2+2=5 in saddam hanging?

something just doesn't seem right here. this all took place awfully quick. there was a lot to be learned from this guy that he is now taking to the grave.
those undecided, needn't have faith to be free
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Peasant #1: We have found a witch, may we burn her?
Sir Bedevere: How do you know she is a witch?
Peasant #1: She looks like one!
[mob roars in agreement]
Sir Bedevere: Bring her forward.
"Witch": I'm not a witch, I'm not a witch!
Sir Bedevere: But you are dressed as one.
"Witch": They dressed me up like this.
Angry Mob: No! Nooo! We didn't! We didn't!
"Witch": And this isn't my nose, it's a false one.
Sir Bedevere: [lifts up the fake nose] Well?
Peasant #2: Well, we did do the nose.
Sir Bedevere: The nose?
Peasant #1: And the hat. But she is a witch!
[mob roars in agreement]
Sir Bedevere: Did you dress her up like this?
Angry Mob: NO! NO!
Peasant #2: ... Yes... a bit. But she has got a wart!
Sir Bedevere: What makes you think that she is a witch?
Mr Newt: What, she turned me into a newt!
Sir Bedevere: A newt?
Mr Newt: I got better.
Peasant 3: BURN HER ANYWAY!!!!
[mob roars in agreement]
Sir Bedevere: Quiet, quiet! There are ways of telling whether she is a witch.
Angry Mob: There are? Are there? Tell us, tell us!
Peasant #1: Do they hurt?
Sir Bedevere: Tell me, what do you do with witches?
Peasant #3: BURN!
[mob roars in agreement]
Sir Bedevere: And what do you burn apart from witches?
Peasant #2: MORE WITCHES! [Gets slapped]
Peasant #3: Wood!
Sir Bedevere: So, why do witches burn?
Peasant #3: ... 'Cause they're made of... wood?
Sir Bedevere: Good! So how do we tell whether she is made of wood?
Peasant #1: Build a bridge out of her!
Sir Bedevere: Ahh, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?
Peasant #1: Oh yeah.
Sir Bedevere: Tell me, Does wood sink in water?
Peasant #3: No, no, it floats.
Peasant #2: Throw her into the pond!
[mob roars in agreement]
Sir Bedevere: No, no. What also floats in water?
Peasant #1: Bread.
Peasant #2: Apples.
Peasant #3: Very small rocks.
Peasant #1: Cider.
Peasant #2: Gravy.
Peasant #3: Cherries.
Peasant #1: Mud.
Peasant #2: Churches! Churches!
Peasant #3: Lead! Lead!
King Arthur: [has been silent in the background] A duck.
Sir Bedevere: Exactly! So, logically...
Peasant #1: ...If she weighs the same as a duck, then she's made of wood.
Sir Bedevere: And therefore?
Peasant #1: A WITCH!
[mob roars in agreement]
[Having been revealed to weigh the same as a duck, therefore proving her a witch]
"Witch": It's a fair cop.
The whole thing was fucking creepy... it looked more like a mob or militia lynching, than a state run execution. I mean, those ski masks and cheesy pleather jackets and the screaming mob below shouting the graces of Muqtada Al Sadr... all just a few days after I celebrated Christmas with my family. Those fuckers couldn't have waited to the middle of January... you know, pick up some descent executioner gear from Hot Topic's website or something. That Shi'ite Government over there is looking more and more like Iran to me.
Hail, Hail!!!
but she DID weigh the same as the duck!
Gotta' love The Holy Grail!
yeah man, it was very strange. the whole thing wreaked to me.
i do find it strange that the only thing he was charged with was a crime pre-dating U.S. involvement with him...
and the whole xmas timing was freaking ridiculous. i'm wacthing tv with my 2 young nieces, and they have to see this guy getting neused up?
Just imagine the ramifications if one of saddams nipples popped out just then, how would the net works be able to show the hanging?
You would have all these conservative families calling CNN, "how dare you show a nipple!" but a hanging? That's cool.
That's funny... sad and true... but, funny.
Hail, Hail!!!
ha! that's hilarious.
and sadly, true!
And what about the Kurds? Those guys lost hundreds of thousands from Hussein's brutality. They will still hold a trial... but, their witnesses and survivor's stories won't pack the punch they would have... had they been given the opportunity to confront Hussein in court. Where is the Justice for them? Sure, he's dead... you don't have to worry about him anymore. But, was the Kurdish people asked about this? Did they sign off on it?
It looks more and more like the Shi'ite majority exerting their power over the entire nation through their Democratically elected government. The whole way the thing was run was fucked up on so many levels... first off... wasn't it Ramadan? Isn't that sort of like Muslim's Christmas? Didn't someone over there have access to a calendar?
Hail, Hail!!!
Why were you watching the news with your two young nieces anyway? I can hardly stand to watch the news nowadays all the sad and horrible things that are deemed newsworthy. Next time stick with Disney or something.
Saddem deserved the harshest punishment possible, and for the Iraqi's that was death. I'm not sure I really see what the problem is.
exactly, so put all of that together, along with some of the other points, and you have to wonder what is going on here.
It was almost their second Eid holiday - the first one took place back, I think, in October - that is Eid -ul-Fitr, at the end of Ramadan. This Eid holiday is called Eid-ul-Adha, and takes place at the time of the pilgrimmage. It is my undertanding that they wanted to execute him before the actual Eid-ul-Adha holiday began, which they did. The whole thing weirds me out, and I haven't watched actual hanging footage, but you can't get away from at least a picture of the man with the noose around his neck if you go to any news website.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008