home-made machine gun ruling..

well, it seems like regulation is doing it's job just like likety split....how do you feel about gun control, anyway? i am not a gun bearer, but i found this article to prove rather interesting for all.....
i hope this will bring up some worthwhile discussion...
i hope this will bring up some worthwhile discussion...
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
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Post edited by Unknown User on
Its your second amendment right! SHould we start limiting freedom of speech? How bout your right to excercise your particular religion?
Would you prefer they go out drinking, then buy their gun?
Gun control doesnt have to mean NOT having guns. It can mean a better system of keeping track of who has what guns. If you've not learned anything from the "war on drugs", its that when you make things illegal, you only make it hard for honest non-criminals to get their hands on the item. Be it drugs, guns, whatever. And gun education wouldnt be a bad idea either. The more you understand a gun, how it works, and what it can do, the safer you are having one in your hands.
Putting limits on the Freedom of Speech doesnt have to mean NOT having Freedom of Speech. It can mean a better system of keeping track of who is saying what.
This I agree with.
Statistically alcohol is more dangerous than firearms. So how's that stupid?
This case was essentially about the BATF's (a tax agency) authority to regulate Machine Guns based on it's ability to tax interstate commerce. The man was manufacturing his own machine gun parts from raw materials bought in state and therefore should have been exempt from any BATF tax pertaining to interstate commerce.
we have a right to bear arms and yet, supreme court rules this stuff....hmmm...
why? becasue nobody seems to question new homeland securtiy force; it seems anybody and everybody is on bandwagon to receive funding from fed to protect our lands....
69, it's great to see you on this thread, becasue i knew you'd have something to say about gun control. you know i'm not into guns; atleast i wasnt' last year and allthough a great deal has changed in my life; my feeligns about liberty has yet to change....pjammers are awesome human beings (that doesn't mean i always agree).......
do you know in cali, state legislators are trying to make owning a pit-bull illlegal. do you know in cali that they are trying to mandate if you own a pit, he/she has to be spayed or neutered? so now, we are looking at this control shit right in the face all around us...pretty sad state of fear we got going here in u.s. and remember what an old prez said, We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.....", then why does the mass media provoke this fear in humans? is everyone afraid of their own shadow? can't we make decisions for our self...? i say all of this, becasue i don't own a gun, and when i did, i wasn't a human being worth spit, but i believe that my brothers and siters do have mind enought to use guns and poseess guns according to needs...some people do need to hunt, now don't they...
and i wonder if raich case goes further in courts and original ruling becomes default, will this arizona man get freed then? not that i think he should have machine gunz; because we all know what they are meant for, but i also believe that we should be able to protect ourselves from unfriendly fire... as well....tx.
i mean, the man can shoot you, with a taser gun or even a 9mm, and if the only one who is legally allowed to poseesss weapons is the man, then it will be the man and the evil that own guns and decent humans who do make rational decisons will be left without protection...against either...becasue we all know we can't really depend on our public saftety offices to protect and serve.....hell gov't aint serving my need......sorry for tangent rant......;)
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
That's a system I'd agree with if the US deal with guns.