Why is the Left invested in America's defeat?

fando y lisfando y lis Posts: 32
edited July 2006 in A Moving Train
You have the that leftist rag, NY Times, sharing the governments secrets. You have hippies trying to paint our soldiers over in Iraq as "baby killers". The whole (almost- 99%) Democratic Party trying to undermine Bush's WAR ON TERROR. You have liberals whining about the human rights of TERRORISTS at GITMO. If the Democrats had their way, those detainees would have a right to an attorney...

America does more to feed and clothe the world than any other nation. America cleans up more of its messes than any other nation does...


(waiting on eunuch Uncle Ted's insipid response..)
"It's not that liberals know nothing. It's that what they do know isn't so."
Ronaldus Magnus
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    You have the that leftist rag, NY Times, sharing the governments secrets. You have hippies trying to paint our soldiers over in Iraq as "baby killers". The whole (almost- 99%) Democratic Party trying to undermine Bush's WAR ON TERROR. You have liberals whining about the human rights of TERRORISTS at GITMO. If the Democrats had their way, those detainees would have a right to an attorney...

    America does more to feed and clothe the world than any other nation. America cleans up more of its messes than any other nation does...


    (waiting on eunuch Uncle Ted's insipid response..)

    Head injuries are a terrible thing. Just look at the damage inflicted in this poor victim. Such a shame.
  • thankyougrandmathankyougrandma Posts: 1,182
    You have the that leftist rag, NY Times, sharing the governments secrets. You have hippies trying to paint our soldiers over in Iraq as "baby killers". The whole (almost- 99%) Democratic Party trying to undermine Bush's WAR ON TERROR. You have liberals whining about the human rights of TERRORISTS at GITMO. If the Democrats had their way, those detainees would have a right to an attorney...

    America does more to feed and clothe the world than any other nation. America cleans up more of its messes than any other nation does...


    (waiting on eunuch Uncle Ted's insipid response..)

    when you'll stop insulting everyone and acting like a high school tough guy maybe you'll get some intelligent discussion in one of your thread...

    edit: forgot to quote
    "L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    You have the that leftist rag, NY Times, sharing the governments secrets. You have hippies trying to paint our soldiers over in Iraq as "baby killers". The whole (almost- 99%) Democratic Party trying to undermine Bush's WAR ON TERROR. You have liberals whining about the human rights of TERRORISTS at GITMO. If the Democrats had their way, those detainees would have a right to an attorney...

    America does more to feed and clothe the world than any other nation. America cleans up more of its messes than any other nation does...


    (waiting on eunuch Uncle Ted's insipid response..)

    Do you have any proof to back up this vitriole, or are you just continuing your troll-scapade? :rolleyes:
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    You have the that leftist rag, NY Times, sharing the governments secrets. You have hippies trying to paint our soldiers over in Iraq as "baby killers". The whole (almost- 99%) Democratic Party trying to undermine Bush's WAR ON TERROR. You have liberals whining about the human rights of TERRORISTS at GITMO. If the Democrats had their way, those detainees would have a right to an attorney...

    America does more to feed and clothe the world than any other nation. America cleans up more of its messes than any other nation does...


    (waiting on eunuch Uncle Ted's insipid response..)

    And whoever said Mccarthyism is dead?
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    You have the that leftist rag, NY Times, sharing the governments secrets. You have hippies trying to paint our soldiers over in Iraq as "baby killers". The whole (almost- 99%) Democratic Party trying to undermine Bush's WAR ON TERROR. You have liberals whining about the human rights of TERRORISTS at GITMO. If the Democrats had their way, those detainees would have a right to an attorney...

    America does more to feed and clothe the world than any other nation. America cleans up more of its messes than any other nation does...


    (waiting on eunuch Uncle Ted's insipid response..)

    exactly...it's about time somebody said this...it sickens me that the left and libs hate freedom and our way of life...they need to read the bible and stop questioning everything...

    the Right is named right for a reason...just look at the wonderful things caused by the Spreadun Freedom Brigade...we've got Iran right where we want them...and N. Korea is so scared they are launching missiles...

    and the genius thing about the war on terror is that it's never-ending...which is great for profits...
  • FiveB247xFiveB247x Posts: 2,330
    I think ignorance from mis-information is what is killing America - that and the overwhelming apathy by it's population. They feed each other - and luckily it's trans-national Corporate agendas and companies that win in the end. So keep finger pointing to one side or the other until your hens come home to roost. People don't make any jokes then cause you just have to accept the sad realities of the world. Blame Clinton for 9-11, blame Bush for Iraq, blame global warming on the Earth... keep passing the blame away til one day you realize there's nothing left to blame except yourself and the world is in chaos with no chance of rectifying all the long term problems we help enable and create while we throw band aids at it all... but let's discuss abortion and immigration instead... the "important" issues at hand.... ugh!
    CONservative governMENt

    Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
  • I know there is a good percentage of the left that wouldn't mind if North Korea attacked the USA. I know for certain, these same people look forward to the escalating body count in Iraq.. the body count of our "raping, pillaging, plundering" soldiers, that is..
    "It's not that liberals know nothing. It's that what they do know isn't so."
    Ronaldus Magnus
  • FiveB247xFiveB247x Posts: 2,330
    Do you realize that North Korea doesn't have the capacity to attack Continental United States?
    I know there is a good percentage of the left that wouldn't mind if North Korea attacked the USA. I know for certain, these same people look forward to the escalating body count in Iraq.. the body count of our "raping, pillaging, plundering" soldiers, that is..
    CONservative governMENt

    Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    I know there is a good percentage of the left that wouldn't mind if North Korea attacked the USA. I know for certain, these same people look forward to the escalating body count in Iraq.. the body count of our "raping, pillaging, plundering" soldiers, that is..

    You really are disturbed! Charles Manson has nothing on you.
  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    I know there is a good percentage of the left that wouldn't mind if North Korea attacked the USA. I know for certain, these same people look forward to the escalating body count in Iraq.. the body count of our "raping, pillaging, plundering" soldiers, that is..

    That has to be the most ridiculous and bird-brained comment, I have ever seen. LMAO!

    Keep it going, you're hilarious.

    Just remember, I'm not laughing with you......I'm laughing at you ;)
  • I know there is a good percentage of the left that wouldn't mind if North Korea attacked the USA. I know for certain, these same people look forward to the escalating body count in Iraq.. the body count of our "raping, pillaging, plundering" soldiers, that is..

    That doesn't seem to be something that one could "know for certain".
    "Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    inmytree wrote:
    exactly...it's about time somebody said this...it sickens me that the left and libs hate freedom and our way of life...they need to read the bible and stop questioning everything...

    the Right is named right for a reason...just look at the wonderful things caused by the Spreadun Freedom Brigade...we've got Iran right where we want them...and N. Korea is so scared they are launching missiles...

    and the genius thing about the war on terror is that it's never-ending...which is great for profits...

    I thought you were serious then for a second. I was scared! :eek: I thought that one Fando y lis in the world was bad enough, but two of you!! :eek: LMAO!! :D:D
  • mrwalkerbmrwalkerb Posts: 1,015
    I know there is a good percentage of the left that wouldn't mind if North Korea attacked the USA. I know for certain, these same people look forward to the escalating body count in Iraq.. the body count of our "raping, pillaging, plundering" soldiers, that is..

    I would love it if North Korea attacked the states, then when everyone is dead (end goal of all liberals, this is why we bankrupt people by making them pay taxes) we'll be right. I guess we just need some other plan as you have found us out

    edit-spell check
    "I'm not suicidal, except when I drink. That's why we don't all drink at the same time, there'd be no-one alive to drive home..."
    Chris Cornell

  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    That doesn't seem to be something that one could "know for certain".

    No shit?? :confused:
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    I know there is a good percentage of the left that wouldn't mind if North Korea attacked the USA. I know for certain, these same people look forward to the escalating body count in Iraq.. the body count of our "raping, pillaging, plundering" soldiers, that is..

    you are soooo right...it makes me sick that some people really count how many have died defending our "freedom" and our way of life...how dare they want to end the occupation and have these solider return home to their families...bastard lefties....:mad:
  • ryan198ryan198 Posts: 1,015
    even more interesting is that our soldiers do rape, pillage, and plunder...but why? I mean what would make an 18 year old kid from urban America, who was told his/her only way out was to join the army, only to see and actually kill other human beings for the right to go to some shitty school when s/he gets home do these horrible things to other people.

    Somehow this situation, all caused by a neoliberal economy in the US run by and for(ahem...conservatives...yes Clinton was a conservative don't kid yourself)other rich, white, men has yet to be dealt with in the only way possible. All the 18 year olds with the guns turn around and shoot all the rich white men running our government...that's would really ruffle some feathers wouldn't it.
  • mammasanmammasan Posts: 5,656
    I know there is a good percentage of the left that wouldn't mind if North Korea attacked the USA. I know for certain, these same people look forward to the escalating body count in Iraq.. the body count of our "raping, pillaging, plundering" soldiers, that is..

    You are one misguided ingnorant individual if you believe that any American wants this country to be attacked or wishes for more of our troops to die. Posts like this only support my belief that you have absolutely nothing to contribute to this message board.
    "When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
  • NevermindNevermind Posts: 1,006
    I know there is a good percentage of the left that wouldn't mind if North Korea attacked the USA. I know for certain, these same people look forward to the escalating body count in Iraq.. the body count of our "raping, pillaging, plundering" soldiers, that is..
    Your a fucking joke.
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    You have the that leftist rag, NY Times, sharing the governments secrets. You have hippies trying to paint our soldiers over in Iraq as "baby killers". The whole (almost- 99%) Democratic Party trying to undermine Bush's WAR ON TERROR. You have liberals whining about the human rights of TERRORISTS at GITMO. If the Democrats had their way, those detainees would have a right to an attorney...

    America does more to feed and clothe the world than any other nation. America cleans up more of its messes than any other nation does...


    (waiting on eunuch Uncle Ted's insipid response..)
    lay off the kool-aid
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • keeponrockinkeeponrockin Posts: 7,446
    I know there is a good percentage of the left that wouldn't mind if North Korea attacked the USA. I know for certain, these same people look forward to the escalating body count in Iraq.. the body count of our "raping, pillaging, plundering" soldiers, that is..

    Alright, I don't like name calling, but you're a tool.
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
  • NevermindNevermind Posts: 1,006
    Fando must be Ann Coulter.
  • Here's an idea, if everyone here dislikes Mr. Fando's comments why don't you just stop responding to his posts. He just feeds off of all your reactions.
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