Lebanon right to defend themselves...

So what are Lebanon rights, now that they have ask for help and that help was refused, should they keep hiding and turn the other cheek? Or would they have the right to answer to Israel? What would be the reaction to the reaction? Is it possible that Lebanon are waiting for foreigners to get out, before taking actions? Cause i just can't see how the current Lebanon govt. can stay in power, without any interventions...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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I think they do have that right and I have actually changed my stance a little bit while thinking about it here. With the more recent election of this government in Lebanon, Israel should have tried to diplomatically deal with Lebanon on issues such as shutting down they Syrian border, ridding their state of Hezbollah, etc... before going into Beiruit. I still believe that it was Israel's right to go after the terrorists north of their border who caused the start of this round of violence but they may have taken it too far by going after the Lebanese government.
The current Lebanon govt can't stay in power with interventions. Israel will completely destroy them in open war. The people of Lebanon, as a whole, are not terribly sympathetic to either side in the fight and even traditional anti-Israeli nations have been relatively even-keel in their statements on this current fight.
Lebanon, so far, has simply selected the best of a number of bad options -- wait it out and hope Israel means what it says and that this operation will be limited in scope.
Especially since only 18% of the Parliamentary seats belong to Hezbollah...Lebanon of all countries in the Middle East was progressing the most.....
or how bout try to get hezbollah to stop as well. What if there was a faction from the US that went into canada and kidnapped soldiers and then canada started bombing where that faction was, in the US. I imagine the people in the US and Canada would want the US gov't to crush that faction. Lebanon can try more just like all the countries over there could try more, if they wanted to.
Yes they would obviously be defeated in the end, but if they try nothing they'll be destroyed without trying.
Economy will fall very soon as money is leaving by the sea right now, this country is heading down, and it doesn't seem to be a concern at all. The only concern is the safety of Israel and Israeli.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
That's pretty unlikely. I don't see Israel destroying all of Lebanon here. Certainly they're affecting large parts of the country and the nation's infrastructure, but the destruction of Lebanon does not seem to be the aim here.
This cuts both ways though. Lebanon's economy needs stability, and stability isn't going to happen with groups like Hezbollah playing an active role in the nation's events.
Again, it a choice right now between two bad options. The Lebanese government, in many respects, wants Israel to drive Hezbollah out of its borders. A lot of bad comes with that though, obviously.
I guess we'd need to define "destroying" then. Maybe the word is not accurate.
I don't think the Lebanese govt. are really approving what's happening right now, they've called for help on numerous occasion, or maybe i misunderstood your point.
Of course Lebanon would like Hezbollah to disapear, but i don't think that's what Israel are achieving right now, quite the opposite in my opinion. I mean i've heard one of these Israeli general saying "when they launch a missile, we know where they are and we attack this location." Ok about that, but it's not the only thing they've done so far, they're currently no different from the terrorist themselves by not respecting any international conventions about war and the security of civillians, name any civil right in time of war and they're almost violating them all. They're just to the level of terrorist themselves, which is a shame for a country. The position of the Canadian govt. make them as guilty as Israel, i seriously hope our govt. will pay the price for this horrible crisis management.
But still, what are Lebanon rights to defend themselves? Who help Lebanon right now? I'm not talking about Hezbollah, but Lebanon and Lebanese.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau