
Ok, so...
Means, to free
1. to set free, as from imprisonment or bondage.
2. to free (a nation or area) from control by a foreign or oppressive government.
3. to free (a group or individual) from social or economic constraints or discrimination, esp. arising from traditional role expectations or bias.
Literally means, to remove freedom, in the process of thought, to elliminate possibilities and collapse on one.
1. carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: a deliberate lie.
2. characterized by deliberation; careful or slow in deciding: a deliberate decision.
3. leisurely and steady in movement or action; slow and even; unhurried: a deliberate step.
–verb (used with object) 4. to weigh in the mind; consider: to deliberate a question.
–verb (used without object) 5. to think carefully or attentively; reflect: She deliberated for a long time before giving her decision.
6. to consult or confer formally: The jury deliberated for three hours.
A note before I move on, "liberately" is not a word. So a person does not act liberately, they act deliberately, without freedom.
Means, to free
1. to set free, as from imprisonment or bondage.
2. to free (a nation or area) from control by a foreign or oppressive government.
3. to free (a group or individual) from social or economic constraints or discrimination, esp. arising from traditional role expectations or bias.
Literally means, to remove freedom, in the process of thought, to elliminate possibilities and collapse on one.
1. carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional: a deliberate lie.
2. characterized by deliberation; careful or slow in deciding: a deliberate decision.
3. leisurely and steady in movement or action; slow and even; unhurried: a deliberate step.
–verb (used with object) 4. to weigh in the mind; consider: to deliberate a question.
–verb (used without object) 5. to think carefully or attentively; reflect: She deliberated for a long time before giving her decision.
6. to consult or confer formally: The jury deliberated for three hours.
A note before I move on, "liberately" is not a word. So a person does not act liberately, they act deliberately, without freedom.

I necessarily have the passion for writing this, and you have the passion for condemning me; both of us are equally fools, equally the toys of destiny. Your nature is to do harm, mine is to love truth, and to make it public in spite of you. - Voltaire
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Synonyms advised, calculated, considered, measured, reasoned, studied, thoughtful, weighed
Related Words aforethought, premeditated; educated, informed; intentional, purposeful; designed, intended, planned, projected; careful, meticulous; foresighted, forethoughtful, provident, prudent
Near Antonyms ill-advised; chance, haphazard, hit-or-miss, random; aimless, desultory, purposeless; hasty, hurried, rushed; abrupt, impetuous, sudden; automatic, extemporaneous, impromptu, instinctive, spontaneous
Antonyms casual