New footage of #7 collapse

Haven't seen this angle before.
Hey....notice something?
The facade of the building stays in perfect condition.
If there really had been a progressive collapse, there would have been at least some damage (probably a lot) to the outside of the building. In order for the outside to remain unaffected, the internal steel beams would have to pull away from facade itself without damaging or distorting it whatsoever.
Don't you need to cut the beams rather precisely to accomplish this effect?
Hey....notice something?
The facade of the building stays in perfect condition.
If there really had been a progressive collapse, there would have been at least some damage (probably a lot) to the outside of the building. In order for the outside to remain unaffected, the internal steel beams would have to pull away from facade itself without damaging or distorting it whatsoever.
Don't you need to cut the beams rather precisely to accomplish this effect?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
Are you suggesting that someone went in and secretly rigged WTC7 with demolition charges in the days before 9/11? A working building crawling with people?
That's all good, but the undamaged portions of the building went down in perfect symmetry/unison to the damaged side.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It's good to examine the evidence, and we need more questions answered. I'm all ears here, but the truth movement fails to address one glaring point:
Any "inside job" of this magnetude would be so large that there has to be someone who would have come forward with some direct knowledge, involvement, or evidence. It would take months, and so many people, to cut those columns, you'd figure we'd have a lot more to go on than the video.
I've seen all the tapes, seen all the anectodatal evidence, and it's very compelling. The Pentagon evidence (and lack/destruction thereof) is troubling. But I for one am not ready to go "inside job" without more. The big picture suggests there is more. Let's keep pressing for more 'til we get the truth. i suspect the truth is far more complicated than the simplistic "inside job" theory.
When I look at some of the occupants in building 7 it's far from reassuring.
Inland Revenue Service (IRS)
Department of Defense (DOD)
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
Securities and Exchange Commission
US Secret Service
First State Management Group
National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Good post, except the failure to adequately address Katrine lies soloey with the state governemt of Louisiana. They screwed up in such a monumental fashion that the feds HAD to step up.
But I agree that there's some hypocrisy in the view supported by truthers.
Actually, the fact that it went down symmetrically proves that the internal beams were intact. Pictures of the other side show that the building was relatively undamaged above the lower floors. Even so, the upper section must have been under enormous stress as it fell, and the fact that little distortion is seen proves that the internal structure was still sound and holding the building together as it fell.
I, too, have looked at this over and over and examined tons of evidence. There is nothing to point to any kind of an inside job. The planes hit the buildings, they fell. Reports were that the terrorists were initially disappointed that the buildings didn't fall over, and the "truth movement" seems to feel that the buildings would not have collapsed unless explosives were used.
Move on.
Solely? Really? You're not going to give a bit of a ground on that? Hell, even the federal government has admitted they screwed up. But I guess this is the wrong thread for that discussion.
There are all kinds of indicators of foul play. The evidence was disposed of a record speed and whatever comes forward is a) marginalized, b) never heard, and c) spun into sheer oblivion.
They played the patriotism card on everyone for insurance. With or against.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I HATE the Bush administration. I HATE the "Patriot Act".
But the idea this was an inside job is insane.
In tact beams free fall to the ground all perfectly like that?
I don't think they do. If fact, I think in tact beams hold the building up.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
This is a huge building. It's not like there are solid pieces of metal that go from the ground to the top of a building. Have you ever seen one built? They are pieced together, floor by floor.
The lower floors failed. The entire top of the building started to fall. As each floor reached the bottom, it failed, each one at a time. The entire top of the building just kept falling, intact, pancaking each lower floor in turn.
Yeah, I'll give ground there, the Feds could have done better in addressing the problem. But address it they did after the state failed, in my view.
The state of louisiana had opportunity upon opportunity to minimize the damage. They could have strenghtened the levy system to minimize the damage, using all those earmarks and pork-barrel spending we dispise so much to take care of that. They could have mandated evacuations, the could have policed the 'Dome.
They also command the National Guard of Louisiana, so they failed there as well after the fact, in my view.
There's enough blame to go around. I remember the phrase, "the armed forces can get anywhere in the world within 48 hours, but can't get to Louisiana?" So, point taken.
I concur. It baffles me at how all scream this is the most incompetent administration EVER... But yet they pulled off the biggest inside job EVER... Gimme a break.
It looks like the feds are hiding something, but until we know what, it's hard to fathom that this was merely a fed job.
Well no, it's not really insane. Create fear, or the illusion of fear and you will be able to control an entire population.
How quickly did Americans fall in line after 9/11? In record numbers, never asked any questions about the 'war on terror' they allowed the government to do whatever it wanted, because of fear, because of 9/11.
So to just think that it's un realistic for it to happen is the thing that's truly insane.
Now I'm not saying that the Bush admin was behind the attacks, but perhaps they knew about it? Allowed it to happen? Spread the American Empire, use fear and propaganda to push the agenda.
How could such a large attack be allowed to happen to America? Someone mustve known. Also add the Mossad agents to the mix and the whole white van issue.
What about the bombs near the George washington bridge? What ever happened to that?
The truth is, many questions need to be answered. To just accept what has been given to us is wrong and a true crime against the many people who died that day.
So you think all the floors everywhere around the building even the undamaged sides and ares of the building would all give away that fast in perfect symmetry?
Perhaps if the damage was around the circumference of the building lower down it would make sense to see such a symmetrical collapse.
However, if it's localized to one specific location near the bottom, and on on the complete opposite side of the building, why it is that the entire structure everywhere (even around the entire crown of the roof) is affected simultaneously, and in such perfect symmetry with the rest of the building?
That thing fell out of the sky like a piece of lego.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
"Never assume malice where stupidity will suffice." Saying "how could this happen here" is wrong, just look at the evidence of the last 8 years. Stupidity will suffice.
I guess we just disagree.
Exactly. That's exactly what you would expect.
Once one part of a floor begins to fail, the forces on the other parts of that floor are incredible. Once the top section of the building starts to move downward, the fact that the building is interconnected will drag the whole top down in one piece, in basically a freefall.
You'll also notice the building doesn't really fall straight down, but starts to fall away from the camera a bit. That's (probably) the torque generated by the fact that the front section of the building was more damaged than the back, and the front of the lower floors started failing before the rear.
I don't believe the damage it received would affect the entire building, and all at once like that. It was too small and localized to affect the entire structure simultaneously all the way to the ground everywhere. There should be at least 2/3rds of it still standing or toppled over resting against another building.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)