (Clinton, Kennedy, Warner, McCain, etc...)... not matter what the seniority... no matter what the party. Incumbant = UNEMPLOYED.
A couple of Elections like that, where we FINALLY DO something instead of our usual incessant complaining... and those fuckers will get the message and maybe get some fucking work done, for a change.
But, WE... the PEOPLE... will have to drop all of this Red/Blue partisan political BULLSHIT and quit playing into the politician's hands... the illiterate populous. That's how these fucking assholes get away with a 12% approval rating... another term... and continued pay raises!!!
Imagine getting a 12% on your Performace Review at work... and your boss doesn't fire your ass... he gives you a raise. You would think your boss is an idiot, right? Would you quit because of your poor Job Performance? NO... you aren't stupid, right? These... Public EMPLOYEES are there because of the incompetence of the American VOTER. They're not the stupid ones... WE are.
Hail, Hail!!!
EDIT - I didn't see Cosmo's post, but I do agree with it.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.