Why I voted for Obama...

soulshinesoulshine Posts: 120
edited November 2008 in A Moving Train
I don't post here much (A moving Train)...but my mind has been heavy after the election, and hearing bad comments from some of my peers who appear to be sore losers...the boos during McCains concession speech...which was so incredibly graceful...where was their grace? I've never doubted McCain was a good man...

I do not pretend to know everything about politics, the ins and outs, etc. I watch the news, listen to NPR on occasion, I watched all the debates, kept an open mind. Ultimately what it came down to for me, was trust. I trust this man, I believe him. Maybe I bought heavily into the "change" campaign, maybe I didn't. Maybe if McCain would have won, I'd have been perfectly ok with it, after all, Bush would have been out...I NEVER trusted him. It was going to Change anyway...but I believe our President elect. I trust that he has our interests at heart. I believe he wants, and will do everything he can to make America a better place. I hope everyone will give him some time to prove himself. I believe him, I trust him, and I believe I made the right decision.

I have mixed feelings of the news and media yesterday, today, with all of the focus on race. He didn't run his campaign based on his race, I know it is history and all, but I think it's more important that he was elected outside of race. I saw a professor yesterday say that he was elected "based on the content of his character, not by the color of his skin", we all know that line. I hope that (some) african americans will look at white people differently now, Obama would NOT have won without white people voting for him. I hope that Obama's race does bring an equality that has been missing. I hope that to some degree, african americans will look at me a little different now, knowing that I support a black President...I work with many african americans, and there was honestly a nervousness about them yesterday, like they weren't sure whether to be happy around me, I can't explain it. But I hugged a girl this morning who did happen to know who I was voting for, and others around seemed surprised to find that I, a white woman, in the south, was not republican. A black man who had not so much as smiled at me before, flashed a grin my direction. So, although I do not believe this election was won on race, there is at least this change that is already taking place...

Only time will tell here...
Make sure the fortune that you seek
Is the fortune that you need ~ BenHarper

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    you can't address a problem until you acknowledge it exists

    maybe obama will be the catalyst
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,614
    soulshine wrote:
    A black man who had not so much as smiled at me before, flashed a grin my direction. So, although I do not believe this election was won on race, there is at least this change that is already taking place...

    Only time will tell here...

    Sounds kinda sad to me.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • blondieblue227blondieblue227 Va, USA Posts: 4,509
    the Reps are nasty people.
    that's what killed it for me.

    long gone are the days of Reagan.
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • QuestionAuthorityQuestionAuthority Idaho Posts: 327
    soulshine wrote:
    I don't post here much (A moving Train)...but my mind has been heavy after the election, and hearing bad comments from some of my peers who appear to be sore losers...the boos during McCains concession speech...which was so incredibly graceful...where was their grace? I've never doubted McCain was a good man...

    I do not pretend to know everything about politics, the ins and outs, etc. I watch the news, listen to NPR on occasion, I watched all the debates, kept an open mind. Ultimately what it came down to for me, was trust. I trust this man, I believe him. Maybe I bought heavily into the "change" campaign, maybe I didn't. Maybe if McCain would have won, I'd have been perfectly ok with it, after all, Bush would have been out...I NEVER trusted him. It was going to Change anyway...but I believe our President elect. I trust that he has our interests at heart. I believe he wants, and will do everything he can to make America a better place. I hope everyone will give him some time to prove himself. I believe him, I trust him, and I believe I made the right decision.

    I have mixed feelings of the news and media yesterday, today, with all of the focus on race. He didn't run his campaign based on his race, I know it is history and all, but I think it's more important that he was elected outside of race. I saw a professor yesterday say that he was elected "based on the content of his character, not by the color of his skin", we all know that line. I hope that (some) african americans will look at white people differently now, Obama would NOT have won without white people voting for him. I hope that Obama's race does bring an equality that has been missing. I hope that to some degree, african americans will look at me a little different now, knowing that I support a black President...I work with many african americans, and there was honestly a nervousness about them yesterday, like they weren't sure whether to be happy around me, I can't explain it. But I hugged a girl this morning who did happen to know who I was voting for, and others around seemed surprised to find that I, a white woman, in the south, was not republican. A black man who had not so much as smiled at me before, flashed a grin my direction. So, although I do not believe this election was won on race, there is at least this change that is already taking place...

    Only time will tell here...

    Thank You for posting that here.. it was a great post.

    I think what is so wonderful about Obama is the fact that he represents not only black Americans, but really every minority. I feel he has the chance to truly CHANGE so many things for this country.

    As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    the Reps are nasty people.
    that's what killed it for me.

    long gone are the days of Reagan.

    I think we have to get away from saying things like this. I am a Democrat and supported Obama, donated several hundred dollars during the campaign, shuddered when I heard some of the things I saw online that McCain/Palin supporters said and did, but in my own town, I know decent people who are also Republican. Let's try to bring out the best and see the best in all of us.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • JaneNY wrote:
    I think we have to get away from saying things like this. I am a Democrat and supported Obama, donated several hundred dollars during the campaign, shuddered when I heard some of the things I saw online that McCain/Palin supporters said and did, but in my own town, I know decent people who are also Republican. Let's try to bring out the best and see the best in all of us.

    Quoted for truth.

    Change does not equal slamming the Republican party for the last 8 years. Economic or foreign policies that many people abhor were pushed through with complicity from both sides of the aisle.

    As has been noted in a lot of posts lately, we're in very difficult times. If nothing else, it's illustrated that at the end of the day, we're all playing for the same team. We're all nervous about the economy, we're all at war whether you support it or not, we're all concerned about health care and education, and simply put, we're not going to be able to affect any meaningful change, or find any worthwhile solutions, until we cut this divisive bullshit.

    Yeah, people yelled stupid things during rallies leading up the election...move on. Seriously, if you're stuck worrying about a hundred of the countries stupidest fucks, it's time to get past it. Conservatives are going to have to come back toward the center a little bit, Liberals are going to have stop blaming every single thing on Bush when they should be looking for solutions.

    You know, it is kind of a sappy, "can't everyone just get along" argument, and maybe it seems a little naive or idealistic--but I don't think it makes it any less true.
  • blondieblue227blondieblue227 Va, USA Posts: 4,509
    JaneNY wrote:
    I think we have to get away from saying things like this. I am a Democrat and supported Obama, donated several hundred dollars during the campaign, shuddered when I heard some of the things I saw online that McCain/Palin supporters said and did, but in my own town, I know decent people who are also Republican. Let's try to bring out the best and see the best in all of us.

    you misunderstood me. i wasn't saying if you're Rep you are nasty.
    the party has turned to nasty tactics and if they want to come back to glory days they need to stop.
    i love my Reps friends!

    i was seriously thinking of voting for mcCain until he took it to the gutter. yes all campains get nasty, but whoever stoops the lowest will not get my vote. it's insulting to me as a voter if they think that's what appeals to people.
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • the reason being a lot of blacks were/are so happy is that they have been duped into thinking that Obama being of color and being elected President actually means something, when it doesn't.

    Obama is a rich elitist and won't do anything to help the plight of the poor blacks in this country.much of the black population in this country are uneducated and illiterate due to the sub standard inner-city school systems and the fact that they were kept ignorant for 100's of years in this country (slaves found trying to read were hung and made examples of) so it is easy to fool those who lack knowledge. And to see them jumping around and crying when Obama won the election made me sick (knowing that they are being fooled yet again)

    the flip side to that is i know a few blacks who are very politically savvy and they know Obama isn't going to do anything for them,they know Obama is a Zionist bootlicker.Malcolm X & Huey P. Newton were both assassinated by black men..so like Chuck D said "Every brother ain't a brother cause a color
    Just as well could be undercover Backstabbed, grabbed a flag From the back of the lab.."

    and before anyone of you attempt to label me a racist...not only am i just speaking the truth but many of my friends are black,my best friend is black(mulatto),my daughters god-father is 1/2 black 1/2 Spanish and my daughter is 1/2 Spanish as well.My mother raised me to judge others by their actions not their color.

    and to me i could care less what color the President is, as long as he is a Patriot and has our best interests at heart..that's all that matters. Unfortunately that is NOT Obama!! Just him backing the wall street bail out plan alone is enough for me, never mind his backing of the Patriot act,etc. etc.
  • I think what is so wonderful about Obama is the fact that he represents not only black Americans, but really every minority. I feel he has the chance to truly CHANGE so many things for this country.

    quite honestly, i think he well represents ALL americans, regardless of skin color, gender, faith, ability, etc. i think he is a true unifier. i am not a minority, and i fully think he speaks to me, for me and my wants and desires...i truly think he reflects america as a whole and truly wants to work for our greater good.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • quite honestly, i think he well represents ALL americans, regardless of skin color, gender, faith, ability, etc. i think he is a true unifier. i am not a minority, and i fully think he speaks to me, for me and my wants and desires...i truly think he reflects america as a whole and truly wants to work for our greater good.

    politicians are really good at telling you what you want to hear to get into office

    think of them as a guy @ a party trying to get into your pants (if you're a girl)
  • politicians are really good at telling you what you want to hear to get into office

    think of them as a guy @ a party trying to get into your pants (if you're a girl)

    thanks for the clarification. all these years i had no idea!
    you believe as you see fit, i will do the same. we may agree, disagree.....time will tell, it's not a simple who is 'right'.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • blondieblue227blondieblue227 Va, USA Posts: 4,509
    the reason being a lot of blacks were/are so happy is that they have been duped into thinking that Obama being of color and being elected President actually means something, when it doesn't.

    It does mean something.
    It is a milestone in history.
    Our country has come a long way in racial relations.

    From that one standpoint alone, it means something.
    *~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*

  • QuestionAuthorityQuestionAuthority Idaho Posts: 327
    quite honestly, i think he well represents ALL americans, regardless of skin color, gender, faith, ability, etc. i think he is a true unifier. i am not a minority, and i fully think he speaks to me, for me and my wants and desires...i truly think he reflects america as a whole and truly wants to work for our greater good.

    I totally agree with you.. I too am not a minority.. but I really can see how a person who is a minority will look at the electing of this man and see such an opportunity that they may have never seen before. A chance that maybe when they try for that unattainable goal that YES THEY CAN. I think he crosses all lines of skin color, gender and faith.

    I really am so very disenhearted by all these individuals who are continuing to say "he wont change anything.. he is exactly the same".. Well.. why not try giving him a chance. Why not try opening your mind.. why not try to think positivly that maybe, just maybe things MIGHT be a little different this time around.

    As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
  • I voted for Obama because I know that he is 1% better than McCain and GW Bush!
    "I had a false belief
    I thought I came here to stay
    We're all just visiting
    All just breaking like waves.."

  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    One of my clients asked me who I voted for. I didn't answer because it's company policy that we don't discuss politics with clients.

    This guy mentioned he voted for Obama, so I asked him why he made that decision. I figure it's not really discussing politics if it's just his opinion that's being discussed.

    He goes, "I wanted change."

    I said, "What kind of change will Obama institute?"

    He goes, "Everything. Everything will change."

    I said, "For example?"

    He goes, "I'm not racist."

    I said, "Right. Of course. I know that."

    He then goes, "McCain is 72 years old, and I don't like the idea of Palin becoming president if something happens."
  • QuestionAuthorityQuestionAuthority Idaho Posts: 327
    sponger wrote:
    One of my clients asked me who I voted for. I didn't answer because it's company policy that we don't discuss politics with clients.

    This guy mentioned he voted for Obama, so I asked him why he made that decision. I figure it's not really discussing politics if it's just his opinion that's being discussed.

    He goes, "I wanted change."

    I said, "What kind of change will Obama institute?"

    He goes, "Everything. Everything will change."

    I said, "For example?"

    He goes, "I'm not racist."

    I said, "Right. Of course. I know that."

    He then goes, "McCain is 72 years old, and I don't like the idea of Palin becoming president if something happens."

    While phoning for Obama during the campaign I got the same Palin response more than any other. I personally think she lost the election for him.. what a BAD choice. But it also shows the choices that he may have made as president.

    As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
  • spongersponger Posts: 3,159
    While phoning for Obama during the campaign I got the same Palin response more than any other. I personally think she lost the election for him.. what a BAD choice. But it also shows the choices that he may have made as president.

    I heard Sean Hannity on his radio show the other day saying that Palin "strengthened" the McCain campaign.
  • sponger wrote:
    I heard Sean Hannity on his radio show the other day saying that Palin "strengthened" the McCain campaign.

    No way. My husband was actually leaning McCain in the beginning, but after learning about Palin a bit, he said "the thought that she may get to run this country scares the shit out of me"...
    Make sure the fortune that you seek
    Is the fortune that you need ~ BenHarper

  • the reason being a lot of blacks were/are so happy is that they have been duped into thinking that Obama being of color and being elected President actually means something, when it doesn't.

    Obama is a rich elitist and won't do anything to help the plight of the poor blacks in this country.much of the black population in this country are uneducated and illiterate due to the sub standard inner-city school systems and the fact that they were kept ignorant for 100's of years in this country (slaves found trying to read were hung and made examples of) so it is easy to fool those who lack knowledge. And to see them jumping around and crying when Obama won the election made me sick (knowing that they are being fooled yet again)


    Even if he doesn't "help the plight of the poor blacks", he has given them at minimum a huge role model. Young black men, growing up without fathers, or mixed families, being raised by whomever, they can say "wow, look what I'm capable of"...that is not being fooled, that is a fact that will come out of this. And if that is the only benefit blacks receive, I think it's huge. IMO, White people have always been "expected" to reach a certain standard, or at least believed they could, where maybe blacks have not. Now that it is apparent a black man can do anything, be as poweful...maybe there won't be excuses anymore for some people...
    Make sure the fortune that you seek
    Is the fortune that you need ~ BenHarper

  • g under pg under p Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
    j3trowkill wrote:
    I voted for Obama because I know that he is 1% better than McCain and GW Bush!

    As far as education goes you are absolutely correct, at least by 1%

    *We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti

    *MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
    .....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti

    *The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)

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