Michael Moore on Larry King Live Tonight!

Michael Moore will be Larry's sole guest for the majority of the hour. Michael will be interviewed live on location with a group of plumbers who support Barack Obama.
Don't miss Mike with "Plumbers for Obama" on Larry King Live tonight (Thursday, October 23rd) at 9:00 PM ET/6:00 PM PT on CNN (replay at midnight ET/9:00 PM PT and 3:00 AM ET/midnight PT).
Tune in tonight and plumb the vote on November 4th.
Don't miss Mike with "Plumbers for Obama" on Larry King Live tonight (Thursday, October 23rd) at 9:00 PM ET/6:00 PM PT on CNN (replay at midnight ET/9:00 PM PT and 3:00 AM ET/midnight PT).
Tune in tonight and plumb the vote on November 4th.
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I hate him a lot.
I'd watch but I'd rather stick needles in my eyes.
I would love to see him on Nancy Grace.........
I have decided that she is a bitch.......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
He is fully supporting Obama... he has since the primaries.. this is why he is going on with a bunch of plumbers.. "Plumbers for Obama".
If you have never seen anything by him you really shuold take this time to see some of his very movies.
I love, love, love Michael Moore!
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Plumbers for Obama. LOL. That's one of the main reasons I like Michael Moore. He has a great way of getting his point across while being funny at the same time. His movies are great, including Roger and Me. I don't understand the "hate" people express for him. I can understand if you disagree with him or if you don't like his sometimes ambush style interviews (which I personally love) but I don't get when people "hate" him. I think most of it is partisanship. He makes a movie about the dangers of guns and school shootings, couple years later we have the biggest school shooting tragedy in U.S. history. (Virginia Tech) He makes a movie about the mishandling of Iraq after 9/11, couple years later we see how we were lied to about Iraq and how poorly the war has been conducted since 2003. He makes a movie about the poor health care system in this country, something that affects people of any party affiliation, and people still give him shit. Oh well, I'll still watch and listen to what he has to say.
people are just scared of him because he's actually finding the truth and they don't want to believe it. For people to say they hate him is plain ignorance all he has done is make movies that you may not agree with and probably haven't even seen yet...
LA 7-9-06
Can't wait to add more shows...
For me I hate him not due to any partisanship at all. I think he is a jackass. I think all he cares about is himself and he loves the attention.
I love documentaries. I thought Roger and Me was pretty decent. I though Bowling for Columbine was terrible done and so slanted (despite the fact that I am for more gun control)...I thought F 9/11 was the worst yet. I think he's nothing more than another O'Reilly, Hannity, Olbermann, etc...piecing together stuypid nonsense to try and make a point.
I haven't seen the health care movie yet so I have no comment.
Finding the truth? I disagree, he creates his own reality and plays it off as the truth.
Plain ignorance, not at all. I think he's bastardized what a true documentary should be, I think he's a self-centered jackass.
Hell, like I said, I agree with his overall stance on gun control...and yet I hated Bowling...it was such a childish tantrum type documentary...like F 9/11.
Well that's your opinion which I highly disagree with and so do many other people. F 9/11 was the highest grossing documentary of all time. Obviously he's doing something right. All his movies make good points. You may not agree with them but they're still good points. Again, he was able to foresee the school shooting/gun control crisis and the lies and mishandling of the Iraq war. The fact that you lump Olbermann with Hannity and O'Reilly is laughable. I will say, no matter how slanted any of them may be, they all have made at least one good point so you shouldn't just dismiss them. We're all entitled to our opinions though.
Hate him or love him, at least he gets average people talking about issues.
It can't be the highest grossing documentary because it was a movie...not a documentary...but that's a matter of opinion.
You seruiuosly don't see that Olbermann is O'reilly with a D next to his name instead of a R? Now that is partisanship my friend.
Like I said, I agree with the gun control message of Bowling...I dislike his way of going about it. And I dislike how much time he spends infront of his camera.
And I will disregard just about everything Olbermann, Hannity, and O'Reilly says, cuase even if they say something worthwhile, it's surrounded by 30 minutes of BS and not worht the time.
His documentaries always offer a different point of view than the mainstream media and I appreciate that. The four corporations that control our information is alarming imho. And MM at least has the balls to show something different.
There are many other documentaries that do this as well, but MM snarky humor works and brings it to a pop culture level (just like all our news these days). It makes it more palatable to watch - whether that is a good thing or not is debatable.
But I'm all for all points of view getting out there so we can make up our own minds.
lol, childish, but funny. i've never heard anyone refer to him this way.
definition of documentary from answers.com:
"A work, such as a FILM or television program, presenting political, social, or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration."
Not opinion....FACT. A film is a movie as you know.
Here ya go Cincy...read it and weep
I guess the people at boxofficemojo and washingtonpost are slanted in favor of Michael Moore. Oh and I forgot to mention Sicko and Bowling are also on the current top-10 list. Michael Moore is a BADASS. Period.
To answer your question, yes I "seruiuosly" don't think Olbermann should not be lumped with Hannity or O'Reily. I never assumed any of their party affiliations. My point was that Hannity and O'Reilly have made NUMEROUS mistakes in their reporting, nowhere near Olbermann. Usually those mistakes are a result of their PARTISAN slant towards the right. Other times it's just their stupidity like the other night when O'Reilly said 1998 was 20 years ago. Obviously it was 10. I would say that Olbermann is more of a "liberal" reporter, but so is anybody else compared to most of the guys over at FixedNews. There's no partisanship on my part at all. I said earlier you can read it...they all make good points sometimes and they all say things that are true. Of course you, or I won't agree with everything they say, that's not realistic. You should at least give Olbermann a chance, instead of just dismissing him. Have you ever watched his show? I've seen some of your posts you might actually like and agree with some of the things he has to say just like I agree with SOME of the things you have to say. Doesn't mean I will ignore you or automatically dismiss your point of view.
Olbermann is biased and admittedly so.
The big difference between Hannity, Bill O and KO. KO tends to use little things like "facts" to backup his commentary. Pesky facts don't get in the way of Hannity and Bill O
Absolutely. Again like I said, how could you not be biased against FoxNoise? They make anyone by comparison look liberal.
I did think the universal healthcare thing was a good one.............
and that was actually shown to me by fellow fans here.........
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
yeah, forgive me for saying this; to all who agree with a lot of his other points, (that is Michael Moore), but I think it is disrespectful for so many people to be able to get in the press, film, whatever and constantly badger someone they are against politically. Freedom of speech is fine but it is overdone and rudely done a lot of the time.
but yes, sicko was very good I also thought.......and not so over the top as you say..........
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
That's just his style though. I don't see a problem with it as long as he's not breaking any laws and he's within his rights. When you do some of the fucked up things the people whom he has confronted do, he doesn't have to play nice. Just don't break the law. I will say that he would probably receive more support if he wasn't so confrontational sometimes but that's his thing. Like I said before, three of his documentaries are in the top 10 of highest grossing docs so I think he's doing ok.
yeah, kind of like reality tv, we all love to be entertained.....and some of it teaches us as well...........
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
Right. Personally I like the combination of humor and information I get from watching his movies. Sometimes that includes him getting in people's faces.
the fact that f 9/11 grossed a lot of money doesn't mean it's true and not slanted. Perhaps half of the people who paid money to see the movie did not agree with it at all. And it's perfectly appropriate to lump him in with olberman, hannity etc... they're all filthy rich, all have huge egos, all are in it for money to a large degree, all have the money and name to say what they want.
they are all millionaires...yes, i'm sure their intentions are not 100% about greed and ego, but do you think that michael moore is really in it for the interest of everyone else when he charges 30,000 for appearance fees? He's just given a pass on appearing greedy b/c he bucks the system with his movies and it's ok, that he makes millions b/c he says bush is bad, guns are bad, repubs are bad...in his defense he does make people talk about issues, regardless if he makes up facts or twists things around to suit his agenda.
the rest of them called me and told me they were in it for the money. I'm not jaded, i'm a realist...same reason that mccain and obama really aren't that different...why would anyone spend millions to get a job that pays 400,000? Do you believe their motives are totally altruistic and for the good of others? to subject yourself and your families to that kind of scrutiny makes you either a saint or an egomaniac...i'll go with the latter