Paper: Israel Plans Nuclear Strike On Iran

Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran's uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons, the SUNDAY TIMES of London is planning to report, British media sources tell DRUDGE... MORE...
Just saw this on Drudge Report.
Just saw this on Drudge Report.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Post edited by Unknown User on
So it's gotta be true. You know what the little idiot was doing before he started his little blog? Selling souvenirs at the CBS Radford Studio store in Studio City CA. This studio is where many sitcoms have been shot including Seinfeld, Rosanne etc. Suddenly the sheeple are listening to this guy like he's Deep Throat.
LONDON (Reuters) - Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran's uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons, Britain's Sunday Times newspaper said.
Citing what it said were several Israeli military sources, the paper said two Israeli air force squadrons had been training to blow up an enrichment plant in Natanz using low-yield nuclear "bunker busters."
Two other sites, a heavy water plant at Arak and a uranium conversion plant at Isfahan, would be targeted with conventional bombs, the Sunday Times said.
I check the Sunday Time's website but there was no mention of it. I guess we have to wait till tomorrow.
Drudge is still a tool though.;):)
I would like to know more what exact these are
Drudge is a tool, but I usually check a long list of different sites to get my news.
from my window to yours
This is too frightening to contemplate...
They are GBU-28s that were shipped to Israel from the U.S.A. during the conflict in Lebanon. They aren't exactly nuclear bombs, they are depleted uranium U-238 bombs, but are fairly devastating and radioactive.
That's my understanding anyway.
cool thanks. I should have known there was a wiki page. go ol wiki
well we've already covered iraq in a nice layer of depleted uranium, so why not iran?
i guess israel is running out of patience trying to get us to attack iran for them. but it doesn't really matter if they do it or we do it.. either way, more american troops will be killed.
yea np,
LONDON - A British newspaper reported Sunday that Israel has drafted plans to strike as many as three targets in Iran with low-yield nuclear weapons, aiming to halt Tehran's uranium enrichment program. The Israeli Foreign Ministry denied the report.
Citing multiple unidentified Israeli military sources, The Sunday Times said the proposals involved using so-called "bunker-buster" nuclear weapons to attack nuclear facilities at three sites south of the Iranian capital.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's office said it would not respond to the claim. "We don't respond to publications in the Sunday Times," said Miri Eisin, Olmert's spokeswoman.
Israeli Minister of Strategic Threats Avigdor Lieberman also declined to comment on the report.
Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev denied the report and said that "the focus of the Israeli activity today is to give full support to diplomatic actions" and the implementation of a U.N. Security Council resolution imposing sanctions on Iran for refusing to halt enrichment.
The United States and its allies accuse Tehran of secretly trying to produce atomic weapons, but Iran claims its nuclear program is solely for peaceful purposes, including generating electricity.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has condemned as invalid and illegal the U.N. resolution.
Though Olmert has not explicitly ruled out a military strike against Iran's nuclear program, he has repeatedly said the issue should be dealt with diplomatically.
Because an Iranian nuclear bomb would affect the entire world, Olmert has said, the problem must be solved by the international community.
The Sunday Times reported that Mossad, the Israeli spy agency, believes Iran could produce enough enriched uranium to build nuclear weapons within two years. It also reported the top three targets for the Israelis were Natanz, where thousands of centrifuges are being installed, a heavy water reactor at Arak and a uranium conversion facility near Isfahan.
Israeli pilots, the newspaper reported, have made flights to the British colony of Gibraltar to train for the 2,000-mile round trip to the Iranian targets.
The Israeli army declined to comment when asked by The Associated Press on Sunday whether the Israeli air force was training for an attack against Iranian nuclear facilities.
"I refuse to believe that anyone here would consider using nuclear weapons against Iran," Reuven Pedatzur, a prominent defense analyst and columnist for the daily Haaretz, told the AP. "It is possible that this was a leak done on purpose, as deterrence, to say 'someone better hold us back, before we do something crazy.'"
Ephraim Kam, a strategic expert at Tel Aviv University's Institute for National Strategic Studies and a former senior army intelligence officer, also dismissed the report.
"No reliable source would ever speak about this, certainly not to the Sunday Times," Kam said.
Full Sunday Times article can be read here,,2089-2535310,00.html
"...Israeli and American officials have met several times to consider military action. Military analysts said the disclosure of the plans could be intended to put pressure on Tehran to halt enrichment, cajole America into action or soften up world opinion in advance of an Israeli attack....."
Your probably right. This could be nothing more than the Israel's doing a little saber rattling.
Read my post above!!!!!
Still... US and Israel are in it together... with past actions, can't trust it's only a little saber rattling....
Well let's just hope it's saber rattling. I don't think we need Israel fucking up ther situation in the Middle East anymore than it already is.
I don't even want to start thinking what the impact of such a strike could be!
Historically, it has been someone or more than one persons in the chain that does not believe the 'plan' is such a good idea. German scientists and commanders notified Allied intelligence of Hitler's plan to develop an atomic weapon which lead to bombing raids on development and manufacturing facilities. Some in the German command thought that Hitler with an atomic bomb and a viable and tested delivery system, the V-2 rocket, would not be such a good thing... even for Germany's sake.
My guess is that someone or some persons do not think a tactical nuclear attack is in Israel's best interest, given the geographic location of their nation. Such an attack has a high probability of resulting in escalated attacks on Israel from several neighboring Arab nations and promote the hostilities, pretty much making sure that any diplomatic negotiations non-existant.
This a completely different world with a completely different set of consequences than 2 decades ago when Israel airstrikes took out Iraq's burgeoning nuclear development. One main factor to consider... 135,000 American troops within striking distance of Arab/Persian reprisals. Specifically, what affect would such an attack have on the unstable Shi'ia dominated Iraqi Government and more importantly... the Iraqi (Shi'ite) forces embedded with U.S. forces?
Hail, Hail!!!
That alone would generate another century of hate towards Israel.
I don't think Israel should get too cocky either. Flexing too much muscle can backfire. I'll use another WWII example
Y'all should check out "Xavier Naidoo - Who I Am" from his unreleased all-English album "Seeing is believing". The whole album is really good and his voice is absolutely awesome. I also recommend his album "Telegramm für X" I'm not exactly fluent in German, but I gather from the cover of his album, some of the lyrics and his concert in Tel-Aviv, that he has a lot of insight into the conflict and writes some awesome lyrics. It's unfortunate, apparently he went to the U.S. and created "Seeing is believing" but his career first took off in Germany or something and the album was never released. Thankfully someone put it online at I don't know if that's illegal, but fuck, the music is really good.
A freightening aspect is the precedent we (U.S.) has set with our 'Pre-Emptive First Strike' doctrine. How do we negotiate with Israel to talk them down from this course of action when we are the ones who basically wrote the book? I know... Israel executed a pre-emptive strike against the Iraqi facility in the 1980s, but we didn't have a stake in it and were not vulnerable. We also had a lot more support from the Arab world in 1980... something that we have since lost.
We are in a precarious situation over there and we have 135,000 Americans who are working with a Shi'ite dominated nation. I can pretty much guess how a guy like Muqtada al Sadr will react... and he wields a great deal of influence in Iraq. Imagine Shi'ite soldiers working with our troops... armed and trainned by us... but, with alligence to the Shi'ite majority. I can easily picture them walking into the mess hall and blowing themselves up... getting coordinates to pinpoint U.S. Marine barracks for mortar fire... all kinds of crap. It's fucking scary... and look at who we have as a negotiator... Condelezza Rice.
We have fucked our military personel already... something like this makes a shitty situation even worse.
Hail, Hail!!!
Iraq is not the only worry... the whole of the middle east could be in flames. I believe it could have global repercussions.
I believe it is more of a sabre-rattling because Israel really can't be that stupid. Iran has a loud mouth punk in charge who like to act tough. But, how does the average Iranian Joe feel? I'm pretty sure he doesn't want Israeli nukes raining down on his ass... especially if he remembers how the Iran military could barely scratch out a tie with the U.S. backed Iraq in the 1980s. Iraqs military is a piece of shit and Iran's is even worse.
Well... actually... I'm HOPING that Israel isn't as stupid as we were. I'm hoping they are just taking a hardline rhetoric tack and using the Reagan philosophy of threatening military aggression and scaring the Iranians to back down, rather than actually using military actions and getting bogged down in a long and costly war with united Arab nations.
Hail, Hail!!!
We're all hoping Cosmo..... It wouldn't be the first time though....
They did level lebanon and cause a huge amount of deaths. They also know that no matter what, America will be funding the war with money and missles for them.
But if they do go after Iran, I think israel will end up doing something that is very hard to do, unite the arabs.
Iran and Syria shouldn't have to justify their nuclear's pretty damn clear as to why they might want them.