Those in power

CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
edited January 2008 in A Moving Train
The world is controlled by economic institutions. And people think the United States is run by the president. Reality is the WTO and the WB are our worst enemies, in charge of it all.

WTO gives a loan to a poor country. Sounds good on paper. Before that country can accept that loan they need to make certain "structural adjustments". Export, export, export. In the words of the WTO, the lowest common denominator. So Haiti exports grain to the US, recieving the lowest possible payment for their primary product, while their people starve. Colombia sees coffee prices drop exponentially (forcing many of them to turn to coca-cocaine-production) to make ends meet. Meanwhile the US is getting all of these resources at bottom dollar while countries producing these products starve. THIS IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

The WTO grants a loan to some dictator in Africa-he gets 2 billion, buys a house, 50 bmw's, and his people are left with the debt. Responsible countries, of which there are few, say no, and are ostracized by the international community, Venezuela for example.

The new world order is economic control. Last I checked 63 (over 150 now that i checked again) countries had to make structural adjustments for the WTO-they had to lower minimum wage, remove workers rights, eliminate health care, end unions. In countries actually trying to dig themselves out of holes, this may be a good thing - I dont see how but maybe. In most cases, a dictator takes the funds for himself and lets his people suffer the repayment.

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • You're right about that. There is a new world order coming into place.

    "Give me control of a nations money, and I care not who makes it's laws."

    What freaks me out is when people flock to mainstream (embedded) candidates and look to them as their guiding lights thinking they're going to get some kind of change.

    NWO spelled backwards...OWN
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    You're right about that. There is a new world order coming into place.

    "Give me control of a nations money, and I care not who makes it's laws."

    What freaks me out is when people flock to mainstream (embedded) candidates and look to them as their guiding lights thinking they're going to get some kind of change.

    NWO spelled backwards...OWN

    exactly. I have been talking to everyone I know, and they seem so worked up over the idea of electing a president, when the reality of the situation is the economic control is greater than that of the democratic.

    We can check our box every 4 years, our token participation in this so called electoral process, but the fact remains the economic institutions are the ones decidding events.

    And I wish more than anything people would realize that.
  • Commy wrote:
    exactly. I have been talking to everyone I know, and they seem so worked up over the idea of electing a president, when the reality of the situation is the economic control is greater than that of the democratic.

    We can check our box every 4 years, our token participation in this so called electoral process, but the fact remains the economic institutions are the ones decidding events.

    And I wish more than anything people would realize that.

    This is precisely why I like Ron Paul's message so much. I hope people can see past the healtcare issue. Healthcare seems to be the biggest complaint about him, but in reality it PALES in comparison, and let's face it, it's not a permanent decision by any means. People are not going to start starving and dying from his policies. That just wont happen like people somehow think it will.

    It's time to put the brakes on this NWO plan, but everyone wants to stick their heads back in the sand and pretend it's not happening.

    When I sit back and look at it, it just boggles the mind after seeing the NH results.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was rigged from start to finish. It wouldn't surprise me at all.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    This is precisely why I like Ron Paul's message so much. I hope people can see past the healtcare issue. Healthcare seems to be the biggest complaint about him, but in reality it PALES in comparison, and let's face it, it's not a permanent decision by any means. People are not going to start starving and dying from his policies. That just wont happen like people somehow think it will.

    It's time to put the brakes on this NWO plan, but everyone wants to stick their heads back in the sand and pretend it's not happening.

    When I sit back and look at it, it just boggles the mind after seeing the NH results.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was rigged from start to finish. It wouldn't surprise me at all.

    Think I mentioned that if voting could change the system it would be illegal, and I believe that to be true. But if Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich got together and people actually cared about this country, we could have a very enviable society that would be worth fighting for.

    AS for the system being rigged-Venezuela has a more accurate democracy than the United States. Check yourbox, count the reciepts, AND tally the electronic votes, make sure its accurate, no room for fraud.
  • chikevinchikevin Posts: 421
    I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was rigged from start to finish. It wouldn't surprise me at all.
    it's not rigged, it's just anytime someone outside of the party establishment has a chance 'they' all get together and find a way to stomp on it...just so they can keep their piece.

    i hate to be dramatic, but i think obama is done after NH. as someone from IL who's been in his corner for almost a decade, it breaks my heart.

    he could have been the one to change an entire country.
  • Commy wrote:
    Think I mentioned that if voting could change the system it would be illegal, and I believe that to be true. But if Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich got together and people actually cared about this country, we could have a very enviable society that would be worth fighting for.

    AS for the system being rigged-Venezuela has a more accurate democracy than the United States. Check yourbox, count the reciepts, AND tally the electronic votes, make sure its accurate, no room for fraud.

    It probably would somehow be made illegal.

    Any bets that the first person that actually makes headway in establishing that voting system in the US mysteriously disappears in a freak skydiving accident? ;)

    If Ron Paul loses this run, he'll live longer. I'd put a few hundred easy that he'd get assassinated or have a "accident" sometime before his first term was up.

    I can really begin to appreciate why they are moving towards, and want the media so centrally controlled now.

    science fiction meets reality.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    chikevin wrote:
    it's not rigged, it's just anytime someone outside of the party establishment has a chance 'they' all get together and find a way to stomp on it...just so they can keep their piece.

    i hate to be dramatic, but i think obama is done after NH. as someone from IL who's been in his corner for almost a decade, it breaks my heart.

    he could have been the one to change an entire country.
    Change it how?

    The things that matter wouldn't have changed with an Obama presidency. We would still be subjugating Iraq, Still leaving millions without healthcare, Still catering to the military industy. Things that matter don't change with the president.

    Foreign policy hasn't changed in 50 years.
    Minimum wage hasnt gone up in 40.
    Workers rights have gone downhill or outsourced completely.
    Economic rule has replaced democracatic.

    That's the NWO that a president can't change....that's the new world order that takes a revolution to change.
  • MasterFramerMasterFramer Posts: 2,268
    Commy wrote:
    That's the NWO that a president can't change....that's the new world order that takes a revolution to change.

    Yeah but you need to get people on board before the revolution is to begin.

    Most people you talk to about the WTO, WB and NWO shit their eyes glaze over and they have no idea what you are talking about.
    10.31.93 / 10.1.94 / 6.24.95 / 11.4.95 / 10.19-20.96 / 7.16.98 / 7.21.98 / 10.31.00 /8.4.01 Nader Rally/ 10.21.01 / 12.8-9.02 / 6.01.03 / 9.1.05 / 7.15-16,18.06 / 7.20.06 / 7.22-23.06 / Lolla 07
  • CommyCommy Posts: 4,984
    Yeah but you need to get people on board before the revolution is to begin.

    Most people you talk to about the WTO, WB and NWO shit their eyes glaze over and they have no idea what you are talking about.
    Maybe it can start here

    Martin Luthar king didn't have the ability to organize the people for social progress untill hundreds if years of years of coversations, before enough people realized hey this is pretty fucked up.

    It starts with one. and spreads...
  • Drowned OutDrowned Out Posts: 6,056
    I couldn't help but cringe while watching Clinton and Barack speak tonight...
    To see Clinton with the win in NH...knowing that she is 100% part of the same machine that has dominated the US for decades....

    Why don't people even talk about the Bush - Clinton connections? I just found this quote from Bill, speaking last month about his wife's presidency:

    "Well, the first thing she intends to do, because you can do this without passing a bill, the first thing she intends to do is to send me and former President Bush and a number of other people around the world to tell them that America is open for business and cooperation again,"

    Aren't ALL of the dems campaigning on change? How will she be a change of any kind? They're all fuckin golf partners!

    Then there was Obama, talking again about slow, semi-withdrawl from Iraq (wouldn't want those bases and the embassy going to waste), and going after Al Qaeda in Afghanistan again...(while the whole caspian sea pipeline drama continues to unfold)...

    McCain taking the Rep side....

    I don't know what to think these days...:(
  • The attorney bit on impeachment rant was rather nice. Ignore the 9/11 stuff if you want, but look into the Sibel Edmonds case. Some are touting it as the smoking gun om 9/11. I'm undecided.
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
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