Rice answers to senate (too bad we cant see it)

this morning Rice is answering tough questions from the senate. they showed her opening comments then cut away to report other news. cnn went back to the hearings to show part of john kerry questioning her, he asked what the plan is if iraq does not step up and what it means for the president to say thios is not open ended..... she said she would not talk about plan b. he asked if we would pull our troops out if iraq did not live up to the expectations bush laid out in his speech... he asked if we would get out of iraq if that were to hasppen... she refused to answer. it was very confrontational, and very interesting.... it is still happening RIGHT NOW... but they are not showing it on ANY cable news network. c-span and c-span 2 are not showing it either. they have audio and cameras in there because they show bits and oieces of it, but why on earth woud they not show senate hearing asking the secratary of state details about the presidents plan... it is so frustrating. this is like when mtv covered live 8 and reported about what was happening on stage while talking over the actual music and not showing the performances. can anyone enlighten mwe as to why NOBODY is televising these hearings??????
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at any rate... while i want to learn what rice has to say to the senate, here is what i have learned from the cable news networks...
trump and rosie are still arguing
madonna is on rosies side
trump now does not like connan o'brian
the prince of england has a girlfriend that the press takes too many pictures of
david beckham is going to a los angeles soccer team
barry bonds does speed
and most insulting, they keep interviewing talking heads asking their opinion on the bush policy while they have a picture in ppicture of rice testifying without sound. JUST SHOW THE GODDAMN HEARINGS FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!