Warner: Palin proves women have arrived

Judith Warner had this to say about everyone's favorite hockey mom in today's New York Times:
"(W)omen will truly have arrived when the most mediocre among us will be able to do just as well as the most mediocre of men.
By this standard, the watershed event for women this year was not Hillary Clinton’s near ascendancy to the top of the Democratic ticket, but Sarah Palin’s nomination as the Republicans’ No. 2."
It's sad to say, but I think I liked it better when we could at least count on the women in power to be exceptional while who the hell knew with the men. Obviously there is some jest in that comment.
"(W)omen will truly have arrived when the most mediocre among us will be able to do just as well as the most mediocre of men.
By this standard, the watershed event for women this year was not Hillary Clinton’s near ascendancy to the top of the Democratic ticket, but Sarah Palin’s nomination as the Republicans’ No. 2."
It's sad to say, but I think I liked it better when we could at least count on the women in power to be exceptional while who the hell knew with the men. Obviously there is some jest in that comment.
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley
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this cracks me up,
"Donny Deutsch, the ad executive turned talk show host, put it less elegantly on CNBC right after the Republican convention. “Women want to be her, men want to mate with her,” he said, describing Palin as a “new creation that the feminist movement has not figured out in 40 years.”
donny, donny.....no, we really don't want to be her.
this is however, a male (donny/rush/sean) perception of the 'new creation that the feminist movement has not figured out in 40 years'.
donny, when you become a woman then we'll talk.
why is that, just doing the simplest of tasks, like reading an article about her, or merely seeing her goofy grin gives me agida?
it pisses me off more and more each day when she says she 'speaks for all women'.
To break down borders and realise that we are one species and then the true patriotism comes from pride and love of the human race, not from the tribes of which we currently are divided, open your eyes your mind will see! - ME
I think you're missing the point. Hillary carried on a tradition of exceptional women being taken seriously because they stood above peers in either gender.
Palin is mediocre at best yet she's in position to become V.P. and/or make a run at the presidency in the future. She's just like a mediocre, blow-dried man. She didn't have to be exceptional to get where she is.
Sure, Hillary showed that it's possible for an exceptional woman to make a run at the presidency. Palin proved that a female dumbass could also reach the heights.
That's an arrival. The least among women can reach the top without merit.
Isn't it amazing? And yes, in all respects the author hit the nail on the head. She's just as good as Georgie on a certain level isn't she?
:::sigh:::: and look at where Georgie ended up.
You could say the same thing about Barack Obama.
It is funny how the left is tearing down Palin. Much like they tore down Colin Powell or Condi Rice. The left wants a woman and a black person in power, but ONLY ON THEIR TERMS.
You couldn't say this last part about Barack Obama, and that's what matters. To whose ticket do you think the American public is defecting? To Obama's, of course - because although he does have looks, grace & charm, an ability to connect with the audience, ambition and drive, he ALSO has presidential qualifications. And that, my friend, is why he's about to become our next president.
Yeah, the left only wants someone who's QUALIFIED to be in office - not just any old woman or black person. How terribly selfish of them. :rolleyes:
Amusing. What are Barack's qualifications? One term Senator? Palin was a one-term governor. If history is any indication, governors are picked for President more than senators, so it seems that Palin has more of the experience generally wanted by voters. I think the last sitting senator to win the presidency was JFK. Seriously though, what are his qualifications that you speak of?
The left has demonized any black person or woman that has risen in the ranks as a Republican. How terribly selfish of them indeed.
If you want to change the discusson to all the reasons Obama will be a better president than Palin would, there are plenty of other threads that discuss that.
But in this thread, you quoted someone who said the American public is defecting from the McCain/Palin ticket because they don't think Palin has what it takes to be president, and then you said the same can be said for Obama. My point is that, no, the same can't be said for Obama, particularly considering that those people are leaving McCain/Palin to support Obama. Obviously the American public does think he's qualified, and they are certainly not defecting from his ticket.
Or you skipped over this part of the quote:
"She’s actually, as Colin Powell carefully said, quite “distinguished” — for her looks, her grace and charm, her ability to connect with an audience, her ambition and her drive. Those are admirable, even enviable qualities."
Anyway, Colin Powell and the article is blasting Palin and calling her mediocre because all she has going for her is her charm, ambition, drive, and ability to connect with an audience. This is EXACTLY how Obama got to where he is at, but he is the epitome of GREATNESS, while Palin is MEDIOCRE. I'll take this damn thread where it should go.
I didn't skip this part. I agree with you that Obama has these qualities and I said so.
Perhaps. But, as you point out, he has gotten somewhere; he has grown. She still has nothing else going for her.
I'm not going to pretend like Obama's personality hasn't played a major role in his successes in life. The qualities that make him "great" are ones that are greatly valued in our society, and a lot of people get very far in life on little more.
But, no one can deny that there is a huge disparity between Obama's intellect and Palin's. There are just some qualities that no amount of charm or ambition can override, and that's one of them. In this case, that is part of the difference between greatness and mediocrity.
And her only ambition seems to be ambition.
Obama is more intelligent, better educated, more respectful, more level-headed, etc., etc.
Additionally, he uses his charisma for good instead of evil. I remember when the primaries first began and I didn't know as much about him as I do now, but I did know that he was handsome and charming. I told a co-worker that I hoped he didn't win on those qualities alone. She pointed out to me, however, that he uses those qualitiesm (as well as others) to be a great leader.
Some people may follow Palin, but she uses what power she has to divide people and to fool them with her beauty pageant logic.
What I see in Obama is someone who unites and inspires people to lead them in a positive direction. I have never known so many regular, perhaps previously apathetic people to volunteer their time, give money, and take their civic duties seriously as I've seen do these things under Obama's leadership. That's just the kind of leader this country needs right now.
she was more man than woman.
and you should realsie when they speak in the american press of someone arriving what they mean is arriving within the american sphere. there is no other world that counts.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Look at Eddie's quotes in the new Vote for Change Movie. Where he is on stage at the concert saying all these cusswords because he can. He's referring to free speech. In what you people consider the worst conservative rule in the nation's history, liberals have been able to voice their opinions with little to no ridicule. Eddie cries about free speech, but it seems to me that he has been able to say all that he has ever wanted, and the same with all of the other liberals. Let's hope that conservatives are afforded the same free speech over the next few decades.
Pretty much like the world series!
o and Maggie was crackers, we call her milk snatcher thatcher!
To break down borders and realise that we are one species and then the true patriotism comes from pride and love of the human race, not from the tribes of which we currently are divided, open your eyes your mind will see! - ME
yeah that one always makes me giggle.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
this article really says it. maybe it IS true, we have finally reached our 'equality' if a ho-hum female candidate makes the ticket. :rolleyes: i however see it as mere window-dressing, using a bland and ineffective candidate simply b/c of her gender, so really......it's even worse. blah.
and this:
Donny Deutsch, the ad executive turned talk show host, put it less elegantly on CNBC right after the Republican convention. “Women want to be her, men want to mate with her,” he said, describing Palin as a “new creation that the feminist movement has not figured out in 40 years.”
And this was the crux of the Palin Phenomenon: she was a breakthrough woman who threatened no one.
The McCain crowd would have you believe that Palin is the perfect representation of the post-feminist woman, a candidate whose very existence marks the end of feminism — of the old “liberal feminist agenda,” as McCain himself has put it — and the start of a more global kind of triumph for the great mass of women.
NO fucking way would i ever want to BE her, not by a long-shot. and the end of feminism? why? i think the liberal feminist agenda is still a GOOD thing, for ALL. equality for ALL is a noble goal and for the benefit of society. palin is NO triumph for women, at all.....and even if elected - ack! - i will NEVEr see her as a role-model for women, at all. she is the antithesis of anything i would want in ANY candidate, regardless of gender. the fact that she IS female actually makes it worse.......
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Looks. grace and charm and ability to connect with an audience.
That was Britney Spears a few years ago... before the head shaving of course... but I hear she's coming back.
Britney in 2012!!!!
Makes sense using your logic bootlegger! :rolleyes:
And shoes.
Hmmn....you just ignored the point of my multiple posts. The very things that Colin Powell said about Palin are the only reasons that people are voting for Obama. He can talk and charm people. It doesn't matter that he is only a first term senator. Apparently 2 years in the Senate makes you superqualified, while 2 years as a governor (an executive position) doesn't. It is fine if you want to vote for Obama because of hope, but don't say that Obama is qualified while Palin is not. They both hardly have a record to run on.
I believe her main problem is... the more she speaks, the more apparent it becomes that she belongs in Alaska.
Hail, Hail!!!
gawd, i am sooo tired of reading people typing that? you TRULY believe and KNOW that EVERY person who is choosing to vote for obama will do so SOLEY for superficial BS? spare me. and sure, get a clue. his charisma, looks ability to connect with an audience sure play a role....of COURSE.....being an effective public speaker IS important, but even more important is his views, his idea, what he'd like to inact, etc.....and yea, crazy....MANY of us will be voting for that.
as to the whole 'qualified' bit, it really depends on your perspective. what is on your resume only says so much, and also where and how you serve adds a lot more to work with and interpret.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow