
How many of you have ever told your gov't reps what you think?

OneLoveOneLove Posts: 563
edited August 2006 in A Moving Train
Something occured to me today. In America, our politicans actually do work for us. Ultimately, we fire them by voting for change.

I've heard that before, but it hit home for me today.

I know that many of us feel passionately about all things political these days. I am just wondering how many of us have ever let our voices be heard directly? Ever written your congressmen?

I've voted at every turn since I was 18, including primaries. But, I have been missing an opportunity to try to affect change in the things that I care about. The only way folks in the gov't move on things is when they are made responsible for doing so. In order to do that, we have to let them know how we feel.

I wrote my congressmen for the first time today. I feel good about it too. (you can search for myosits here in the pit to read more).

Here is a link for anyone else interested in writing about a current issue, or a bill that they feel strongly about.

If we all took two minutes off of the pit to write our representatives, then not only would our fellow jammers know how we feel, but our representatives would know too!


Anyway, here's the link. It took me all of about 30 seconds to find my rep, and start writing.
Post edited by Unknown User on


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    Great post! Thanks for the link!!
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    hippiemomhippiemom Posts: 3,326
    All the time!

    Senator Voinovich has stopped responding though, lol ... he didn't even respond the one time I sent him a letter thanking him for doing the one thing I agreed with! (opposing Bolton's appointment to the UN)

    DeWine I rarely agree with, but he always responds. And the folks at Rep. Kucinich's office are a pleasure to deal with always :)
    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity." ~ MLK, 1963
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    zcyruszcyrus Posts: 22
    I have no representation. Support DC statehood.
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    OneLoveOneLove Posts: 563
    Good for you!

    I am really on fire right now. Its just this simple. We are all passionate about something, and many are pretty darn unhappy with the current state of things.

    Normally, I voice my opinion through my vote. In reality, I have never personally let my voice be heard. My reps are working for me, and therefore I am responsible for letting them know what I think.

    Its not all about presidential elections and a divided nation. Our local folks have the greatest effect on our day to day lives. Its not what appears on CNN neccessarily, but it does affect us.

    So, from now on, rather than focusing my energy on complaining, I will see what things I can to to affect change.

    And, when I vote, it will not only be a passionate act, it will be personal.
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    OneLoveOneLove Posts: 563
    Wow, 485 views of "britney at her most intelligent" 85000 or so for the Pics where Ed looks hot thread....

    and 45 for this one. ;)

    Not complaining, just an observation :)
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    Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    I have written and called my congressmen. In my role when I was still working, I even visited them.
    I was very dispappointed the last time I spoke with them.
    It was about the new Medicare Drug Program and my Senator, Carl Levin, said some things to me that let me down. I usually vote democrat, but he showed me he has no fricking idea. I used to work with his daughter in the field of social work. I know she understands how life is for people, but he has no clue.
    I am equally disgusted with my Governor, Granholm, another dem.
    I hope they all lose this year. They need to be held accountable for their decisions. They tend to do what big corps. want and forget WE are the ones who vote.
    WE need to be stronger than big business and make the next ones coming into office to remember they serve us, not big business. We can only show them by voting them out.
    I hope all incumbents are ousted!!!
    Save room for dessert!
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    OneLoveOneLove Posts: 563
    Perhaps there are people here on the pit (from your area) that will read what you've just written, and vote differently because of it. :) That would make your dissapointment not for nothing, you know?

    If we all got involved, we could make such a difference. Its deeper then Dem or Repub, its about the actual humans in the office as well.
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    Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    OneLove wrote:
    Perhaps there are people here on the pit (from your area) that will read what you've just written, and vote differently because of it. :) That would make your dissapointment not for nothing, you know?

    If we all got involved, we could make such a difference. Its deeper then Dem or Repub, its about the actual humans in the office as well.
    It really is deeper than the party lines. I am pissed at the whole lot of them.
    Levin had the nerve to tell me he worked hard on getting the new Medicare drug plan passed. I had thought most dems were against it, well at least in the way it was being implemented.
    It was such a disaster at its beginnings and many people suffered. He can kiss my ass and my vote goodbye. Stabenow too!
    I have explained it a few times of other threads here...so I will spare the details, but these so-called dems sold out to the drug companies and the insurance companies.
    They screwed seniors over bad!!!

    I also am pissed at many of them, like Hillary for being to quiet about the war. I think she stayed quiet in hopes of getting the moderate votes, but in doing that, I am thinking she lost the votes of those who would had normally voted for her.
    She has been fence sitting to get votes and lost mine. I am thinking other dems feel the same way.
    She needed to be more vocal.
    I heard she is for the war anyway.
    Screw her too!!!
    Save room for dessert!
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    CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,224
    I write to my Congressman, Ed Royce and my State Senators (Boxer and Feinstein) to voice my concerns. And it's not always to complain... I also write to them when they say or do something I feel is good for America.
    I have also written to Presidents Clinton and G.W.Bush... most have been concerned with dissatisfaction.
    and to those that think is doesn't matter... it's what I can do and it's better than just sitting there with my thumb up my ass.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
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    Yeah, good thread - and yeah, I have contacted my state and local representatives, ever since Operation Iraqi Liberation - a sham - I've been very active.

    From all 10 or so plea's I've sent to house representatives and congressmen, I've only got one semi-legit response back that wasn't just a computer-automated response.

    ...I remember hearing we were invading Iraq on what basically amounted to ZERO evidence, and covering my face in my hands, in High School mind you I realized that war was a complete sham, it made no sense, and that basically ignited my political mindedness.
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    AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    I was a lobbyist once. When I was 20. I started doing it to get involved in the public and promote my business. After a while I realized what it was all about and it made sense to me. I went to nursing homes and hospitals on various events and met with people and brought gifts. I visited old and crippled people and made sure they had good equipment, for showering, getting around, etc... I pushed my opinion politically. I worked with a group of people, collecting donations, promotional events, internet content, etc.. Five of us went to Ottawa, to the Parliament, Charles Lynch Press Gallery and made our voice heard to Parliament and the Press.

    I don't remember ever seeing it on TV, hearing it on the radio or reading about it in the news. Nothing, nobody listened. Well, probably not anyway. I ended up discovering the corruption in our little "coalition", or in other words I got smart, the "Executive Director" was funneling money into his pocket and offering me a cut. I backed out and haven't done much lately.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
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    El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    i do now and then...but overall i just get some letter thanking me for my concern but they full support bush on whatever issue it is
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
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    Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    Ahnimus wrote:
    I was a lobbyist once. When I was 20. I started doing it to get involved in the public and promote my business. After a while I realized what it was all about and it made sense to me. I went to nursing homes and hospitals on various events and met with people and brought gifts. I visited old and crippled people and made sure they had good equipment, for showering, getting around, etc... I pushed my opinion politically. I worked with a group of people, collecting donations, promotional events, internet content, etc.. Five of us went to Ottawa, to the Parliament, Charles Lynch Press Gallery and made our voice heard to Parliament and the Press.

    I don't remember ever seeing it on TV, hearing it on the radio or reading about it in the news. Nothing, nobody listened. Well, probably not anyway. I ended up discovering the corruption in our little "coalition", or in other words I got smart, the "Executive Director" was funneling money into his pocket and offering me a cut. I backed out and haven't done much lately.
    Was you a registered lobbyist?
    Save room for dessert!
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    El_Kabong wrote:
    i do now and then...but overall i just get some letter thanking me for my concern but they full support bush on whatever issue it is
    Same here, except Senator Hatch is very much for stem cell research so when I expressed my deep concern over dubya's veto he responded with his testimony on the matter and said it's an extremely important issue to him, nearly above all others. He's been pushing it hard. The other Utah senator, Bennett, has yet to respond to any of my letters.

    One thing I'd add if it hasn't been mentioned is that we can/should also write to newspapers. I've written several letters to editors, one of which was recently in a local paper. I feel like I've got a lot to say and I say a lot of it here, but I realize that's not making change where it needs to be made.....but still fun and feels somewhat productive.
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    AhnimusAhnimus Posts: 10,560
    Heatherj43 wrote:
    Was you a registered lobbyist?

    We were registered as a non-profit organization. I didn't look after that part though. I was responsible for our graphics and website, aswell as talking to youth.
    I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
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    floyd1975floyd1975 Posts: 1,350
    El_Kabong wrote:
    i do now and then...but overall i just get some letter thanking me for my concern but they full support bush on whatever issue it is

    I wrote one time to my old Congresswoman and got the same thing except it was to support the minority leader.
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    OneLoveOneLove Posts: 563
    I have enjoyed reading your responses :) Keep 'em comming. Have to run out to work now... way late as usual!
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    hippiemom wrote:
    All the time!

    Senator Voinovich has stopped responding though, lol ... he didn't even respond the one time I sent him a letter thanking him for doing the one thing I agreed with! (opposing Bolton's appointment to the UN)

    DeWine I rarely agree with, but he always responds. And the folks at Rep. Kucinich's office are a pleasure to deal with always :)

    You could write one to Bob Ney wishing him good luck in his future endeavors.
    "Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
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    nick1977nick1977 Posts: 327
    I write my reps and senators about once a year when a particular proposed bill is being debated.
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    beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    yep, I write to rep. Mike Honda, Sen Barbara Boxer, and Sen Diane Feinstein whenever I feel something needs extra attention, which should be more, but several times a year for now.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

    Stop by:
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    cornnifercornnifer Posts: 2,130
    I have no money, so, I have no government representation. In other words, no. I don't waste my fucking time and stationary.
    "When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
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    OneLoveOneLove Posts: 563
    cornnifer wrote:
    I have no money, so, I have no government representation. In other words, no. I don't waste my fucking time and stationary.

    Its free :) No stationary required. Do you live in DC? Otherwise you do have representation.

    I'm really sorry you feel that way. I just don't see the point in complaining on a messge board (not suggesting that you have, I dont' know), and then not actually attempting to do anything about it.

    Otherwise, dissillusionment is a self fufilling prophecy.
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