Bobby Kennedy

With all the talk at the minute of Obama and McCain it got me thinking how would America have changed if Bobby had lived post 68?
Would he firstly have got the presidency? I know that he was very popular and had alot of different agenda's to what was the norm at the time.
Would he have become as loved as JFK?
Would he firstly have got the presidency? I know that he was very popular and had alot of different agenda's to what was the norm at the time.
Would he have become as loved as JFK?
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Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
John is just more of a "legend", i guess.
If the Kennedys had lived (both of them), the world would be unimaginably different.
What they stood for
Don't forget that Bobby was all about some getting rid of corruption. Particularly, he wanted to wipe out the mob influence in America.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I used to read any and all books about the Kennedys and I was always in love with Bobby for his idealist drive to wipe out corruption.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Bobby would have won that election in 68. He would have wiped Dick Nixon off the map. People felt that JFK had so much unfinished business and they wanted RFK to finish it. The whole political paradigm change at the Ambassador Hotel that night.
A great quote; I've been reading about RFK quite a bit recently, particularly in regards to the Bill of Rights, as I'm considering becoming a constitutional law professor. Read this entry into the Wikipedia entry of RFK's political positions regarding his presidency; I am assuming they are accurate.
"Robert Kennedy expressed the Administration's commitment civil rights during a 1961 speech at the University of Georgia Law School: "We will not stand by or be aloof. We will move. I happen to believe that the 1954 Supreme Court school desegregation decision was right. But my belief does not matter. It is the law. Some of you may believe the decision was wrong. That does not matter. It is the law." "
My goodness. He had such a fidelity to the law that his sole justification to the Civil Rights justification was not that it was moral in its' premise, but that it was the law. His undying attempt to frame the social commitments of this nation in the confines and expansive confines of the law on the books were some of the most incredible and surprising aspects of Robert Kennedy when I've studied him. He considered care for those downtrodden in our nation not only a moral, but a legal necessity. I only wish he'd lived longer to continue upon this path.
I always felt that he was the one who could have changed the course of the country. He was tough as nails, very intelligent and compassionate to a fault.
I could not agree with you more, except I don't think his ideas were radical for the time, but more progressive, given what has happened in the 40 years since his death. I also think that if you admire his fidelity to the law and his care for society's downtrodden, you will probably make a very good constitutional law professor.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
It was with the HELP of the mob that his brother got elected president and himself attorney general. It was also the mob that used to bring prostitutes to the white house for ole jacky boy to play with and god knows what else the mob did for the Kennedy's and the Kennedys for the mob. Not to mention the deep rooted connection to the mob daddy Kennedy had during his rum running days where the kenedys got all there money from. Oh sure, ole bobby was all about going after the mob but after is served his family's purposes. Many people believe it was bobby's crackdown on the mob that got Jack killed.
It was JFK that got us into Vietnam and to the brink of nuclear war with Russia. Not to mention the bay of pigs in which he strung along thousands of Cubans and then abandoned them to be slaughtered (another theory as to what got Jack killed).
Yes the world would have been different if they both lived, can not argue with that.
Someone had to say it. That said, JFK was much less destructive than LBJ and even worse, Nixon, to this country. Unfortunately almost all politicians that can make it to the top will continue this country's policies of military and economic hegemony, rather than a true progressive, alternative approach. While I fully support Obama and hope he will make a radical change from the Bush doctrine, I'm realistic to know he won't change enough of what needs to be done.
It would have been interesting to see RFK and what he could have done. IMO, he would have been better than JFK.
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i just need to say
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
If Abraham Lincoln lives, the reconstruction of the south is done much differently. Many of those issues that have led to issues of this day come from the errors and failures in the reconstruction and subsequent events thereafter.
well... in the end he was shot dead, so yeah id say it was accurate.
it wasnt so much about bobby kennedy as about various people who were at the ambassador hotel that day. what they were doing, why they were there. what kennedy meant to them blah blah blah. some of them worked for kennedy. some of them worked at the hotel. some were supporters.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say