"Right Wing Left Wing Chicken Wing"...What are you about?

Stole a portion of the title from Modest Mouse (Moon and Antartica...great f'ing album but anyhow). Who are you out there. In the last couple months of...lets saying inner thinking...I have come to my conclusion that this left/right drabble is get sickening and old and is tearing people apart...no more evident than this very board...do not get me wrong as I used to dabble in this senseless debate of "your a neo-con loving bastard" (just b/c a guy is pro-life) or "your a Liberal hippie pussy" ( cause one is for gun control)....Im sick of the branding of "Liberals" and "Conservatives"...why does support for ONE topic make you one or the other...when did you have to be pro-life and be a Conservative...hell I know lots of people who are very anti-abortion but guess what totally against the war.
Never in my young life have I seen such division...and frankly Im sick of it....from both sides...there are so many extreme Conservatives and Liberals on this very board that are so ignorant of each other they do even take a SECOND to learn and understand what people are talking about....the arrogance of the extremes just gleams....if you are so smart then freaking listen to the other side...sure there are trolls on here that just provoke but recently I have talked to the "dark side" and realized there is so much we have in common beyond a difference in opinions on the war that I realized we really got to change things...the division in the world is growing and it needs to be healed...so I thought it would be good for us to tell each other where we stand on issues....no use of labels though...for example I will tell you about what i belief in...
I am against the war in Iraq because iMHO there is no justification...but in a country like Sudan and in the past Rwanada we should be there defending these innocents from real tyrannts...if you people think Iraq was bad I would suggest the lovely ladies of the boad to take a stroll down a street in Darfur....this is where the military should be used...defending the lives of those who cannot defend themselves from tyranny....Iraq is waste of money and effort built on lies (which have been proven time and time again)...Osama caused 9/11 not Iraq....Saddam was a threat just as Kim jong is...and that threat is nothing....sure taking out Saddam was great...now take out the troops....I view Iraq as to American independance....the fore fathers rised up against their "oppressors" the Britsh and took their country back and look what come out of it.....maybe the Iraqi people should get their country back now and lets see what happens....
I am pro-choice (although I would never choose it...but its a choice and that is what democracy is about)
I am against capital punishment (I believe a long life in a cell getting boinked where a guy dont want to be probed is hell in itself...death is too good for many that should deserve it)
I think Kyoto does not work (look at our emissions people it is hopeless to think this program is working a pipe dream and other implementations need to be done (how about starting at tax exempt fuel effiecient cars for starters for example or removing ALL tax from energystar appliances, make environmentally friendly choices affordable...why is it these options are always expensive...c'mon government try to help the people a bit)
I believe my country needs a dual healthcare system because it is in shambles right now (many Canadians cannot fathom the fact that a system unlike Americas exists...look to Scandanvia)
Let homsexuals "unite" (if they want equal rights let them have it..although since I believe in the division of church and state it should not be dubbed marriage as it is a relgious term...as well the government should not force ministers/priests to perform them...once again democracy and choice....and for that reason it should be legal)
Missle defence program in Canada is a waste of time and money....look at Americas program its a disaster the only program that I see that is worse is the one they think they need to defend themselves from....
I believe in unions to protect employees from harsh treatment from supervisors...such no wage for overtime (thats what I am faced with), ignoring requests for vacations. But at the same time unions cannot allow their workers to become useless twits who do nothing...for once unions should step up and prove their workers need a raise...for that matter teachers deserve at LEAST 3x their current wage....shoddy wage leades to shoddy teachers which leads to our kids being just plain shoddy....
Also I believe in no smoking ANYWHERE...yes it is a choice to smoke...so go outside and do it....when you smoke around me I have no choice in what I am breathing in...please if you want to kill yourself do it where you are not harming others that choose not make your choice.....and please pick up your butts its gross....
Marijuana should be decriminalized as it would free millions of dollars and wasted man hours to going after the meth dealers/etc...the drugs that are DOING THE HARM....but not legalized....then it would be govnment run and then it becomes another way to tax us....
But I wanna hear from those on here what you are REALLY about beyond the slogans....I think many people will be surprised what there "enemies" or "friends" say....use any topics you feel like...but lets try not to flame each other for their beliefs...if we can past those two words of generalization we can a lot farther in being productive with each other and getting real problems solved.
Edit: Plus we all love PJ...is that not why we are here in the first place...look already We ALL have something in common and that is a start....
Never in my young life have I seen such division...and frankly Im sick of it....from both sides...there are so many extreme Conservatives and Liberals on this very board that are so ignorant of each other they do even take a SECOND to learn and understand what people are talking about....the arrogance of the extremes just gleams....if you are so smart then freaking listen to the other side...sure there are trolls on here that just provoke but recently I have talked to the "dark side" and realized there is so much we have in common beyond a difference in opinions on the war that I realized we really got to change things...the division in the world is growing and it needs to be healed...so I thought it would be good for us to tell each other where we stand on issues....no use of labels though...for example I will tell you about what i belief in...
I am against the war in Iraq because iMHO there is no justification...but in a country like Sudan and in the past Rwanada we should be there defending these innocents from real tyrannts...if you people think Iraq was bad I would suggest the lovely ladies of the boad to take a stroll down a street in Darfur....this is where the military should be used...defending the lives of those who cannot defend themselves from tyranny....Iraq is waste of money and effort built on lies (which have been proven time and time again)...Osama caused 9/11 not Iraq....Saddam was a threat just as Kim jong is...and that threat is nothing....sure taking out Saddam was great...now take out the troops....I view Iraq as to American independance....the fore fathers rised up against their "oppressors" the Britsh and took their country back and look what come out of it.....maybe the Iraqi people should get their country back now and lets see what happens....
I am pro-choice (although I would never choose it...but its a choice and that is what democracy is about)
I am against capital punishment (I believe a long life in a cell getting boinked where a guy dont want to be probed is hell in itself...death is too good for many that should deserve it)
I think Kyoto does not work (look at our emissions people it is hopeless to think this program is working a pipe dream and other implementations need to be done (how about starting at tax exempt fuel effiecient cars for starters for example or removing ALL tax from energystar appliances, make environmentally friendly choices affordable...why is it these options are always expensive...c'mon government try to help the people a bit)
I believe my country needs a dual healthcare system because it is in shambles right now (many Canadians cannot fathom the fact that a system unlike Americas exists...look to Scandanvia)
Let homsexuals "unite" (if they want equal rights let them have it..although since I believe in the division of church and state it should not be dubbed marriage as it is a relgious term...as well the government should not force ministers/priests to perform them...once again democracy and choice....and for that reason it should be legal)
Missle defence program in Canada is a waste of time and money....look at Americas program its a disaster the only program that I see that is worse is the one they think they need to defend themselves from....
I believe in unions to protect employees from harsh treatment from supervisors...such no wage for overtime (thats what I am faced with), ignoring requests for vacations. But at the same time unions cannot allow their workers to become useless twits who do nothing...for once unions should step up and prove their workers need a raise...for that matter teachers deserve at LEAST 3x their current wage....shoddy wage leades to shoddy teachers which leads to our kids being just plain shoddy....
Also I believe in no smoking ANYWHERE...yes it is a choice to smoke...so go outside and do it....when you smoke around me I have no choice in what I am breathing in...please if you want to kill yourself do it where you are not harming others that choose not make your choice.....and please pick up your butts its gross....
Marijuana should be decriminalized as it would free millions of dollars and wasted man hours to going after the meth dealers/etc...the drugs that are DOING THE HARM....but not legalized....then it would be govnment run and then it becomes another way to tax us....
But I wanna hear from those on here what you are REALLY about beyond the slogans....I think many people will be surprised what there "enemies" or "friends" say....use any topics you feel like...but lets try not to flame each other for their beliefs...if we can past those two words of generalization we can a lot farther in being productive with each other and getting real problems solved.
Edit: Plus we all love PJ...is that not why we are here in the first place...look already We ALL have something in common and that is a start....
Post edited by Unknown User on
I am pro-choice, but feel pretty strongly that abortion can be abused and needs to be treated like the serious, serious decision that it is. It should never be an "easy out".
I believe in the gun laws that our country had up until the early 90s (handguns are restricted, safe storage, firearms safety is mandatory). I do not believe in a registry that is a huge waste of money, targets law-abiding gun owners, and hasn't done a thing to reduce gang violence. Is owning guns a right? Yes, in my opinion, but with every right comes responsibility.
I don't believe in missile defense at this point, but I do think Canada should spend enough on the military to keep our troops on missions safe and effective, and to keep our borders secure.
Kyoto doesn't work at all, but climate change remains an issue that needs our attention. Not sure how we are going to do it, but laws with actual teeth might be a good start.
I am a strong proponent of immigration, AND multiculturalism. I think we need to be a bit more careful about who we let in, but at the same time, we need to ensure that all immigrants have a stake in this country. We cannot be another France. People who come should should act like Canadians ... But they can only do so if we treat them like Canadians.
Great post, by the way. You and I are really on the same page these days. I have never been more sick of the left-right divide than I am right now.
And I agree with this ...
I agree with you about the guns..cause to the best of knowledge gun crime was never a rampant issue in this country (pre-registry days)......