New York City Now Wants To Stop You From Using iPods, Cellphones and BlackBerrys>1=9132
New York City is at it again. Now they want to help you to live longer by curbing your use of iPods, cellphones and blackberrys. For those who applauded the trans fat ban you only encouraged them to take away more freedoms from us all.
New York City is at it again. Now they want to help you to live longer by curbing your use of iPods, cellphones and blackberrys. For those who applauded the trans fat ban you only encouraged them to take away more freedoms from us all.
“One good thing about music,
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Post edited by Unknown User on
How exactly did the iPod cause this? A person not aware of his surroundings is gonna get hit by a bus. In this case this is simply thinning the herd.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Totally different issues.....I agree with this latest proposal as absurd and I did applaud the trans fat ban...but again two totally different topics IMHO....
You mean to tell me when you cross the street you don't look? How does an iPod prevent one from seeing?
I disapprove both, maybe a legislation that makes restaurant or food producers label the amount of fat and trans fat, but not banning them.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I'm confused. How does not listening to an iPod change that?
it's similar to the cell phone use while driving ban...
if someone hits you while you're legally in a crosswalk then it's the drive's fault and not the pedestrian's...if you walk on the walk signal then this shouldnd't be a problem - if you walk on a don't walk signal then, i say, you deserve to fucking die.
from my window to yours
well said.
from my window to yours
he is only planning to introduce the legislation. you really think it's going to pass? i don't. and the transfat thing is different.
and anyway, don't move here if you disagree so much.
cross the river to the eastside
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
My fear is that their little followers (otherwise known as the DC city council) will just have to be as cool as the kids up north and do the same thing. I am already on the verge of moving. Something like this would make me finally cross the river.
yeah i heard about the smoking thing. *sorry*
but could you imagine trying to enforce this thing on sidewalks (and remember it hasn't been introduced yet)? ha. i don't know if dc sidewalks ever get like nyc's but i just can't see this happening.
cross the river to the eastside
Thanks for the condolences. At least, if I really want to smoke, I can still go to Virginia.
I can't imagine enforcing this either. Both cities seem to be somewhat lax on jaywalking. Could you imagine the cops actually trying to get people on this? Enforcement would last a week until they found easier tickets to write and place on parked cars.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
that's not what i was saying. although it does make me wonder why you would be so upset about local legislation in nyc that would never affect you. i mean if it's what the people here want, then so be it, right? federalism!
cross the river to the eastside
if it passes, it becomes a precedent.
are there signs up outside of dc bars about being quiet? that's a nice side effect of the ban--people complain about noisy sidewalks. i must say though, i rather enjoy not smelling so smoky at the end of the night. i guess the perfect compromise is a smoking beer garden.
good point about jaywalking--i see way more people with electronic devices than jaywalking, and i never see the jaywalkers get busted. i see more police in the subway than anywhere else.
cross the river to the eastside
well i guess you can cross that bridge if you get to it.
i honestly have bigger problems than electronic device and walking legislation that i don't think will pass/be enforced. and i think that if local people want to let that pass, than that's what this great nation is all about. and this is probably a good point to stop posting about it, for me.
cross the river to the eastside
someone's sensitive...who would have thought the cellphone while driving ban would pass...or the trans-fat ban...'s about things be presented and voted on and passed and signed into law without the citizenry really knowing what is going on. oh well. this is stupid legislation - why would any state legislature waste their time on something like this?
from my window to yours
it would be like enforcement of speeding. jaywalking, this is not...
from my window to yours
no, it becomes a law which can be referenced...precedent is a court decision that must be followed (with little room for narrowing, and not much more room for broadening).
from my window to yours
Really, what was the point of this post? Atleast look the word up to make sure it doesn't fit my statement before acting like a fucking English teacher.
according to
*any act, decision, or case that serves as a guide or justification for subsequent situations.
the flipside is if people are getting killed doing this, all the more reason not to ban it. pass a law saying there is no liability for anyone in a car who kills a pedestrain on their phone or listening to their ipod. weed out the weak and stupid.
How did you come up with this is another NYC ban? Yes, it's the NY state senator from Brooklyn who wants to introduce this bill but if passed the ban will affect all major cities in New York State. The trans-fat ban was solely a NYC ban as it was something NYC's mayor wanted.
From the article:
A New York state senator has announced his plan to introduce legislation that will ban the use of electronic devices such as iPods, BlackBerrys and cell phones while crossing streets in major cities.
The bill would effectively make it illegal to use any kind of portable electronic device--a music or video player, cell phone, smartphone, gaming device, etc.--while crossing the street in cities such as New York, Albany and Buffalo. Offenders would be slapped with a $100 fine and a criminal court summons. Joggers and bicyclists would have to limit their iPod use to city parks in which no street crossing would be involved
The bill will not only have to be passed by the NY State Senate but also the NY State Assembly and then Governor Spitzer. I doubt it will be passed.
I'm not for the ban - I don't wear an ipod walking around, but I don't think people should be stopped from doing so.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008