"Whoops! The tape was rolling?!"

Dems will do anything to get votes. If they can't win the old fashioned way, they'llslash tires and whine that the election was "stolen"...
Dems will do anything to get votes. If they can't win the old fashioned way, they'llslash tires and whine that the election was "stolen"...
"It's not that liberals know nothing. It's that what they do know isn't so."
Ronaldus Magnus
Ronaldus Magnus
Post edited by Unknown User on
You are the son of Hitler! Get over it you silly little freak!! It wasn't your fault! You just happened to be the wrong sperm in the wrong place at the wrong time!!
So...you're one of those, huh? If you weren't so concerned about picking the winning team, you'd have enough time to dislodge your head from your rear to know that the two "choices" we have are distilled down to utter sameness. Two piles of feces painted different colors are still poop at the end of the day.
It's not the players, it's the game. Stop perpetuating it.
dig a hole in, the garden
dialup http://veredictum.com/stolenelection2004-56.rm
i especially like the part of the republican politician saying in 2003:
Rep Peter King "it's already over, the election's over, we won"
person w/ camera 'how do you know that?' "
Rep Peter King "It's all down to the counting and we'll take care of the counting"
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
it depends on how close you are to that pile of poop before you take a good long hard whiff
that we were born to be covered in bliss?
who set the standard, born to be rich?
such fine examples, skinny little bitch
model, role model, roll some models in blood
get some flesh to stick, so they look like us
i shit and i stink, i'm real, join the club
There's barely any significant difference between the two parties. Identical agendas............which travel slightly different highways.
It's a joke to argue over the two. Only fools brainwashed by their partisan loyalties, would do so.
Vote and fight on issues, not parties.
Exactly! Even though I tend to favor the democratic party, I always vote for the person that best represents my feelings not the party. American political system needs to be refreshed. The United States needs a political revolution.
What country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. It is its natural manure. Thomas Jefferson
that we were born to be covered in bliss?
who set the standard, born to be rich?
such fine examples, skinny little bitch
model, role model, roll some models in blood
get some flesh to stick, so they look like us
i shit and i stink, i'm real, join the club
I hope she loses...
perhaps if she would support a ban on gay marriage, she would have a better chance....
Sons of Democrat Congresswomen do that too.
This kind of stuff happens on both sides. What the problem is in California that is seen here is the amount of groups that encourage voting by illegal immigrants.
My thoughts exactly... I honestly don't care that the president said 'Shit'....