if i had any sense id just leave this board

i dont type well and the stress is bad for me
guys about 18 to 28 thrive on the adrenlin of arguing, even on boards i think -for me it sucks-im not in the best of health
anyone see the show on pbs wennesday night on heart attacks? i see those show or on radio and i feel it could happen so i turn that crap off
i bet heart attacks went up for the saps who watched the show
i dont like the internet anymore
guys about 18 to 28 thrive on the adrenlin of arguing, even on boards i think -for me it sucks-im not in the best of health
anyone see the show on pbs wennesday night on heart attacks? i see those show or on radio and i feel it could happen so i turn that crap off
i bet heart attacks went up for the saps who watched the show
i dont like the internet anymore
Post edited by Unknown User on
Seriously, don't have a heart attack. It isn't worth it to get stressed out. But don't you think you bring this stuff on yourself? You post some crazy shit from insane boards, and people are naturally going to go after it.
And I don't believe for a second that you don't like the Internet anymore. Crazy-assed Internet sites seem to be your lifeblood.
This is a playground of sorts. Enjoy it. Embrace it. Just don't die on me.
Be like Rushlimbo if you like. Comment on something you have no clue about and act as if you do by riding the coattails of other posters. You're always safe from real argument that way.
It can be fun here!
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
no, you dont type well. your posts come off pretty badly. so maybe you should leave if you truly think it's affecting your health. this place isnt worth it.
Seriously... you can't expect to start socio-political shit and think no one is going to take issue with you. You constantly harp on something... and people will react. When they do... you get all dramatic. Political, social, religious matters get heated at times because people are passionate about their country and their religion... we all know this going in. Yet, we choose to be here. I do because I already stated what my favorite Pearl Jam Song/Album is and I really don't care about Eddie's hair.
People take issue with shit I say all the time... but, I expect it. I know everyone does not agree because there are usually more than one side to every issue. I make no apologies for my opinions and I don't expect anyone to apologise for theirs. I try to see and understand where they are coming from and express why or how I have developed my opinions. If you do not have the constitution to withstand heated criticism of your opinions... then, you're probably right... this is not a good place for you to be.
Hail, Hail!!!
i decided not to post here anymore but for different reasons. i saw your thread and decided to post this for you. a heart attack won't be caused by this or any other board. you've got to take care of yourself. don't fall into any fads. eat grass fed animals (especially buffalo) and it will not only remove bad cholesterol and strengthen your heart but reduce your risk of cancer by 74%. i can pm you the proof if you like. eat right and you'll enjoy a long life.
That thread was awesome.
for the least they could possibly do
I try to treat people here with respect (I'm not always successful with that, but I think overall I do a pretty good job of it), and as a result most people are nice to me even when we disagree. Even so, I've been called names and told that I was full of shit and an idiot and so on ... fortunately, I have a pretty low opinion of the people who said those things, so I don't care what they think of me and it didn't bother me in the slightest. To be honest, it usually makes me laugh. If you're unable to look at things that way, you're going to have a rough time here. Some people are cut out for it, others aren't.
If you want to cut down on the number of hostile encounters you have here, you're going to have to start with your own posts. It's fine to disagree (this board would be pretty pointless if we all agreed on everything), but if you're going to continually tell everyone who disagrees with you what blind, stupid sheep they are, you're going to get some pretty harsh words in return. The fact that someone doesn't share your opinion doesn't mean they're stupid. There are some extremely smart people here that I disagree with all the time ... we can both be intelligent without having to agree on everything, people look at things from different perspectives.
...and exercise, though if you are in bad health, you should consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.
Sounds like you may have panic disorder or something.....which is actually all in your mind, and wont give you a heart atack...just intense physical re-actions (my Mom has this diorder- ugh)
Leave....not because you think this board may kill you, but definately leave if it is taking away your inner peace and center of balance.
Try Yoga BTW.
Now that you've been broken down
Got your head out of the clouds
You're back down on the ground
And you don't talk so loud
And you don't walk so proud, Anymore..
Dont ya know love can start an inferno?
Set a place on fire and youre the one they blame.
dude its not this board that is stressing you out. its all the propaganda that you are buying into. but if you must go. go.
just stay away from alex jones for awhile and you might find a better outlook on life.
some is true i think , still i guess its bad to keep hearing it
jack blood comes on after him-hes a nice guy probably but he snickers all the way trough the show which is annoying
so before i take a walk i better ask some doctor?
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
LMAO !! I guess I struck a nerve last night. Getting owned by someone every now and then aint so bad, Thumbelina. Shake it off !!
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
alex jones is crazy and what he says is not true. so stop listening to him. we're not going to be invaded by mexico. if you truly believe that, you have far bigger problems than this board.
he talks about greedy people buying up our roads and forced vacines on kids
that could be true
supreme court ruled 5 to 4 they can take land in kelo case
the little guy has no more rights in this goddamn country
A message board is not going to give you a heart attack. Do you smoke? Drink to much? Do you exercise? How is your diet? These are the things you should be thinking about if your worried about a heart attack. I hope you don't go, because I honestly enjoy reading the crazy stuff you throw out there. So take care of your body and keep posting.
i drink some beer but may cut back-guess i feel somewhat better -i dont know
god loves quiters.