Panel calls for an end to death penalty in NJ
Well that's the second thing my state will be getting right, first was legalizing civil unions for same sex couples.
Well that's the second thing my state will be getting right, first was legalizing civil unions for same sex couples.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Post edited by Unknown User on
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
i like agreeing with you
Why? Crime has risen and is now in a decline, with the exception of Newark, without one person being sentenced to death. It is a myth that capital punishment is a crime deterent so there is absolutely no need for it. I see rotting away in a prison cell with some beast of an inmate plugging away at you anus a far more horrifying punishment.
no logical reason to have the death penalty...none. Key word is logical. 10 years it will be gone.
Gee, thank God the homosexuals can get married now. Civil rights win again! Jefferson would be proud, wouldn't he?
Or maybe not:
"Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, drafted a bill concerning the criminal laws of Virginia in which he directed that the penalty for sodomy should be castration."
See Thomas Jefferson, The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Andrew A. Lipscomb, ed. (Washington, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association, 1904) Vol. I, pp.226-27, from Jefferson's "For Proportioning Crimes and Punishments."
Oh gosh! Looks like another slave-holding, racist forefather can now be called a homophobe too!
Today, if two gay men wanted to be married, instead, Jefferson would direct them to be castrated instead. Haha, oh the irony.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
Expand the Death Penalty to include everything over a traffic violation - and don't forget to start lopping the dicks off fags. And what'bout them women fags? Stitches?
Let the punishment fit the crime
Let me guess God forbid we extend the same opportunites to homosexuals that are extended to heterosexuals are society will crumble and we will all be consumed by fire and turned into pillars of salt. Why does it bother people like you so much that a man and a man or a woman and a woman can go to city hall and have a civil union. Not enough going on in your bed room so you have to pry into others.
I don't know about you Miller but I would gladly take the gas chambers over a life of getting ass raped.
Can you exonerate a prisoner from a pine box?
Isnt that cruel and unusual punishment?
Getting ass raped?