I have a question.

How is it that congress will pass a multi billion dollar bill to fund the exploration of the moon and mars today, and the people of New Orleans here on earth still can't afford to fix their houses and move home?
Anger is a gift
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is it good fiscal use to re-build in New Orleans in it's previous location? I mean look at the billions that are going into a city that wasn't maintained correctly and built below sea level. On a side note i think we can better use the money than mars and moon exploration but should we be more discretionary in how we allocate the funds to NO?
Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Gasglow
Example Amsterdam
Does Amsterdam get threatened with hurricanes? NO was not in structural peril before the hurricaines was it? I just don't think it's a bright move to re-build in the same place. Just my opinion. Should we spend the money on technology to save a city or should we move the city above sea level?
question: where do should New Orleans move...?
"above sea level" is a big place...
touche...and i'll take the easy way out...that's for the gov't and the people of LA to figure out but i'm fairly sure the entire state is not below sea level. I just think that if we have the opportunity to take some precautions and stack the deck in NO favor it would be beneficial.
No Amsterdam does not get impacted by hurricanes but did you ever see the North Sea during a storm? The storm surge is pretty damn close to what was seen during Katrina. Minus the strong winds it's pretty much the same.
nah i haven't seen that so I'll take your word for it. And hopefully if they chose to keep rebuilding NO at the present site they take the necessary precautions, perhaps following the amsterdam model, if it's appropriate.
for the record...I feel the construction of NO should be well planned and done correctly, meaning with precautions to protect the city from future storms, like you mentioned...
I also think this country has a perfect chance to seek ways to resolve energy issue with the re-building of NO...I think it should be built Green...Solar and Wind power should be the norm, perhaps levy/damn system could be designed to harness water power...and yes, it may cost extra, but if it works, the returns would be greater than the cost...
I think the money wasted on exploring mars would be better spent on focusing on the here and now....
Wait until they find black people on Mars. They won't go there either!
As for the person/people saying to rebuild NO somewhere else. How many families are you housing until their homes get built? As I thought. Such an easy idea when you aren't the one missing anything!
I agree wholeheartedly, that's a good idea on building it as a Green city. It's not every day we get a chance to rebuild and rework a city and see if we really can integrate those changes.
I completely agree with. this country should spend the money to rebuild No the right way. Unfortunetly in order to accomplish this you need a government that doesn't have it's head up it's ass.
It was dumb enough that the French built the city below sea level. It is even dumber that the city/state/fed allowed the infrastructure to fall into a state of disarray. Dumber still that people, knowing the risk for decades, chose to remain there, and the height of folly that once it was leveled we think it is a good idea to put it back where it was. Put the existing city under water where it naturally belongs (call it New Orleans Bay or something), and move the new city up river. It could still be an important port city.
The city can still remain where it is but the levee system has to built the right way. Amsterdam is a perfect example of how a city can exist under sea level and still be adequately protected. The problem was and probably still is that our government is unwilling or too stupid to properly finance the building of a secure levee system along the line of Amsterdam's.
I think inmytree had a great idea. The city can use the very ocean to power itself, but again it needs to be financed and it order to accomplish this it will cost a lot more than the simple patchwork job they are probably planning on doing which the government is probably reluctant to spend.
Maybe the people of NO need to get themselves a powerfull lobby to donate millions of dollars to either party and then they would start to matter. People talk about the amount of many being mismanaged in our social welfare programs but noone, not even the government gives a shit about the millions of dollars that are waisted yearly on such failed or failing programs such as the Missle Defense Shield. The government mostly cares about making money for the people that really keep them in power, and we are not part of the equation.
I don't know how can they turn their backs on others? Maybe they (whoever they is) don't consider turning their backs such a bad thing as others do? Priorities man...
Hawking Says Humans Must Go Into Space
Jun 13, 7:50 AM (ET)
(AP) Renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking from the University of Cambridge, front, is accompanied by...
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HONG KONG (AP) - The survival of the human race depends on its ability to find new homes elsewhere in the universe because there's an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy the Earth, world-renowned scientist Stephen Hawking said Tuesday.
The British astrophysicist told a news conference in Hong Kong that humans could have a permanent base on the moon in 20 years and a colony on Mars in the next 40 years.
"We won't find anywhere as nice as Earth unless we go to another star system," added Hawking, who arrived to a rock star's welcome Monday. Tickets for his lecture planned for Wednesday were sold out.
He added that if humans can avoid killing themselves in the next 100 years, they should have space settlements that can continue without support from Earth.
"It is important for the human race to spread out into space for the survival of the species," Hawking said. "Life on Earth is at the ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster, such as sudden global warming, nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers we have not yet thought of."
The 64-year-old scientist - author of the global best seller "A Brief History of Time" - is wheelchair-bound and communicates with the help of a computer because he suffers from a neurological disorder called amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS.
Hawking said he's teaming up with his daughter to write a children's book about the universe, aimed at the same age range as the Harry Potter books.
"It is a story for children, which explains the wonders of the universe," his daughter, Lucy, added.
They didn't provide other details.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
i know what you mean.....its like priorities.....but i wouldn't put space exploration and the new orleans tragedy in the same category.....not from the same list. and we know that all this stuff can in fact be taken care of at the same time as we've seen from past governments.
its probably that the space bill has been in the works for years.
surely there is someone in congress working on the new orleans tragedy--and probably also looking into what went wrong. in the meantime, its good to know that people are still helping new orleans fix the houses.
i guess that answer lies in how much money stands to be made from each pursuit, and who'd be making it.
Of which we're caught in the middle.
A couple of lucky ones
Tangled up in too much love
~cowboy junkies