I don't endorse DBTS but they sure don't leave too much to the imagination.......

We all have our belief system be it right or wrong but this was too good to just pass up on being in a closed thread.
There he/she goes................;)
What do you mean by "far out lefty" ...
are you refering to the "conspiracy nuts", because i thought generaly they were accused of being "extreme right wingers" masked up to get new recruits under the guise of fearmongering?
I'll tell you what i think, anyhow ...
I know what the OP is talking about, and maintain in counter argument that what is truly "incompetent, asinine, high-school level [...] bullshit" is this silly fucking fair-tale notion that those with the real power some how acquired it inspite of being completely stupid ... that instead of there being people with devious cunning and wealth who attempt to manipulate the system and succeed (hell, most of you admit Fox news is so much as a conspiracy to feed you right wing lies) in doing so ... you think that the world is just some happy fucking accident and the government is just totaly stupid and moving along directionless and inept
... and further, to get to this "far out left" crap ... the rest of the people ... and particularly those on "the left" ... even the ones who try to stay out of the conspiratorial arguments ... they themselves have their fair share of "high school level bullshit" in this silly notion that there IS a free lunch, and that it should be served on every corner of every town every hour, on the hour, every day of the week.
This post realy gets me hoping mad.
People are living in a fucking fairy tale bubble ... they think someone is actualy watching out for them, and they think things politicians tell them are realy ment to help YOU, when in fact they are ment to serve someone MUCH different than that. Everytime someone offers you something for free, you should be skeptical as all get out.
Politicians that placate with rhetoric about a piece of the pie for everyone to be had are feeding you nothing but horseshit ... and what you will end up with is massive taxes and debts ... and half of you can't even understand that taking out a loan to pay interest on a loan that was taken out to pay interest on a loan to pay interest on a loan ... can't even see where that might be a serious problem at some point ... or they don't comprehend that the value of their money is just continuously plummeting off a cliff ... and that at SOME point it they might fucking smack in to the ground and bust the silly little head!
Yup. People will fight tooth and nail to defend the integrity of the system, all the while raving and bitching about the whomever is the asshole politician du jur ... but god forbid you try to draw some lines for them and say ... "look goofball, its not just ole GW ... or Cheney isn't just some lone crook ... its not just a bunch of idiots with no clue either ... these people operate like a goddamn ball club ... there are players on the field, there are men on the side sketching out playbooks, and there are broadcasters hypin up this or that, and there are a few old grey haired fucks up in the box who are talking about the big money, and will call down to the coach if they have something to say... get wise to it!" ...
no no ... tell them that there actualy is a gameplan, and they tell you you're a fucking loon.
Because hell, if the system was rigged against you, you sure has fuck would have heard about it on Fox News, right?
There he/she goes................;)
What do you mean by "far out lefty" ...
are you refering to the "conspiracy nuts", because i thought generaly they were accused of being "extreme right wingers" masked up to get new recruits under the guise of fearmongering?
I'll tell you what i think, anyhow ...
I know what the OP is talking about, and maintain in counter argument that what is truly "incompetent, asinine, high-school level [...] bullshit" is this silly fucking fair-tale notion that those with the real power some how acquired it inspite of being completely stupid ... that instead of there being people with devious cunning and wealth who attempt to manipulate the system and succeed (hell, most of you admit Fox news is so much as a conspiracy to feed you right wing lies) in doing so ... you think that the world is just some happy fucking accident and the government is just totaly stupid and moving along directionless and inept
... and further, to get to this "far out left" crap ... the rest of the people ... and particularly those on "the left" ... even the ones who try to stay out of the conspiratorial arguments ... they themselves have their fair share of "high school level bullshit" in this silly notion that there IS a free lunch, and that it should be served on every corner of every town every hour, on the hour, every day of the week.
This post realy gets me hoping mad.
People are living in a fucking fairy tale bubble ... they think someone is actualy watching out for them, and they think things politicians tell them are realy ment to help YOU, when in fact they are ment to serve someone MUCH different than that. Everytime someone offers you something for free, you should be skeptical as all get out.
Politicians that placate with rhetoric about a piece of the pie for everyone to be had are feeding you nothing but horseshit ... and what you will end up with is massive taxes and debts ... and half of you can't even understand that taking out a loan to pay interest on a loan that was taken out to pay interest on a loan to pay interest on a loan ... can't even see where that might be a serious problem at some point ... or they don't comprehend that the value of their money is just continuously plummeting off a cliff ... and that at SOME point it they might fucking smack in to the ground and bust the silly little head!
Yup. People will fight tooth and nail to defend the integrity of the system, all the while raving and bitching about the whomever is the asshole politician du jur ... but god forbid you try to draw some lines for them and say ... "look goofball, its not just ole GW ... or Cheney isn't just some lone crook ... its not just a bunch of idiots with no clue either ... these people operate like a goddamn ball club ... there are players on the field, there are men on the side sketching out playbooks, and there are broadcasters hypin up this or that, and there are a few old grey haired fucks up in the box who are talking about the big money, and will call down to the coach if they have something to say... get wise to it!" ...
no no ... tell them that there actualy is a gameplan, and they tell you you're a fucking loon.
Because hell, if the system was rigged against you, you sure has fuck would have heard about it on Fox News, right?
You've changed your place in this world!
Post edited by Unknown User on
i'd like to know why that thread was locked.
Didn't notice till you said so.
I guess there is "arguing your position", and then there is "arguing your position" ... and clearly the mods have a problem with the later.
Edit: & BTW, Thanks for the endorsement.
If I opened it now would you not understand?