what a tangled web...

US intelligence ties to Mumbai 7/11
by Larry Chin
July 14, 2006
Online Journal
On July 11, eight bombs exploded aboard commuter trains in Mumbai, killing 190 people. No group has come forward claiming responsibility. But according to mainstream coverage, such as the yesterday's report in the San Francisco Chronicle by Anna Badkhen, the prime suspects are “militant Islamic groups with ties to Pakistan."
What the mainstream press fails to report is the direct connection between the terrorist groups they name, and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) -- a virtual branch of the American CIA. This in turn leads back to the same (alleged “al-Qaeda”) apparatus also responsible for the Bush administration’s 9/11 and other post-9/11 terror events.
Saeed Omar Shiekh and the ISI
The San Francisco Chronicle report, perhaps unwittingly, provides a damning trail directly back to possible covert Anglo-American involvement.
It quotes the Times of India, which cites Indian intelligence sources saying that two radical Muslim groups are behind the attacks, “one of them based in Pakistan, which has fought two wars with India over Kashmir. That group, the newspaper reported is the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Toiba, or Army of the Pure . . . The other group . . . is the Students Islamic Movement of India, which has been in a loose alliance with Lashkar-e-Toiba.”
The Chronicle report also offers this: “In Washington, a US official who spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity pointed to another group, Jaish-e-Mohammed, or Army of Mohammed, which is also affiliated with al-Qaeda, according to the Bush administration. Targeting trains at rush hour traffic is a tactic Jaish-e-Mohammed favors, the official said.
“The US government has designated Jaish-e-Mohammed a terrorist organization. One of its members, Shiekh Omar Sayed, has been sentenced to death for the murder of US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002.”
Michel Chossudovsky has exposed this network, including the two groups named. Through the ISI, a branch of the CIA, US-allied Pakistan has promoted secessionist movements in India for decades. The ISI has been instrumental in the creation and ongoing guidance of the militant Islamic groups, including ‘al-Qaeda’ terror cells.
From Chossudovsky’s groundbreaking book, America’s “War on Terrorism” [my emphasis in italics-LC]:
“The December 2001 terrorist attacks on the Indian parliament -- which contributed to pushing India and Pakistan to the brink of war -- were conducted by two Pakistan-based rebel groups, Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Pure) and Jaish-e-Muhammad (Army of Mohammed), both of which are covertly supported by Pakistan’s ISI. The timely attack on the Indian parliament, followed by the ethnic riots in Gujarat in early 2002, were the culmination of a process initiated in the 1980s, financed by drug money and abetted by Pakistan’s military intelligence.
"Needless to say, these ISI-supported terrorist attacks serve the geopolitical interests of the US. They not only contribute to weakening and fracturing the Indian Union, they also create conditions which favor the outbreak of a regional war between Pakistan and India.”
Attributing the incident to a Saeed Omar Shiekh-affiliated group also brings us full circle to the original 9/11 “al-Qaeda” network, which, in turn has been exposed as a US military intelligence apparatus.
Here is Michael C. Ruppert, from his book Crossing the Rubicon, on Omar Saeed Shiekh [my emphasis in italics-LC]:
“He is variously known also by the names of Ahmad Umar Shiek, Ahmad Omar Saeed Shiekh, and Umar Shiekh. He was raised and educated in London, and by whatever name he is known, it has been acknowledged that he was an ISI agent. When the Times of India revealed that by examining his cell phone records (obtained through Indian intelligence services) they could prove that he was the leg man who had wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta in Florida just days before the [9/11] attacks, they did not know that he was going to be arrested and convicted for the murder of [Daniel] Pearl. It was the cell phone records, among other things, that tied Shiekh directly to the ISI. And before this link to the ISI Chief General Mahmoud Ahmad became known and corroborated by major US papers, the American press had been setting him up as the number one al-Qaeda bag man.
“The ISI connection changed all that and became a liability for the US government.”
Finally, as Ruppert noted, “with so much damning evidence stacking up to suggest that the CIA had actually helped to finance the 9/11 attacks, there was nothing left for the mainstream press to do but engage in a game of confusion.”
This game of confusion was analyzed by Chaim Kupferberg’s in “9/11 and the Smoking Gun that Turned on its Tracker” (Part One and Part Two), another analysis that leaves no doubt about US/Bush administration involvement behind 9/11, and CIA connections to “al-Qaeda."
Bottom line: if the Mumbai attacks can be attributed to the ISI, a branch of the CIA, and the same “al-Qaeda” terror groups tied to US military intelligence groups working (either knowingly or guided) by the Bush administration’s intelligence agencies, what purpose did it serve US interests
US intelligence ties to Mumbai 7/11
by Larry Chin
July 14, 2006
Online Journal
On July 11, eight bombs exploded aboard commuter trains in Mumbai, killing 190 people. No group has come forward claiming responsibility. But according to mainstream coverage, such as the yesterday's report in the San Francisco Chronicle by Anna Badkhen, the prime suspects are “militant Islamic groups with ties to Pakistan."
What the mainstream press fails to report is the direct connection between the terrorist groups they name, and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) -- a virtual branch of the American CIA. This in turn leads back to the same (alleged “al-Qaeda”) apparatus also responsible for the Bush administration’s 9/11 and other post-9/11 terror events.
Saeed Omar Shiekh and the ISI
The San Francisco Chronicle report, perhaps unwittingly, provides a damning trail directly back to possible covert Anglo-American involvement.
It quotes the Times of India, which cites Indian intelligence sources saying that two radical Muslim groups are behind the attacks, “one of them based in Pakistan, which has fought two wars with India over Kashmir. That group, the newspaper reported is the Pakistan-based militant group Lashkar-e-Toiba, or Army of the Pure . . . The other group . . . is the Students Islamic Movement of India, which has been in a loose alliance with Lashkar-e-Toiba.”
The Chronicle report also offers this: “In Washington, a US official who spoke to the Associated Press on condition of anonymity pointed to another group, Jaish-e-Mohammed, or Army of Mohammed, which is also affiliated with al-Qaeda, according to the Bush administration. Targeting trains at rush hour traffic is a tactic Jaish-e-Mohammed favors, the official said.
“The US government has designated Jaish-e-Mohammed a terrorist organization. One of its members, Shiekh Omar Sayed, has been sentenced to death for the murder of US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002.”
Michel Chossudovsky has exposed this network, including the two groups named. Through the ISI, a branch of the CIA, US-allied Pakistan has promoted secessionist movements in India for decades. The ISI has been instrumental in the creation and ongoing guidance of the militant Islamic groups, including ‘al-Qaeda’ terror cells.
From Chossudovsky’s groundbreaking book, America’s “War on Terrorism” [my emphasis in italics-LC]:
“The December 2001 terrorist attacks on the Indian parliament -- which contributed to pushing India and Pakistan to the brink of war -- were conducted by two Pakistan-based rebel groups, Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Pure) and Jaish-e-Muhammad (Army of Mohammed), both of which are covertly supported by Pakistan’s ISI. The timely attack on the Indian parliament, followed by the ethnic riots in Gujarat in early 2002, were the culmination of a process initiated in the 1980s, financed by drug money and abetted by Pakistan’s military intelligence.
"Needless to say, these ISI-supported terrorist attacks serve the geopolitical interests of the US. They not only contribute to weakening and fracturing the Indian Union, they also create conditions which favor the outbreak of a regional war between Pakistan and India.”
Attributing the incident to a Saeed Omar Shiekh-affiliated group also brings us full circle to the original 9/11 “al-Qaeda” network, which, in turn has been exposed as a US military intelligence apparatus.
Here is Michael C. Ruppert, from his book Crossing the Rubicon, on Omar Saeed Shiekh [my emphasis in italics-LC]:
“He is variously known also by the names of Ahmad Umar Shiek, Ahmad Omar Saeed Shiekh, and Umar Shiekh. He was raised and educated in London, and by whatever name he is known, it has been acknowledged that he was an ISI agent. When the Times of India revealed that by examining his cell phone records (obtained through Indian intelligence services) they could prove that he was the leg man who had wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta in Florida just days before the [9/11] attacks, they did not know that he was going to be arrested and convicted for the murder of [Daniel] Pearl. It was the cell phone records, among other things, that tied Shiekh directly to the ISI. And before this link to the ISI Chief General Mahmoud Ahmad became known and corroborated by major US papers, the American press had been setting him up as the number one al-Qaeda bag man.
“The ISI connection changed all that and became a liability for the US government.”
Finally, as Ruppert noted, “with so much damning evidence stacking up to suggest that the CIA had actually helped to finance the 9/11 attacks, there was nothing left for the mainstream press to do but engage in a game of confusion.”
This game of confusion was analyzed by Chaim Kupferberg’s in “9/11 and the Smoking Gun that Turned on its Tracker” (Part One and Part Two), another analysis that leaves no doubt about US/Bush administration involvement behind 9/11, and CIA connections to “al-Qaeda."
Bottom line: if the Mumbai attacks can be attributed to the ISI, a branch of the CIA, and the same “al-Qaeda” terror groups tied to US military intelligence groups working (either knowingly or guided) by the Bush administration’s intelligence agencies, what purpose did it serve US interests
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
Post edited by Unknown User on
Perhaps that's what someone at the top is counting or depending on?
I often wonder had I been born in the middle east, if I wouldn't be firing rockets, or shooting people like eating cheerios for breakfast, and think nothing of it.
I dunno...
That's the raw reality of reality. If you were born black, african american, arab, white, whatever, there is a damn good chance you will be just like everyone else you live around. Sociology for the lose.
Have you been reading ancient sumerian texts? Or maybe watching a bit too much David Icke?
lol, Icke's ideas go a bit too far on very thin ice for my understanding. People call me a "conspiracy nut" I hear them saying it behind my back at work and I don't even talk about it at work. They see what I read and write on the internet while pearing over my shoulder. It's pretty sad though, they don't see it the way I do, so they avoid me and say things about me. Kind of like the portugese security guard that says he doesn't trust the lebonese cleaners. I didn't talk to the cleaners much before this war, but since then I've had some good conversations with them, and every time I see them they have big smiles on their faces. I am amazed at how well they can take this having family in Lebanon. Perception is reality and prejudging people is what really hurts. I mean, you say you brought your friend out of the whole martian stage, but what if you found some credible evidence?
Have you looked into how the flow of money swirls around this planet and who controls what?
Doesn't sound much crazier than half the shit posted in this forum.
For me it's a direct conflict of interest. Dick Cheney was CEO of Halliburton and it's come out that he still receives a kickback from them. So you have a person influencial in the "war making" process receiving compensation for going to war. It's a direct conflict of interest.
More on that, the Jewish lobby is the largest, richest lobby group in the United States. This lobby amongst others like David Rockefeller contribute the most to campaign contributions, thus the adminstrations desire to please those parties.
The State of Israel was in some way to please Lord Rothschild in the early 1900s, he saw it as a more economical ally than an arab state. He petitioned Balfour to sign the Balfour declaration.
Back in the days of president Andrew Jackson, the USA lost control over state currency, called "Greenbacks" and control of US currency was handed over to the Bank of America, headed up by the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Today, that bank is called the Federal Reserve and maintains private records. David Rockefeller is also owner/founder of the Chase Manhattan Bank.
When you think of national debt, realize who that money is indebted to. To a certain degree it's other nations like China, but primarily it's the Federal Reserve and other banks like it. The chain continues, at the very end of the "web" you have the three main banks, the IMF, World Bank and WTO.
Im sure that they do some morally questionable things, as Im sure we all do. I just find it laughable the AMOUNT of theories people will believe. I also think that people on both sides assume to know the motives behind decisions made. Most of these men already have huge masses of wealth. Not every thing they do in the name of their country is "to get rich" or greed. Right or wrong, I believe they make alot of TOUGH decisions, that none of us would want to make. And I believe many of those choices are made with the good of America in mind, whether its financially, defensively, or for the good of future americans not yet born. There is alot more at stake these days, with so many small but wealthy countries out there w/ extreme idealogies,extreme leaders, and generations of citizens brought up to hate others.
Someone's gotta make the tough decsisons. Look around you next time your at a mall. Do you REALLY want everyone to have a say in those kind of choices?
Actually, I would love to make those decisions for you.
We see all kinds of extremism inside the United States and Canada aswell. I mean, that's just a natural part of human life, it seems. All too often we ignore our own blemishes and focus on others. Particularily in the Middle-East.
Unfortunately, YOU are one of the types of folks in the mall I refered to. And we see all kinds of everything in the USA, but almost never anything resembling a nation-wide idealogy. Unlike many of the country's out there.
No, you don't see that in other countries either. Certainly not Lebanon.
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way