9/11 - Anomalies at the WTC and the Hutchison Effect (New Paper by Wood/Hutchison)

Anomalies at the WTC and the Hutchison Effect
Judy Wood and John Hutchison
In considering how the WTC complex was destroyed, many people have criticised the research posted here because it does not state or describe the exact technology employed.
These pages include data which strongly implicates a class of technology as being one of the main ones used.
The data below seem to strongly tie up with features of what has become known as "The Hutchison Effect". The Hutchison Effect actually seems to describe a range of observed characteristics, some of which are listed below. John Hutchison is a Canadian inventor and experimental scientist who has been experimenting with "field effects" for almost 30 years. There is a great deal of information about him on the internet, and a selection is linked from this set of pages.
The table below lists effects and events seen at or in the vicinity of World Trade Center and compares those with observed characteristics of the Hutchison Effect. Clearly, the posting of this material is quite controversial, but even in the various documentaries that have featured John Hutchison, he has suggested that the techniques he has discovered and developed have been further refined by places like Lockheed Skunkworks, S.A.I.C. (Science Applications International Corp.), and also by perhaps other defense companies.
My comments: Although still under construction, the new paper gives many clues to the technology that was used to destroy the World Trade Center. Take a look at the many pictures and see for yourself! People can no longer claim that this technology does not exist. It definitely DOES exist!
Also note the two companies mentioned in the excerpt above (Lockheed Martin and SAIC). Both are sponsors of the Directed Energy Professional Society! The government even contracted with SAIC for the NIST Report.
See the "News" section of Dr Wood's website for upcoming interviews with Andrew Johnson where he will discuss the new paper. Also in the "news" section is a downloadable MP3 of an interview with John Hutchison.
For proof that the 9/11 attacks, the 9/11 cover up, and the 9/11 "truth movement" were all orchestrated by people associated with directed energy weapons and the media, see my new article:
9/11 Directed Energy Weapon / TV-Fakery Suppression Timeline
Also note the two Court Cases in the US District Court, Southern New York, with attorney Jerry Leaphart:
Dr Judy Wood, suing on behalf of the United States of America and demanding a Trial by Jury, has evidence that Directed Energy Weapons were a causal factor in the destruction of the World Trade Center.
Dr Morgan Reynolds, suing on behalf of the United States of America and demanding a Trial by Jury, has evidence that the Media broadcasted cartoons of an airplane hitting the South Tower.
Bottom line... there were NO hijackings on 9/11 and the entire War On Terror is BOGUS!
Even Peter Jennings knew the 9/11 airplane video was fake. Note his nervousness and word fumbling when ABC plays the clip back in slow motion:
As retired Aerospace Engineer Joseph Kieth says: "The video is phony because airliners don’t meld into steel and concrete buildings, they crash against them!"
What about the eyewitnesses who say they saw planes hit the towers, you ask? See the following analysis of the WTC Task Force Interviews, which were published in the New York Times. You'll learn that only a very small percentage of the First Responders reported seeing airplanes hit the towers. Even fewer reported hearing them. But... they had no trouble hearing the fighter jets later on! Whatever they saw "hit" the towers was a projection:
Going in Search of Planes in NYC
What about the airplane wreckage, you ask? Well, first of all, there are NO verified airplane parts. (The government refuses to release any.) And second, when an airplane crashes into a building, the engines are not going to wind up underneath scaffolding:
See here for more:
What about the cell phone calls, you ask? Faked using advanced voice synthesizer technology as reported in the Washington Post two and a half years before 9/11:
There were NO hijackings on 9/11.
There were NO plane crashes on 9/11.
The entire War On Terror is BOGUS.
Judy Wood and John Hutchison
In considering how the WTC complex was destroyed, many people have criticised the research posted here because it does not state or describe the exact technology employed.
These pages include data which strongly implicates a class of technology as being one of the main ones used.
The data below seem to strongly tie up with features of what has become known as "The Hutchison Effect". The Hutchison Effect actually seems to describe a range of observed characteristics, some of which are listed below. John Hutchison is a Canadian inventor and experimental scientist who has been experimenting with "field effects" for almost 30 years. There is a great deal of information about him on the internet, and a selection is linked from this set of pages.
The table below lists effects and events seen at or in the vicinity of World Trade Center and compares those with observed characteristics of the Hutchison Effect. Clearly, the posting of this material is quite controversial, but even in the various documentaries that have featured John Hutchison, he has suggested that the techniques he has discovered and developed have been further refined by places like Lockheed Skunkworks, S.A.I.C. (Science Applications International Corp.), and also by perhaps other defense companies.
My comments: Although still under construction, the new paper gives many clues to the technology that was used to destroy the World Trade Center. Take a look at the many pictures and see for yourself! People can no longer claim that this technology does not exist. It definitely DOES exist!
Also note the two companies mentioned in the excerpt above (Lockheed Martin and SAIC). Both are sponsors of the Directed Energy Professional Society! The government even contracted with SAIC for the NIST Report.
See the "News" section of Dr Wood's website for upcoming interviews with Andrew Johnson where he will discuss the new paper. Also in the "news" section is a downloadable MP3 of an interview with John Hutchison.
For proof that the 9/11 attacks, the 9/11 cover up, and the 9/11 "truth movement" were all orchestrated by people associated with directed energy weapons and the media, see my new article:
9/11 Directed Energy Weapon / TV-Fakery Suppression Timeline
Also note the two Court Cases in the US District Court, Southern New York, with attorney Jerry Leaphart:
Dr Judy Wood, suing on behalf of the United States of America and demanding a Trial by Jury, has evidence that Directed Energy Weapons were a causal factor in the destruction of the World Trade Center.
Dr Morgan Reynolds, suing on behalf of the United States of America and demanding a Trial by Jury, has evidence that the Media broadcasted cartoons of an airplane hitting the South Tower.
Bottom line... there were NO hijackings on 9/11 and the entire War On Terror is BOGUS!
Even Peter Jennings knew the 9/11 airplane video was fake. Note his nervousness and word fumbling when ABC plays the clip back in slow motion:
As retired Aerospace Engineer Joseph Kieth says: "The video is phony because airliners don’t meld into steel and concrete buildings, they crash against them!"
What about the eyewitnesses who say they saw planes hit the towers, you ask? See the following analysis of the WTC Task Force Interviews, which were published in the New York Times. You'll learn that only a very small percentage of the First Responders reported seeing airplanes hit the towers. Even fewer reported hearing them. But... they had no trouble hearing the fighter jets later on! Whatever they saw "hit" the towers was a projection:
Going in Search of Planes in NYC
What about the airplane wreckage, you ask? Well, first of all, there are NO verified airplane parts. (The government refuses to release any.) And second, when an airplane crashes into a building, the engines are not going to wind up underneath scaffolding:
See here for more:
What about the cell phone calls, you ask? Faked using advanced voice synthesizer technology as reported in the Washington Post two and a half years before 9/11:
There were NO hijackings on 9/11.
There were NO plane crashes on 9/11.
The entire War On Terror is BOGUS.
Post edited by Unknown User on
if the planes we're cartoons, what was making the noise prior to impact:
crash occurs at about :30
i still lump these kinds of stories into the "well-poisoning" category. things like this hurt the truth movement, because they're sooo out there. i like to focus on things like:
- the put options on the airlines
- norad's non-response
- the war game sims being run that day
- the molten steel pools that remained for weeks under wtc 1, 2, AND 7
- the lack of a plane in shanksville
- the celebrating israeli nationals who said they were "there to document the event"
- the myriad of questionable things about the 9/11 commission (philip zelikow's background, no investigation of the funding of the operation - calling it insignificant, etc..)
- the questionable collapses of all 3 buildings (and why the BBC reported that building 7 came down a half hour before it did..)
"cartoon planes" and energy weapons are a little tough to believe, but questions about the things i mentioned are a little easier for people to consider i think.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and what were those reasons?
war, war, and more war.
that and the elimination of nation states.
you are correct. el queda is all about war, war, and more war.
Many have tried, but no one has been able to discredit this yet.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
they are a factor in it, that's for sure. to get support for these wars, there has to be an enemy waved around at people
dont forget all the piles of money to be made selling this crap
or the astronomically bigger piles of money that are made from the resulting wars following 911.
you are your wet dream about the PNAC. you didnt even know they dont exist anymore. but you seem to take their writings as gospel.
they may not exist any more, but the cfr does, the trilateral commission does, and they are higher up in the globalist hierarchy. pnac was an offshoot. the plan is still being carried out.
yea I know. and they also planted bombs in WTC. I know how the story goes.
PNAC is something that definitely existed just a whisper ago, and many of it's authors and players are in key positions of power today....all very much alive and well, and all are laid out in that article.
It all ties in to Israel.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
great! you're finally coming around to the light.
old noamie says the bush admin didn't plan it. i agree with him there. but i disagree in that i think they were players in it. at the very least, they knew the attack was coming, and they let it happen. but i'm even beyond that point. i think it was a joint intelligence operation involving a few countries.
i think noam is a bit of a gatekeeper, in that he kinda gives you the truth on things, but he stops short of going all the way for whatever reason. i mean, he says "who cares" about the JFK assassination.. "people get killed all the time". please noam..
Read this, and look at all the supporting links, videos, and radio interviews
It was clearly orchestrated for a reason. Bush pulled a 180 the instant he was elected, and 27 days later bombs were falling in Iraq....long before 9/11
It's actually pretty bad how deep the corruption goes.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Seems like others think this to?
Digital FX have gotten SO HARDCORE!
If I opened it now would you not understand?