Robbery Case Brings Cries of Racism..

Hello to ya all...
It was December of 2006 when this happened. A patient, Cali Prop 215, who apparently was growing his herb, was a victim of a home invasion. These three men came into the residence of this patient, beat the hell out of the son of the patient, as well as a girlfriend.. The victim shot at the assailants and inadvertantly killed two of these suspects...Ironically, the third assailant is being tried for murder under a great deal of scrutiny. The crime is being be noted as a race case. Here's the article.
the remainder of the article can be found here...
It was December of 2006 when this happened. A patient, Cali Prop 215, who apparently was growing his herb, was a victim of a home invasion. These three men came into the residence of this patient, beat the hell out of the son of the patient, as well as a girlfriend.. The victim shot at the assailants and inadvertantly killed two of these suspects...Ironically, the third assailant is being tried for murder under a great deal of scrutiny. The crime is being be noted as a race case. Here's the article.
By JULIANA BARBASSA Associated Press Writer
LAKEPORT, Calif. Nov 16, 2007 (AP)
Three young black men break into a white man's home in rural Northern California. The homeowner shoots two of them to death but it's the surviving black man who is charged with murder.
In a case that has brought cries of racism from civil rights groups, Renato Hughes Jr., 22, was charged by prosecutors in this overwhelmingly white county under a rarely invoked legal doctrine that could make him responsible for the bloodshed.
the remainder of the article can be found here...
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
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Post edited by Unknown User on
I might add, this is the same court that has given gratis to those who are deserving to be recognized. The overall atmosphere is punitive here and let me tell ya, they like to lock away everyone and throw away the key. I have sit in the court many times recently and have watched the judge and court officials show great consideration to all races...
Apparently the youth were visiting in the county near Xmas holiday...Why does someone wanna invite trouble for a visit? Beats the hell out of me..
I think he is looking at life in prison...
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
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It was a crime of violence and the victim defended himself and his loved ones. Nothing dishonorable there, no matter how you might twist it.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
But, if Edwards, was growing indoors and his grow was reaching maturity, well, ya know, the nose always can lead you to a good crop...but like I say this is my specualtion. Nobody in my community will talk about this...
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
as for the charge, it will likely be lowered to a manslaughter charge. but considering there's already Burglary violent, assault, etc etc, he's still probably going to get a good amount of time in prison. which he deserves.
It is in the article posted for this thread.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
For most, getting 'ahead' may seem impossible unless they resort to violence or breaking the law in other ways -which they have seen solve just about any number of conflicts on tv, at the movies, in real life with Washington's wars. It is ingrained early, violence solves problems and money is a measure of success.
They broke the law, dont get me wrong, but why they did it is predictable. things like this are a product of our society-it is why the US incarcerates more people per capita than any country on the planet, we have more people involved in this sort of activity, more people getting caught.
It is inevitable. things like this are guaranteed to happen. And what i was saying earlier is that we should focus on the cause as opposed to the symptoms.
What is crime? Maybe that's where I'm having the disconnect. Native tribes looted other tribes of things and people way before any notion of capitalism. Were those crimes or just the ways of nature? My view of crime isn't limited to western constructs of law. Maybe that's where we're talking past each other. Because I couldn't get past your first sentence without jumping at the keyboard. To me crime goes way beyond being a product of capitalism. And crime certainly existed and exists in non-capitalist societies today. It ultimately goes to man's nature left unchecked.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
They committed several felonies and during the commission of said felonies people were killed...Aparently California must be one of the states where if someone dies in the commission of a felony you can be charged with murder.
For the record, none of this is solved by communism. The same reason every government that has tried that system has giant draconian armies of police... why? To ensure everyone has the same amount of everything... but what about the people in charge of the police... the small group at the top? Yup... you found the money. No system ever achieves utopia these problems exist under any system of government.
except that of love...;)
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
right. Can't measure heart.
But I don't know criminal law too well, so, I suppose this could be a murder, according to the law.
Racism does have a history in the criminal justice system in every state in the US. Nothing here indicates it as an issue thus far in this case, but it would be concievable if whites in the same situation were not charged as severely--the defense better show it, though, before anyone's going to get on board with the notion that racism is an issue here. And if this is unique, then it will be precence setting and when a few white guys break in and a couple get shot, the other will be given the same charge (but will there be less ferver to get him of the street????)
To answer your first question, no. Just like you can't be charged with your own murder. But, let's say you break into a house with someone else, and that person beats the crap out of someone, you will be charged with assault, because it's the EXPECTATION of the crime being committed. You can't break into someone's house and not expect the shit to go down.
ANd to answer an earlier question by another poster: Tough shit if he wasn't the brains behind it. He was the only sonofabitch to live, so he gets the brunt.
when you fuck with someone else's privacy and well-being, you can't bitch and moan when it comes back to get you.