French police thwart joint-rolling world record attempt
This one's for melodious.
Police in France said they had thwarted an attempt by a group of marijuana smokers to roll the world's longest joint by seizing a work-in-progress measuring 80 centimetres (32 inches) in length.
"At some point, these young people had wanted to craft a joint of 1.12 metres to beat the world record in the discipline and get it officially registered," said a police officer in eastern France.
"We don't know who had the idea. Sometimes ideas are created in an astonishing way," he said.
During an investigation targeting a group of four smokers in the eastern Vosges area of France, police discovered the giant joint containing 70 grams of marijuana resin. It had not been finished because of a lack of tobacco.
One of the smokers of adult age is to appear before a court charged with drug use on October 19. Two minors will appear before a juveniles court on October 6.
This one's for melodious.
Police in France said they had thwarted an attempt by a group of marijuana smokers to roll the world's longest joint by seizing a work-in-progress measuring 80 centimetres (32 inches) in length.
"At some point, these young people had wanted to craft a joint of 1.12 metres to beat the world record in the discipline and get it officially registered," said a police officer in eastern France.
"We don't know who had the idea. Sometimes ideas are created in an astonishing way," he said.
During an investigation targeting a group of four smokers in the eastern Vosges area of France, police discovered the giant joint containing 70 grams of marijuana resin. It had not been finished because of a lack of tobacco.
One of the smokers of adult age is to appear before a court charged with drug use on October 19. Two minors will appear before a juveniles court on October 6.
Why go home
Post edited by Unknown User on
It just causes people to slide down a slippery slope to giant syringes.
-Dick Cheney
"Are you taking over or are you taking orders"
-Joe Strummer 1952-2002
"All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting."
-George Orwell
Do you really think that? Because if you end up down that slope, well, you were on that slope WELL before you ever smoked a little pot.
I disagree. I think syringes lead to more syringes. Joints lead to more Joints. Both have addictive properties and that's the negative aspect of Marijuana, that and it's negative effect on memory. Great muscle relaxant though, and can do wonders for depression.
Pot will be legal within the next 15 or 20 years.
One of the problems now is that the people who make the laws regarding drugs are the farthest away from the drug culture.. they really have no idea what's going on with it.. the "reefer madness" film is a wonderful example of this kind of thing.
Plus you've got the overreaction to the hippie counter culture..
But now those scared old people are making way for the next generation which understands it better.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
You can form a habit of smoking it which you have just as big a danger of doing with drinking milk and watching Seinfeld...
The only 2 real negative effects of pot are...
1. Overuse (and this is big, OVERUSE.. meaning the people who smoke constantly, every day, not the ones who do it a few times a week or even semi-daily) leads to that memory loss.
2. The munchies can make you eat a lot of junk food if you're not careful.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Thank you. I was just going to shake my head and walk away.
-Dick Cheney
"Are you taking over or are you taking orders"
-Joe Strummer 1952-2002
"All the war-propaganda, all the screaming and lies and hatred, comes invariably from people who are not fighting."
-George Orwell
It's really all you can do.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Have you ever tried to quit?
I know from first hand experience.
And i know people that smoked every day for decades who quit to get jobs with no trouble..
Plus every single medical study on it has declared it "physically un-addictive".
I have to conclude that you're lying about that "first hand experience".. either that or you're the weakest willed creature that's ever existed
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Well, I quit, but it's not easy, quiting smoking, that's where I fail :(
It is addictive. And when you stop after that really fucks you up. I know from first hand experience.
btw...the world record joint thing-is that by weight or what? We took one of those everready plastic flashlights and loaded it with at least an ounce of chronic...packed it as tight as we could and then took it and and wrapped papers around it...that was a big spliff..
That is pretty big, I think a half-ounce is the biggest I've smoked.
I did smoke it for over 10 years, smoking anywhere from an ounce a week to a quarter ounce a day. Not the most anyone has ever smoked, but I was pretty dependant on it.
Yeah, I just got so used to it...would get all pissed whenever I couldn't find a bag...I think there's addiction involved.
Gonna save you fucker...not gonna lose is a good thing I had people around me who cared enough about me to get me out of the lifestyle I had... grown accustomed too. Of all the shit I was on weed is what I miss the most.
If your body becomes accustomed to something and then you try to stop it's going to be at least somewhat difficult.
I think it's less of an addiction and more of what you're body is used to.
Cigarrettes are imcomparably worse, though. Goddamn tobacco companies pumping chemicals into you.. i wouldn't put one of those in my mouth for anything.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Ya. I agree with him. If you ate Macdonalds every day for 10 years (other than being fat) could you stop right away? Doubtful.
Yeah, but did you ever come up with a really good conspiracy theory.....................................................................on WEEEED?
Believe it or not, guzzling down too much water is not good for you either. I don't have the article nor do I recall fully why, but yes...too much of anything is not good.
I'm usually a very infrequent pot smoker, but I happened to acquire a half ounce bag over a month ago (I wasn't even planning on that transaction) and it will probably last me another 2 months (the second time in my life I've bought a bag, and the first since college approx. 11 years ago). I like to smoke in the privacy of my own home, mostly on the weekends while we watch DVDs, and the kids are asleep.
It does do wonders for depression. I've been on anti-depressents before for about a year, but no more of that. When I want an instant smile to come upon my face after a long hard day at work and dealing with the kids, I'll just take a few puffs and turn on the telly.
I certainly hope it is legal in 15-20 years like a previous poster said. That will work out perfectly with my plan of cultivating a plant or two once my kids are out of the house.
It's really insane it's not legal. This morning on ABC's Good Morning America they were talking about the latest Rx drug craze among youth, and how it's getting out of hand and kids are dying over it. I think this deserves a thread of it's own, but I'll say it here too...
TEENS/20-SOMETHINGS ARE GOING TO ALWAYS FIND WAYS TO GET HIGH (luckily I held off on the booze until I was 18)...the fact is that it's much easier to get high off Rx drugs, "OTC" drugs, household cleaning products, booze, even meth and crack in a lot of areas of the country, than it is to get high off God's own good green herb!!!
Fucking idiots run our country. I hope to hell the poster was right who said when these old baby boomer (and beyond) fools die off, this sad fucking country will start to pick it's battles and start turning this world around, one fucking crack head at a time. I'd much rather have "pot" babies born than crack babies.
This idiocy pisses me off to no ends...
2021 (3) - Dana Point I, II & III; 2022 (3) - San Diego & Los Angeles I & II; *2025 (2) - Hollywood, FL I & II
Never felt addicted, never known someone addicted. Never felt attracted to syringes