Reconstruction of Iraq Kickback Scam

This makes me SICK, the biggest beneficiaries of kickbacks are BUSH and CHENEY:
Laughable language, this directly applies to the current adminstration:
"This indictment alleges that the defendants flagrantly enriched themselves at the expense of the Iraqi people -- the very people they were there to help," U.S. Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty said in a news release.
"U.S. government officials working in Iraq are not for sale. We will prosecute anyone who attempts to exploit the reconstruction efforts in Iraq for their personal gain."
Laughable language, this directly applies to the current adminstration:
"This indictment alleges that the defendants flagrantly enriched themselves at the expense of the Iraqi people -- the very people they were there to help," U.S. Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty said in a news release.
"U.S. government officials working in Iraq are not for sale. We will prosecute anyone who attempts to exploit the reconstruction efforts in Iraq for their personal gain."
Post edited by Unknown User on
Fixed it, sorry.
To $16,000,000 today!
INDICT Cheney and the AIPAC cronies, Bremmer, Pearle and Wolfowitz.
Dubya's ignorance gives him a pass. lmao
ever hear of conflict of interest?
Only if you were the architect of this war and selectively bombed the Iraqi infrastructure knowing your frineds would get the no bid contracts to repair it.
What about the Balkans, KBR and Halliburton have been chief DOD contractors for a long time. They were used by President Clinton in the Balkans since 98', does that mean he's profiting also?
Where is the conflict of interest with Bill Clinton? Last time I checked Gore was not the former CEO of Halliburton. Furthermore, Gore was not the puppet master holding the strings on Billy. Soemthing we cant say about the current administration.
just read up a little
there is a great webcite that documents all of halliburton's abuses. its halliburtonwatch
I don't think you got me. I completely see the connection for the recent war in Iraq and the conflict of interest. But what about pre-VP cheney?
It's not like we're using Halliburton for the first time during war time right? Cheney didn't come up with the idea, he's been with them since 95' and we've used them in the Balkans under the Clinton administration. And in the Gulf War under Bush Sr.
good points, do you know if they were automatically awarded the work in the Balkans, you know, by way of no-bid contracts or did they have to complete...?
I'm just curious and I'm not sure how to go about finding out...
I was in Kosovo in 2000 and I know they were there cause they fed us.(and really good too)
From my understanding, Halliburton is one of the very few companies here in the US that can accomodate the requests of the military and the department of defense. Logistically speaking, what they do is very complicated.
Because of their expertise, and previous work with the DOD, I might assume that they were just given the contracts. But I'm not really sure.
Oh bad example because under this corporate whore administration, AT&T is back and is as strong and large as they ever were. lmao
Well my names Josh, not Karl. And this shits comin straight outta my head.
I guess I'm not too familiar with many comparable corporations like Halliburton and KBR. Maybe you could name a few that are viable options to the DOD for me. That'd be awful nice of you.
And you never got around to answering my Balkans question. Why did the Clinton Administration let KBR and Halliburton be our go to guys for Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia AND Albania.
Like I said earlier, I get the Cheney/ Bush connection this time around, but how does that explain the Dem administration.
I didn't go to your website, because I, like many people, fucking hate pop-ups.
And don't try to turn this onto monopolies, tell me what's the Clinton connection. I don't know if there is or isn't, so you seem to be the expert, fill me in.
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