Miami Plans Celebration at Orange Bowl When Castro Dies
I understand that Cuban Americans have no love for this man. As the son of Cuban immigrants I share their dislike of the man, but is it necessary to throw a party just because the man dies. Regardless of our feelings towards the man let's have some fucking dignity and class.
I understand that Cuban Americans have no love for this man. As the son of Cuban immigrants I share their dislike of the man, but is it necessary to throw a party just because the man dies. Regardless of our feelings towards the man let's have some fucking dignity and class.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
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go visit downtown Miami and get back to me read my mind.
I have been to downtown Miami. This party isn't being organized by the poor people that like in that area, but by the city of Miami and Cuban American organizations.
Yes i know its them who are calling for the celebration, and to expect any decency from them is asking a little too much;)
Hold on now are you saying that expecting decency from Cuban Americans is asking for too much. I am against any plan to celebrate the death of any human being regardless of their actions in life, but Cubans are decent people (which is why I find this type of action out of character).
the entire embargo is a travesty of human decency ... this is just an extension ...
US-Cuban relations since the Spanish-American War has been a travesty.
Are they going to be happy because it means they can go home... or are they happy so their relatives can move to Miami?
P.S. I think that the old men in this country need to get that stick out of their asses and recognize the fact that Cuba isn't a threat. Drop the idiot sanctions and open trade with them and quit being grudge holding dicks.
Hail, Hail!!!
Most Cubans would not return back to Cuba simply because they have a better life4 here. Second, if the Communist party does fall from power all those Cubans over there can forget about political asylum. they will have just as hard a time as any other Central/South American does in getting legal entry to this country. Lastly, I couldn't agree with you more. The only reason why that embargo is still in place is because of a strong Cuban-American lobby. Hell our foreign policy in relations to Cuba since Castro took over has been disctaged by a Cuban-American lobby initially supported by United Fruit. They need to let this grudge go to bed.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Just when I think I have heard the most ignorant, baseless comment! This place never ceases to amaze me.
The embargo is not the PROBLEM with Cuba, its human rights violations or any other basic needs being withheld from the people...why is it so difficult to understand that the problem is Castro, plain and simple.
I am now all for lifting the embargo so that people will finally see that the problem is COMMUNISM and not the US embargo. Castro will die and the embargo can be lifted and things will continue the same as long as there does not exist a democratic government in Cuba. Man you people are like horses with blinders on, you hear one thing and follow it to the T.
BTW, Cuban Americans, especially those like my father, who suffered first hand to defend his country's freedom, are amazing, hard-working, decent people. It is so easy to generalize because of a small percentage, but then again, the easy road is all most of you who make ignorant comments seem to take.
As a fellow second-gen cuban who would bleed on the US flag to keep it red (for what I know this country *can* be)... All the old cuban sipping cafe cubano at Versalles on 8th street need to get over it, seriously. The bigest problem in their life is not Castro, that goose is cooked, the biggest problem for the second-gen will be OUR LIVES in the US.
Illiana Ross-Lehtinen is buttering up to the President at the state of the union as she fucking gives all of us a Judas Kiss.