Ive never expected so many.. on this site atleast.

There is alot of Bush supporters on the Pearl Jam forum site. Man the world must be at its end. To like and love evil and the forces that fight it at the same time....... I really dont want to get political, but there is alot of misinformed PJ wanna be fans out there who only joined the band wagon a couple or maybe three years ago. It reminds me of my stupid ass german step mom who started roller blading after hearing of the hype aroung 1998. If pearl Jam didnt make it clear of there political stands I dont know who did. Not that I am shallow enough to have there political views stand in the way of my hearing there music, but ppl have recently been posting in masses of posts of the disapointment of Story Telling (VH1) . Not to mention alot of the "moving Train posts" are ppl sticking up for the bush. If rightousness and desentcy dont live amongst the Pearl Jam fan base anymore than than all hope is lost for atleast a Democratic vote for next election, but worse than maybe we will vote for even a worse presedent the th G.W. .....maybe Arnold (Terminator) or someone whos MORE interested and intelligant on finding ways to expoit the system to make money and control the most powerful nation ever. But just remember, you are who you vote for so choose wisely.
I like..to play. - Garth
Post edited by Unknown User on
Having said that, I'm not American, but my primeminister has his head so far up george bush's butt that we may as well be under American control. And no I don't support Bush or my own Prime Minster (John Howard), I'd like to see them both out off leadership, but I don't see what my political opinion has to do with me liking or not liking Pearl Jam. Actually I think it's cool that the band stand up for what they believe in, but I wouldn't mind if they cut back a bit with the politics at their shows.
I'll remind you that the vote went 51% Bush 49% Kerry. And don't forget the massive amount of people who didn't vote - for whatever reason. I don't know the stats, but it normally transpires that more people fail to register a vote than don't in the U.S. I would say that at the moment the country is divided down the middle.
You say you wouldn't mind if they cut back a bit with the politics at their shows? Why? Does it bother you that a band you like have ideas and opiniions and aren't afraid of expressing them? Maybe you should be going to see Guns n' Roses or something instead.
So if Ed suddennly decided to become a neo Nazi, would you still support the band?
Yes, I knew it was close, but what I was getting at is that if half of america supports Bush than it would be expected that there would also be a large number of pj fans (approx 50%) that are also support Bush. I don't see why that would be such a surprise. Plus I forgot that voting was a choice in America because in Australia (where I am from) it is compulsary.
If you read the first half of the sentence, I said I think it is cool that the band stands up for what they believe in. and I didn't say 'cut out', I just said cut back a bit. I think it is a good thing that they use the stage to get their message across, especially because american's don't have to vote so it is good to encourage them to think about the politics around them, about the people who are running their lives and to encourage them to have their say in the form of voting, etc... It just seems a lot of what they say has to do with politics and sometimes the fans seem to make too much out of it. Look, in all honesty, it was more of a passing comment than anything with deep meaning behind it. I just think it is weird that sometimes the fans get liking PJs music mixed up with believing in their politics. If I supported Bush it wouldn't stop me liking Pearl Jam.
Why don't I go see Guns n Roses? Because I don't like Guns n Roses. And that seems like a silly comment to have made. I made it pretty clear that a band's political views (or even lack of political views) shouldn't influence to any great degree whether you like them or not. I never complained about Pearl Jam or their politics. I complained about their fans' reactions to it.
O.k. Fair enough. I suppose it's fair to say that most of the best music that has been produced down the years has come from bands with left-leaning political views. You don't see many bands with right wing tendencies making decent music. Simply Red are a classic example - Mick Hucknall is staunchly right wing and his music sucks elephant dicks. And I'm sure there are a few country and western bands who are Bush supporters. (Although I like some country, a lot of it is fucking awful). Along with bravesirrobin I find it difficult to understand why people who don't agree with Ed's political views would care to buy his records and attend his shows. It seems odd to me. How can you listen to their music whilst shutting out their ideas?
I'm not sure, it might just be me, but can Mike shred in a republican slanted way, or a democrat?
Who cares what the bands politics are, there's only one guy speaking into the mic, the rest are concerned with the music
who's to say that people with different views shut out their ideas? I think that if someone wrote a song that didn't share my views, but their ideas were well thought out or comical or interesting and the music was good that I would still enjoy it. and I would listen to what they were saying, I just wouldn't necessarily agree with it. But then again I like a good arguement so I like hearing other peoples views on things, even if I disagree with them. Plus not all of pearl jam's songs are about politics, so their a plenty of other things to love about them even if you ignore their politics.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I used to think that way about P.J O'Rourke until I decided that he's basically not very funny and is a corporate whore who now appears in t.v commercials hawking shit. But then, that's just me.
If you can name 3 good bands who were/are publicly right wing I'd be grateful. I'll give you a head start by subtracting a few that aren't/weren't:
Pearl Jam
Velvet Underground
The Smiths
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
True. It is still curious how many Bush supporters are Pearl Jam fans though.
In my opinion, if you were to explore the muscians in other genres you would find that there is a wide variety of political views, just as there are in other professions.
So, like I said, it is more fair to say that of the music you consider decent, most are left-leaning.
Right, but as has been stated in the thousands of other times this same topic has been discussed, PJ's songs are very vague (they used to be more so, though) and people assign interpretations that have nothing to do with what the writer of the song intended. Other than Bushleaguer, I just don't think of the music as political.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
True, PJ's songs aren't really overtly political, minus one or two. I think the point is Ed's views which he sometimes expresses in between songs or in interviews.
I disagree with him on many of his views and think he is sadly misguided, but again, he doesn't really knock you over the head with it. He's gotten a little worse lately, but it's still just a small part of the music.
I was impressed that at the VFC show I went to, he basically just said "vote with your mind". He didn't say "Vote Democrat" or "Vote against Bush", etc.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
seriously, this topic gets discussed about once a month. yes, pj is a political band, very outspoken, etc. however, i think many an open-minded individual - and yes, i do believe some conservatives can be open-minded, just as i believe some liberals to be close-minded - can see past the politics and just appreciate pearl jam b/c they ARE a fantastic band! to say one cannot see beyond the politics is to do a disservice to pearl jam's music. there is much more than politics within. me, i think it's GREAT that those who may have different political beliefs still find so much of value, i don't know if i could.
that said, it seems just about as silly as any other...'i can't believe __________ are pearl jam fans.' ANYone can be a pearl jam fan.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Yes, because It's the music I enjoy. If the music conveyed something immorrale for me persaonll then I would not support the band. any other questions wise ass? I keep forgetting that if I don't lean to the left or right then I am not cool. I am me and I have no labels and don't stereotype. What's right for one may not be right for another so who the fuck am I to say otherwise.
Maybe the "whatever you think, speak out and discuss" policies The Band has can be seen in shining success here..
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Ted Nugent (love "Cat Scratch Fever"...hate killing animals)
Johnny Ramone (need I say more?)
John Popper (Blues Traveler)--I can't stand BT, but a lot of folks seem to dig 'em
Yeah, you didn't know that when Mike solos during Evenflow, it's totally a rant against the Bush administration? I thought that was totally obvious.