Keith Olbermann commentary on gay marriage

If I wasn't such a macho douchebag, this commentary by Keith Olbermann would've had me in tears. I think it really defines what goes through the minds of people who are against prop 8, yet who personally do not identify with homosexuality.
The other night I was listening to Tim Conway Jr.'s talk show on FM radio and every time someone called in to speak against prop 8, that person would be asked if he/she was a homosexual.
Why does a person have to be a homosexual to be a compassionate human being?
Anyhow, I think this speech by Mr. Olbermann answers that question to the tee.
The other night I was listening to Tim Conway Jr.'s talk show on FM radio and every time someone called in to speak against prop 8, that person would be asked if he/she was a homosexual.
Why does a person have to be a homosexual to be a compassionate human being?
Anyhow, I think this speech by Mr. Olbermann answers that question to the tee.
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unfortunately the people that he is talking about will dismiss this immediately....the truth can be quite the stinger
I saw this when it aired and I agree it is spot on. He did an outstanding totally true commentary on this subject. It is all about finding someone to live your life with.. to not be alone.. why that is so hard for people to handle has never made sense to me.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
There are some who will never be persuaded, for sure. But I think they are still quite a few people who are simply still unfamilar or uncomfortable with gay people. They could be open to his message that it is not really a complex or revolutionary idea that people ALL should be allowed the same rights of marriage.
I've been thinking the same thing Keith has. How does gay marriage adversely affect anyone else? To me, it seems very much like to voting on whether people should be allowed to have sex outside marriage, or limiting the number of children people have. These should fall under the individual's right to live freely and pursue our own happiness. We should make the choice for our self only.
Late at night I hear the trees, they're singing with the dead...overhead...”
While it is a very moving commentary... I really think it is a little too late... Just like the protests that are happening over this after the election. Where was everyone before the prop 8 vote...
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I don't think the gay community and most of the younger hetero generation were expecting Prop 8 to pass.
All of that campaigning that the Mormon church did really came as a surprise, and wasn't brought to light until after election night. Apparently, the Mormon church contributed something like 80% of the funds spent on prop 8.
I'm a member of neither group and I didn't expect it to pass, at least not state wide. l figured it would go in some rural areas and conservative areas, but to actually get added to the state constitution? What the hell?!? When did California become Alabama?
They were all too busy getting their ANTI-gay marriage man elected president. :cool:
I didn't hear a peep from even one of the people whom I know is protesting this thing when Biden very clearly stated that the Obama/Biden ticket is against gay marriage.
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We've come to accept that, though. I think most progressives are aware that the chances of a president who supporters same-sex marriage being elected is next to impossible in this generation. However, it's all about progress. And electing a president that would appoint judges to the courts that would help clear a path to legalize it is the best option that we have right now. While we know that Barack Obama wouldn't legalize it, he would be much more helpful down the road than John McCain & Sarah Palin would be.
I think Keith Olberman's commentary was fantastic. He hit every nail on the thread and made some great points. Most importantly, he said everything that I think about it: What's it to you? Why do you want to deny people the basic rights that come with a marriage license? Why should two women down the road get their rights stripped from them because of you? Also, he was great on the "redefining marriage" point. I mean, women weren't even allowed to choose their own husband not long ago. My mom wouldn't have been allowed to marry a black person the year she graduated high school because it would have "redefined marriage".
Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
There's a stark difference between not being in support of something and being against it. Most pols, Obama included, are not necessarily in support of "gay marriage," meaning they won't take the stand that everybody should be entitled to the same civil rights...but at the same time, they're not doing anything to stop it. They're not putting forth any legislation that would prevent it from being legal.
I believe that Obama will let the States apply their power over this and ultimately let the Supreme Court decide (it seems it will get there one day in the near future), whereas Bush wanted to see a Constitutional amendment. So, Obama doesn't support it, but Bush is against it.
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he is personally for civil unions. makes a BIG difference....and hey, no one is perfect.
you bet.....on gay marriage and the death penalty, obama and i disagree. bound to happen.
however, as to what i assume is a clip, i haven't seen it....but from what i've read here, i most definitely ill check it out off the clock.
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