Nice article. It is annoying to me when current politicians and presidents compare their "greatness" to great men of the past whom history looks favorably on. I doubt our George W. even knew Washington made a speech like that.
There's those key words, "long struggle for freedom...defend our liberty, our people, our way of life."
"She knows there is no success like failure
And that failure's no success at all."
"Don't ya think its sometimes wise not to grow up."
"Cause life ain't nothing but a good groove
A good mixed tape to put you in the right mood."
I don't know who writes Bush's speeches but they should be fired...immediately. Everyone knows George Washington (in this country) and his struggle to lead america to it's independence from a tyrannical Britain (which, in all reality could be another thread on how britain was actually in the right for the laws and sanctions they passed, but like I said, another thread). Because of this i think there is no way in hell that anyone who hears Bush comparing himself to our first president, who is held in a nearly god-like manner, either laughs, rolls their eyes, or shakes their head in unbelief. What the fuck was he thinking stepping onto this countries holy ground? And does he run his speeches by anyone before he goes out on national television and recite them? He ought to, because it could have caught shit like this....oh and maybe when he said he was going on a crusade. man, talk about bring up bad memories.
This is the second time Bush has compared himself to a great President, FDR and Washington. Now I'm not going to harp on Bush, I believe I've done that enough on here, but the man isn't half the President FDR and GW where. I also think it's a bit of an insult to the two of them for Bush to even put himself in the same league as them. While our fight against terrorism is important, Bush's handling of it is no where near the way Washington handled the Revolution or the forming of our nation's government or the way FDr handled WW II. As far as Presidents go, Bush Jr. is the lesser son of greater sires.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
the thing is tho ... when you realize that you can lie and no one cares - why not?? ... for everyone that this stuff make them sick - there is someone who is buying it ...
the thing is tho ... when you realize that you can lie and no one cares - why not?? ... for everyone that this stuff make them sick - there is someone who is buying it ...
I would up that to for every person who disagrees there are 10 who agree.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Should we be giving Bush credit for having an ego and arrogance about him the size of Washington State? It's incredible that the man who will likely go down as the worst president ever is comparing himself to a great president.
I would up that to for every person who disagrees there are 10 who agree.
I'd change that slightly and say that for every person who thinks it through for him or herself, there are ten who simply believe what they are told. When the media was handling Bush with kid gloves, everyone loved him ... greatest president ever!!! Now they're questioning him, people are being indicted ... worst president ever!!! Very few are actually paying attention.
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
I'd change that slightly and say that for every person who thinks it through for him or herself, there are ten who simply believe what they are told. When the media was handling Bush with kid gloves, everyone loved him ... greatest president ever!!! Now they're questioning him, people are being indicted ... worst president ever!!! Very few are actually paying attention.
George Washington is no one to be looking up too. He was a huge adultrist (died of syphillis), slave owner, no body knows how many children he actually had......gotta love the way america makes heros out of people. Oh and just in case you didnt know washingto was not actually the first president.
George Washington is no one to be looking up too. He was a huge adultrist (died of syphillis), slave owner, no body knows how many children he actually had......gotta love the way america makes heros out of people. Oh and just in case you didnt know washingto was not actually the first president.
But, bush is way worse
Don't forget that he was also a cannibal.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I was joking. there is a show on Showtime called Masters of Horror and they hade an episode called the Washingtonians. It where this young family moves into ahouse and finds proof that washington was a cannibal. This organization called the Washingtonians tries to kill them in order to protect the secret. It was really stupid show, but I couldn't help myself from making a refernce to it.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
I was joking. there is a show on Showtime called Masters of Horror and they hade an episode called the Washingtonians. It where this young family moves into ahouse and finds proof that washington was a cannibal. This organization called the Washingtonians tries to kill them in order to protect the secret. It was really stupid show, but I couldn't help myself from making a refernce to it.
i got a laugh out of the comment, my response was meant to be sarcasm.
George Washington is no one to be looking up too. He was a huge adultrist (died of syphillis), slave owner, no body knows how many children he actually had......gotta love the way america makes heros out of people. Oh and just in case you didnt know washingto was not actually the first president.
Some of this may be true but the point of the article was that a thing that George Washington stood for was a system of Checks and Balances where no one person or branch could have more power than the other, so there would be no tyranny. The man (Washington) steppedd down from power after his presidency when people were ready to elect him for life as the American leader. Yes, he might have done things wrong but in the historical context of the era in which he lived he did some great things.
Bush comparing his speech to that moment is ridiculous and insulting.
"She knows there is no success like failure
And that failure's no success at all."
"Don't ya think its sometimes wise not to grow up."
"Cause life ain't nothing but a good groove
A good mixed tape to put you in the right mood."
There's those key words, "long struggle for freedom...defend our liberty, our people, our way of life."
And that failure's no success at all."
"Don't ya think its sometimes wise not to grow up."
"Cause life ain't nothing but a good groove
A good mixed tape to put you in the right mood."
I would up that to for every person who disagrees there are 10 who agree.
Considering W's absolutely pathetic approval rating, i think you give the American population less credit than they deserve.
Ok maybe 1 to 10 ratio was a little high. 1 to 3 is probably more realistic.
that's bang on!
But, bush is way worse
Don't forget that he was also a cannibal.
Now thats just poppycock
I was joking. there is a show on Showtime called Masters of Horror and they hade an episode called the Washingtonians. It where this young family moves into ahouse and finds proof that washington was a cannibal. This organization called the Washingtonians tries to kill them in order to protect the secret. It was really stupid show, but I couldn't help myself from making a refernce to it.
i got a laugh out of the comment, my response was meant to be sarcasm.
Some of this may be true but the point of the article was that a thing that George Washington stood for was a system of Checks and Balances where no one person or branch could have more power than the other, so there would be no tyranny. The man (Washington) steppedd down from power after his presidency when people were ready to elect him for life as the American leader. Yes, he might have done things wrong but in the historical context of the era in which he lived he did some great things.
Bush comparing his speech to that moment is ridiculous and insulting.
And that failure's no success at all."
"Don't ya think its sometimes wise not to grow up."
"Cause life ain't nothing but a good groove
A good mixed tape to put you in the right mood."