an alternative to debate,...

right wing, left wing,... who cares, it's the same plane,...
this world is so out of hand right now,... we just need to unite as one and actually fix the problem.
here's my idea. focus on one thing at a time and fix it, and not half ass,... fix it all the way.
anyone have an idea?
most people on this board are extremely intelligent. let's pick a problem, all work together, and see what we can accomplish.
obviously we would have to start small and work our way up. pick something logical that we could obviously help with. no matter how simple it is, at least we would be working for change.
maybe, like a good deeds thread,... im sure someone could come up with a grand idea. keep each other updated and give each other motivation. it seems to me that most of the problems lie somewhere between pride and selfishness. maybe some humility and good deeds can help.
give me your thoughts on this,... and please just try to help and make more sense of this thread rather than criticizing the simplicity or unorganized idea that this is. if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. it's that simple.
right wing, left wing,... who cares, it's the same plane,...
this world is so out of hand right now,... we just need to unite as one and actually fix the problem.
here's my idea. focus on one thing at a time and fix it, and not half ass,... fix it all the way.
anyone have an idea?
most people on this board are extremely intelligent. let's pick a problem, all work together, and see what we can accomplish.
obviously we would have to start small and work our way up. pick something logical that we could obviously help with. no matter how simple it is, at least we would be working for change.
maybe, like a good deeds thread,... im sure someone could come up with a grand idea. keep each other updated and give each other motivation. it seems to me that most of the problems lie somewhere between pride and selfishness. maybe some humility and good deeds can help.
give me your thoughts on this,... and please just try to help and make more sense of this thread rather than criticizing the simplicity or unorganized idea that this is. if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. it's that simple.
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
~Ron Burgundy
Post edited by Unknown User on
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
That's something everyone could do
so, the strong mostly prevailed - but little guys had a shot if they were quick.
I'm seeing now, this was just a minitaurized version of war.
With wiffle bats.
There's one alternative to debate - as long as everyone agrees to the terms of the wiffle war.
An idea.
speaking of extremely intelligent...
seems more like an anger management program, but that is pretty funny,...
~Ron Burgundy
back to the main idea...
I think we think we work on one thing at a time - the way everything is departmentalized in the federal and state governments.
To have too many cooks over the pot spoils the meal or something like that...
So, while it does sound good - there is a certain appeal to the sluggishness of the government as well. No one can rush through a dangerous agenda if most people are on their toes about it.
Although that could be argued lately....
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
or that.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
discussion seems to be a better word than debate, but debate works too. what i meant by an alternative to debating was basically what you said at the end of your post. debate should lead to a solution, but lately it seems like people just want to complain and argue instead of doing something about it. i don't think we can solve world hunger or anything of that nature, but we can work on a small level to do our part in making this world a better place. but yes, we would have to discuss/debate about what to focus on/fix/try to fix/solve, whatever it may be,...
it seems like a lot of people read the post, but only a few replied. i know this isn't organized in any fashion, but id like to see if we could make something of it.
i say we start with something small like a good deed.
today i recycled something. today i went out and bought a gun for 69charger's sake. today i went out and planted a fucking tree.
it may seem elementary, but it's a start. as elementary as it sounds, it's better than bitching and arguing about shit we can only change by voting or getting the whole nation to boycott or something like that. i think this board needs a change. yeah, this is the moving train. i know what the forum is for. but how awesome would it be if 100 people posted everyday talking about how they changed our world?
i don't know, we'll see what happens.
~Ron Burgundy
I hope you did
although, you think only lately?
i really think to some degree our problems/issues have just grown so complex, people just become so polarized, don't even know where to begin...and also too, as a culture, the act of compromise is not nearly as valued/revered as it once was. in fact, i think oftentimes it's seen as a sign of weakness, making concessions...which truly saddens me.
anyway, thanks for clarifying...b/c while i liked the premise in my mind it was all ' do we manage w/o even discussing?'...haha. gotcha.
well, i did nothing world-changing today...although sure, i recycle on a daily basis...and it really requires zero effort on my part, excellent village program in hardly something to take credit for. i'd love to plant more 'fucking trees' there's imagery for ya
anyhoo..i am definitely open to any suggestions as to what one may think we can do individually/ move beyond mere debate....and into the realm of agreeement/compromise/action.
nice thread.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
~Ron Burgundy
Depleted Uranium munitions - the more I've read about it, I believe it to be the most reprehensible thing this country has done in the last 30 years. And at the rate of increase it's entirely likely we can see a massive global spike in cancer for a long time.
If I was going to put my mouth and my vote behind ending any insane program, and one that is entirely bi-partisan it would be this one.
Unless you pro-cancer kids out there disagree.
If you do a google search for DU, Depleted Uranium, or 400,000 Nagasaki bombs, you'll see what I'm talking about
It's a program that you can remind your republican senators can help distance themselves from Bush without abandoning core beliefs of the republican party and a stance all democrats can stand united on, unlike the flimsy excuse of a policy they have on Iraq, Terrorism, and WMD's they have now,
It's a win-win for both sides of the political spectrum, it encompasses not only the anti-war movement, but the environmental movement, the veteran's movement - everything - down the line, down the spectrum, all ages races and creeds,
This program needs to stop, and it needs to stop a decade ago
I don't think anyone on this board or most people at all would support something like that. You just have to wake them up.
That is just one of the many things that we feel we can't stop. I bet that if you could get a ton of people focused on that one thing, you could affect it greatly.
I don't know much about DU,... has it already affected us so greatly that we couldn't do much even if we stopped the program? ,...considering it's before/lasting effects,...
~Ron Burgundy
Here's the website of a UK based group trying to ban it, with all of their information.
Here is a website supporting DU as the only viable alternative for armor penetrating rounds:
Here's a BBC special report, including links to numerous attempts by the EU - countries who have already measured significant amounts of increased uranium particles over their heads, to ban the weapons
Here's a British Newspaper - The Sunday Herald's Report on how the UK and USA continue to use DU despite the fact that the UN considers them a weapon of mass destruction
...personally though the UN is not the best method of arguing anything - you're bound to encounter some kind of hypocritical fallacy somewhere
Here is an interview with a radiation expert from Berkely who has quite a fine list of credentials:
this little tidbit from the article says volumes...
Gulf War soldiers who served in 1991 had normal babies before the Gulf War. [In a study of 251 Gulf War veterans by the Department of Veterans Affairs, it was determined that 67% of the babies born to soldiers after the Gulf War had severe birth defects]. They were born without brains, without eyes, [with] organs missing, without legs or arms, or they had terrible radiation related blood diseases for instance.
Here is an article written by the same woman who was interviewed in the previous link:
This article seems to go off the handle in the conspiracy nut direction but...nonetheless if it's credible it's condemning
Please anyone who can find sources to the contrary I'd love to read them, I would love to believe that a few environment nuts are blowing this whole thing out of proportion because it scares the hell out of me - at the current pace we'd have to keep pregnant women in clean rooms for 9 months so they can birth genetically unaltered offspring
If this is true, if the numbers are straight, and the conclusions valid - the continuing use of these weapons may effect every single human being on the planet given enough time - there doesn't seem to be any dearth of situations where these weapons will be used in the near future