Boycott Miller Beer / Miller Brewing Co.

Boycott Miller Beer / Miller Brewing Co.
for Supporting Illegal Aliens and Illegal Immigration!
for Supporting Illegal Aliens and Illegal Immigration!
Post edited by Unknown User on
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-Enoch Powell
hey, they're just crossing an arbitrary line, trying to make a better life for themselves
i won't be drinking miller, but it has nothing to do with immigration
Albert Einstein
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Me and you both. Miller is some nasty ass shit! I support the German and Belgian beers! Oh and Sam Adams too
Bridge School '06 Night 1 & 2
Venice '07 pummeled by the sleet!
Nijmegen '07
Werchter '07
April Fools ~ LA1
Why are people so afraid of immigrants? Why can't we just welcome people with open arms? It's pretty elitist, separatist, racist, and nationalist to oppose people who want to join your country. You're no better than they are, you just happened to be born here.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Ask china what happens when you have too many people in your population.
Also, there's not a high percentage of immigrants who are showing up with marketable, high level skills, offering anything to the US other than more burden. We need to focus on our current population, and bettering THEIR lives, rather than wasting time and energy on an influx of outsiders who may or may not end up valuable, contributing citizens.
And Im fairly certain that most people who have issues with immigration, have no problem allowing people to migrate here. They take issue with those who refuse to use the channels in place that allow them to enter securely and legally. Why should we let you "join" our nation if the very first thing you do upon entering is illegal, a crime, and against OUR laws?
Miller beer the best of the big 3
"SweetHarmonics said:
fuuuuuuccckk that shit
Miller beer the best of the big 3"
and your top three would be
-Bud light and
-Miller what a joke of beer.
beer made out of wheat, who would have thought you can call that beer.
"We'd rather challenge our fans and make them listen to our songs than give them something that's easy to digest. There is a lot of music out there that is very easy to digest but we never wanted to be part of it."
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
True but there are people, even on this board, who are oppossed to the legal immigration of people from 3rd world countries.
any arbitray lines at picket lines where unions strike and scabs are hired for cheaper wages?
you like it when the rich get richer dont ya
more people cheaper wages
lots of billionaies in mexico who misuse people too
corona and orowheat bread are mexico compnies and they do little for the people there
mexicans are ok but we cant help them all
Nor should we help them all, that is not our role in this world. Illegal immigration is a huge problem in this country for many reasons, economic and security to name two. The nproblem I see is that we are hell bent on just punishing the poor illegal who came here to work instead of also focusing on the crooked ass employer who is exploiting him/her to boost their profit. If you eliminate the source of employment for these people it may help in reducing the influx of illegals into this country. Untill our government realizes that we will never reduce the amount of illegal traffic into this nation because the demand for them will still exist. The other problem I see is that this issue is being inflitrated by xenophobes. You have organizations and idividuals who are taking up the fight against illegal immigration not because these people are breaking the law but because of their race, ethnicity, and/or skin color. I hear a lot about the Mexican invasion or the how hispanics are taking over our country. Yes Central Americans make up the majority of illegals immigrants who cross our borders but by no means are they the only ones who do this. You have millions of Asians who enter this country illegally every years. You have hundreds of thousands of Europeans and Canadians who do the same. Hispanics make up 55% of the 12 million or so illegals in this country. You still have roughly 5 million people who have entered this country illegally that no one seems to bother pointing out. Seeing this discrepency only leeds me to believe that it is fine to be here illegally as long as your name isn't Jose or Juan. If we are going to tackle illegal immigration, which we should, we need to stop focusing on just the hispanics that is why you get the hispanic community up in arms. An example for you. I was at the May Day rallies here in NYC last year. I saw people of ever walk of life there. There was even a seperate march in Chinatown of mostly Asians. Yet every news show only showed images of hispanics during their coverage and not one mention of the seperate Asian march in Chinatown. Also of the thousands upon thousands of people I saw there almost all where waving American flags. Guess what the news shows the few dozen waving the Mexican flag. Being of hispanic decent this absolutely sets me off because this issue is being turned into a cause againts hispanics and not illegal immigration. An entire ethnicity is being dragged through the mud because society only cares to focus on the negative.
i listen to gcnlive or shortwave or vdare
bush writes fake news stories -why would i listen to cbs? or nbc?
But the majority of people in this country do and these news outlets are only furthering the prejudices against hispanics. I don't have the figures, but just look at how many people view CBS, ABC, or NBC news programs. All these people see, when it comes to illegal immigration, is a bunch of Central/South Americans waving their native country's flag. The anchor person or reporter never mentions the couple of thousand other protesters waving the American flag or that there where thousands of protesters there who where not of hispanic decent. This issue is slowly being turned into an issue with hispanics not just illegal immigrants. And granted that hispanics do make up the majority of illegals there are still millions of illegals who are not hispanic. Also no offense to you but by posting threads about La Raza and boycotting Wal-Mart and Miller because they support illgal hispanics only help in perpetuating the stereotype. I know you are doing this with good intentions but instead of just focusing so much on illegal hispanics focus on illgals in general. Even our own government is doing it. Their solution is to build a wall between us and Mexico. Great how about the illegal Asians, Europeans, Africans, Canadians, etc... How is building a wall along our southern border going to deter them from coming here. Answer: it's not and no one is addressing that because no one seems to care if they are here.
Yes people do need to know that the majority of hispanics are not border jumpers and do not agree with illegal immigration, but you are doing the same thing as the media and the government. You are simply focusing on hispanics and only providing information on the negative minority without ever once mentioning the positive majority. If the American public only hears about Professor Gutierrez and La Raza or MS-13 or the Maxican flag waving illegals and the only images are of this same element that is the impression that is being placed on them of what the hispanic community is all about. Look at recent comments made about Miami. Forgot who said it. but they said that Miami looks like a third world country. Yes there are sections of Miami that are crime infested and a stain on our society. What was failed to mention is all the good that a large hispanic population has done to improve Southern Florida, especially along the Atlantic border region.
Really? How many would be in favor of just doing away with all the laws that apply to immigration and just letting anyone and everyone easily enter the country and become a citizen?
My guess is not many, so it's not really the fact that it's illegal that people are opposing.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I would be all for that once our insane taxation laws, social security "safety net," welfare, minimum wage, etc... were all done away with.
I'm all for it now. But I'm also for doing away with all of those things you mentioned as well!
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
nafta screwed up mexico
Am I fanning the flames of hate or helping some people crawl under fences by drinking Carona?
Miller is better than Corona.
same with miller -just trash
seattle area has some great micro brewieries -buy locally
screw big business