Remembering The USS Liberty (They Haven't Forgotten)

This article is a year old.
These guys want answers and rightfully so.
These guys want answers and rightfully so.
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Collateral damage from a balanced and restrained action of self-defence."
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
45 minutes?
I don't know. Seems awfully fishy to me.
Others claim that the attack was premeditated and deliberate; they note, among other things, that the Liberty was four times larger than the El Quseir, and was clearly designated with Latin rather than Arabic letters and numbers. Proponents of deliberate attack theory include the surviving Liberty crewmen, [1] and some former U.S. government officials, including then-CIA director Richard Helms and then-Secretary of State Dean Rusk as well as Admiral Thomas Hinman Moorer, former Chief of Naval Operations and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
James Bamford, a former ABC News producer, in his book Body of Secrets, proposes a different possible motive for a deliberate attack: "to cover up a massacre of 1,000 Egyptian prisoners of war" that was supposedly taking place at the same time in the nearby town of El-Arish. In 1995, mass graves were in fact discovered outside of El-Arish, and IDF veterans have admitted that unarmed civilians and prisoners of war were murdered in the 1967 War.[7][8] In any event, the possibility of a ship at sea discovering such a crime on land, at or beyond the limit of its visual range, is questionable (according to U.S. accounts, the ship was 14 nautical miles (26 km) from shore at the time of the attack, and did not get much closer to it previously).
In 2003, journalist Peter Hounam wrote Operation Cyanide: How the Bombing of the USS Liberty Nearly Caused World War III, which proposes a completely different theory regarding the incident. In an attempt to explain why there was no support by U.S. forces as backup, Hounam claims that Israel and U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson had secretly agreed on day four of the Six Day War that Liberty would be sunk with complete loss of life. The attack would be blamed on Egypt, allowing the U.S. in turn to attack Egypt, thus helping out Israel. However, according to Hounam's theory, because the Liberty did not sink after two hours, the plan was quickly reversed, Israel apologized for the case of mistaken identity, and a cover-up put into place. Likewise the BBC documentary (2002) claims that the Liberty incident provoked the launch of nuclear-armed planes targeted against Cairo from a US aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean. They were recalled only just in time, when it was clear the Liberty had not sunk with all hands, and that Israel was responsible [9].
Israeli officials and Jewish organizations worldwide have asserted that materials claiming the Liberty incident was deliberate are often used as a pretext for anti-Semitic declarations and acts[citation needed]. They claim these reviews often do not give Israel the benefit of the doubt, turning the incident into an obsessive circus for Israel bashing, especially in comparison to the treatment of other incidents involving foreign attacks on U.S. vessels. Meadors and Ennes have denied an anti-Semitic pretext in their work, and have repeatedly expressed sharp disapproval at the use of the Liberty incident in anti-Semitic contexts, and have pointed out that some of the ship's company was Jewish.
On July 2, 2003, as a result of Florida Judge Jay Cristol's (retired Naval carrier pilot) lawsuit using the Freedom of Information Act, the National Security Agency made two significant admissions: there had been no radio intercepts made by USS Liberty, and there had been no radio intercepts made by the U.S. submarine Amberjack. The National Security Agency released copies of the recordings it made from an EC-121 aircraft in the vicinity of the attacks from 2:30 p.m. to 3:27 p.m. Sinai time, and the resultant translations and summaries. The tapes show that the helicopters were first dispatched to rescue Egyptians, and then demonstrate the confusion as to the identification of the target ship. Cristol adds: "The tapes confirm that the helicopter pilot observed the flag at 3:12 p.m." which would coincide with the audio tapes the Israel Air Force released to Judge Cristol of the radio transmissions before, during and after the attack. The English translations of the Israeli Air Force tapes are published in Appendix 2 of Judge Cristol's book The Liberty Incident.
On October 10, 2003, The Jerusalem Post ran an interview with Yiftah Spector, one of the pilots who participated in the attack [10], and thought to be the lead pilot of the first wave of planes. Spector stated in the interview that the ship was assumed to be Egyptian at the time of the attack; the transcripts of the Israeli communications about the Liberty are also in interview.
As of 2005, the National Security Agency (NSA) has yet to declassify "boxes and boxes" of Liberty documents. Numerous requests under both declassification directives and the Freedom of Information Act are pending in various agencies including the NSA, Central Intelligence Agency, and Defense Intelligence Agency.
Sources claiming attack was deliberate
Survivors of the attack
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I've posted about the USS Liberty before, but no one seemed to care.
Jews=many good people, Israeli government=a bunch of warmongering bastards.
Charlotte & Raleigh Lollapalooza 1992, Charlotte Memorial Stadium 1996, Tibet Freedom Concert 1998, Raleigh & Greenville 1998, Greensboro 2000, Raleigh & Camden 2003, Asheville 2004, Camden 2006, DC 2008, Atlanta 2012 Charlottesville 2013, Charlotte 2013
Greenville, (XRaleighX) and Hampton 2016, London Hyde Park, Quebec City and Ottawa 2022, St Paul X2 2023, Raleigh 2025 X2, Florida (hopefully)...
Conspiracy theorists believe President Lyndon Johnson worked with Israel to have the ship attacked and to blame it on the egyptians. I haven't seen any conclusive evidence, however supposedly it's been revealed that a message was sent to a nearby carrier which scrambled jets an order from Johnson had them stand-down. I'll see if I can come up with anything supporting this claim.
Anti-Islamic fascists? That's a good one, considering all the liberal whining on here lately about being called anti-Semitic.
EDIT: Sorry, I have been trying to avoid the Liberal/Con labels lately. What I meant to say was "whining from critics of Israel". My bad!
Survivors of the attack[/quote]
Forget it conspircacy theorists. There is just no possibility this was an organized attack on a known American target with knowledge of the Israeli government. That would have been an act of suicide. If this was pre-meditated and the ship was spying Israel would have been shrewd enough to paint Egyptian markings on their planes. Knowlingly attacking their only benefactor at a time when they were fighting for survival would have been nothing other than an impossible act of suicide. Give it a a rest already. Why don't you talk about the 200 plus American Marines known to have been killed by Hezbollah in 1983.
Question - If the United States had heavily armed militias on its Southern Borders bombing the shit out of San Diego would you worry about collateral damage? I do not think so. Anyone who questions what Israel is doing is nothing more than a latent (at least) anti-semite who believe that because Israel is a Jewish State, they should have to tolerate threats and killings to a greater extent than European or other Christian states.
Irvine 1992, Las Vegas 1993, Mountain View 1994, San Diego 1995, Los Angeles 1996, Los Angeles 1998, Moutain View 1999, San Bernadino 2000, Los Angeles 2000, Irvine 2003, Irvine 2003, Moutain View 2003, Santa Barbara 2003, San Diego 2006, Los Angeles 2006, Santa Barbara 2006
Couldn't have put it better myself. You have to put both together otherwise you're accused of anti-semitism
I can't get my head around that line of thinking. Criticism of Israel's actions is anti-semitism?
Note to self: calm down
That is the most rediculous tool the jewish people have ever used. Do you work for the ADL? because that is exactly what the ADL proclaims. The ADL and anyone who thinks like that are racist. Criticizing a governments actions is not an act of racism and stating that a race is beyond criticism is racist towards every other race. I personally don't care if the pharisees and the talmud say that Jewish people are better than everyone else. I don't believe that and you have to respect my beliefs.
Maybe, just maybe, were questioning Israels actions because they are killing many innocent people. Just a thought.
They must have dropped all their binoculars overboard... :rolleyes: