Justice in America

What's wrong with this picture?
It is also worth noting that in 1985 Judge Cashman responded to a 20 year old rape victim by telling her essentially to get over it, that she had just seen one of the harsh realities to life. She then fled the court-room in tears.
It is also worth noting that in 1985 Judge Cashman responded to a 20 year old rape victim by telling her essentially to get over it, that she had just seen one of the harsh realities to life. She then fled the court-room in tears.
"Sarcasm: intellect on the offensive"
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Post edited by Unknown User on
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I know. Makes me not want to talk about high school anymore.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
ah i forgot i'm in amerika, the greatest open aired prison on the planet...
do you feel really free yet?
well anyway, my matey and i talked about this often..we think in a perfect world, that the victime gets to decide the fate of a criminal....waz up?
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
i assume you have proof of this?
in any case, yeah it's fucked up. but one nutty vermont judge doesn't make the entire system wrong. im also rather curious about the race of the girl in the first case. im willing to bet good money she was white and the DA saw nailing a black football playing thug for raping a 15 year old white girl who was down for an inter-racial gangbang being a sure thing for his re-election campaign. it's a fucked up law and im amazed the governor hasn't pardoned the guy.
u mean you continue to have faith in a gov't where we are mere pieces of dust...well, let's put it this way...our value to the state pays better when we are incarcerated...who gives a fuck about freedom anymore? it just doesn't pay to care about other people, when you do, u will be ridiculed because you are fundamentally stronger and more in touch with balancing act of the planet...my two cents..or should i say dos centavos...?
darky is that you
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
smoke another bong dude, your thoughts havent quite been clarified yet.
incarceration is expensive. there are problems in the justice system. but it's still a necessary system. mob rule historically hasn't worked very well.
it's an example of a conservative vs. liberal judge...see, both are terrible!
from my window to yours
incarceration is a problem...there is a way to save money though...
the problem is not incarceration...it's what those who incarcerate fail to do for the inmates...so that they are adequately rehabilitated...the proof that incarceration is a failure is the high recidivism rate among previous inmates...why do you think the three strikes rule was ever even implemented?
spend a little bit more money the first time, and do it right, and then the investment is worth it...because the rate of repeat crime decreases...
from my window to yours
perhaps. it's difficult to sell people on that though. and to an extent i see why. a key part of rehabilitation is education and job training. given the state of schools here, it's a tough sell to tell people that convicted criminals deserve better educational resources than our primary schools. in fact, that could incentivize some people to commit crimes.
u smoke a bong and get some thoughts together....;)
who said anything about mob rule?
there are more problems than u will conceive because you must either have little or no experience (either personal or with family members) to understand what the real scenario is....
try this site on for size....prison planet.com
i know....i know it's just a little too skewed for a simple mind to understand, and then when the one's that do understand can't communicate as well, as others, the person who struggles with articluation is just labeled as a stoner, or a liberal or hippie or some other b*s* immature childish name.......
it's too bad, that intelligence of yours does measure up to the length of...well you may figure it out...
thanks for your loving kindness and your beauti-fool song....
silly me....
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
i've been arrested 3 times and served jail time. i am currently in law school. this summer i will be working for the US attorney's office. i think it's safe to say i have some firsthand experience with all aspects of the criminal justice system. certainly more than you can get by reading prison planet and smoking pot and talking about how much it sucks having the man keep you down.
ive read prison planet. for every outrageous story that site has i can find you 50 where the justice system put a dangerous criminal off the street, or forced a troubled teen into rehab to turn his life around, or helped a struggling mother get money from her children's father. there are problems, but no system is or ever will be perfect. im stepping right into it to try to make a change for the better. what are you doing, besides getting high and whining?
maybe you should put that pipe down and go to school to work on your articulation so you can say something a bit more intelligent than nonsensical insults about the length of your... ill let you finish that one. perhaps there's a reason people keep calling you stoner/hippie? if all the names people call you hurt your feelings so much, do something about it. cos you sound like one.
incentivize...i like that word...
there are times when the generalities are true...criminals are often the ones that were not afforded opportunities the average american receives...anyway...once you realize there is a problem, you need to fix it...find the best solution...i think that the justice systems in america are not providing the best solutions available...
which u.s. attorney's office are you working in? good luck with that...seriously...i think i'm going to finish my last year this fall and next spring...
from my window to yours
talking to your sarcastic arse.....
it must take one to know on this commentary...i do not smoke a pipe..i do not drink...and fyi, i have gone to school and i have broken away from the edu in the formal sense...yes. school is a great path; it's not the military (which i consider the easy way to civil welfare); but people like you who abide to "officiated" education to get jobs absolutely f*k up the entire economy...but that's right, i know nothing, becasue i am not a great debater who can create that "palatable" image....keep creating, soulsing,and i'll be around to tell everyone how this system is more than flawed and most of that "propaganda" that you say i thrive on, has come to pass....why don't you start a thread about national id? do you not remember, two years ago, i was crying about this immigration stuff, and martial law on the horizon? and how i was trying to help some1 who did give a damn; and had the guts to stand up? oh yeah, and what's this i hear about habeus corpus....u big shot lawyer! with all dude respect, please talk to "america" about what's instore for that little detail called law?
anyway, don't expect me back..i'm not running out, but me gotta go to big city of SF to see an immigration attorney...so....i don't know, u tell me, what do i do to help people...? do i give a shit? i dunno....only god and yourself can read me...
anyway, me in a real bitchy mood lately, so i probably am just being that....no harm done; right, oh eminent one? take good care; and always be safe ---most resepctful, even with my sarcasm....please don't put me down for smoking cannabis...u even make that sound un-palatable....like it's some evil reefer madness.....people who judge someone else, are the ones who have madness....even dog has more class.
now go have a nice big cocktail and feed your digestive system, welll...(see how childish you sound); i love you anyway....and thanks for letting me vent a taste, mi friend...
would you not atleast admit that being a defendent in any case, is more revering than being in a church? who really does the judging on your stage you call a courtroom? and maybe humor me and talk about habeus corpus; and the cali law that makes it so a sex offender pays beyond their initial sentence? how u gonna address that? and i bow to you; just simply because you are you...thank you...(sincerely too) have a nice Thursday, soulsinging.....me sorry I have missed listening to your voice....
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
i wonder what soulsing's take is on cali's predatorial law that we voted on this last november...(not too worry, soulsing,i'll be back)
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
i dont live anywhere near california, so i dont much care about their laws.
im well aware of the corrupting influence of money. and i dont make big money. i could, but i probably wont. my job this summer pays... absolutely nothing.
yeah, that's going to accomplish a lot for the good of society. cos im SO critical to the fight against government violation of individual rights.
now i get it... school was too hard for you so you dropped out and now you're whining about how jobs actually want people who are intelligent and qualified to fill them, rather than people who will throw a shit fit any time the employer asks them to do something.
i used to smoke a lot of pot. gave it up cos it was making me sound like... well, you. for my part though, id like to see it legalized. id like to see most drugs legalized actually, cos i dont think the government has any business regulating what i choose to do in my free time. can your mind wrap itself around that contradiction? i dont drink either, gets in the way of my studies.
being a defendant in ANY case is not more revering than church. if you raped children, you should be held accountable. that said, i dont go to church and have no religion so i dont find church particularly revering at all.
habeus corpus is in serious jeopardy these days and alberto gonzalez is frightening in his denial that such a right even exists. my school has played a very active role in challenging the government on its treatment of detainees at gitmo and personally id like to see all such prisons closed immediately. the war on terror has been a terrifying encroachment on our rights. personally, i have been doing a lot of volunteer defense work for children locked up in juvenille facilities. as to your sex offender thing, like i said, i dont live anywhere near calif so im not sure what you're talking about.
no comprendo???? i don't understand; u talked down to me and so i fired back; but i mean you no harm; just standing up the only way i know how for now; it could always change once i grow up....;)
no...school was not too hard; money and student loans are too hard to take on in an economy that is sinking....don't u get it?
excellence in edu award
3.99 gpa
30 units away from BSM; but, i simply don't wanna be a part of the inflated economy; so i have a house bought and paid for and a car bought and paid for and my needs are met; i don't need an suv to kill the environment; i don't need a boat to waste in our waterways; i only need what is necessary...i am not that important to think that i deserve more than what i work for...my work is from the heart; if i help someone; i do it for way less than the next person will charge....say i go clean someone's house; most people charge 15. and hour up to 25 an hour; i will charge 10....if i help someone with legal papers; it's always for free...u can't really think i don't know how to use formal writing style....? it's my choice...
good for you, if that's what you like to do and thank you for your grace....
i am not into drugs for myself, although sing a nonchalant tune; but what i am in to is looking out for those who do not see what i have seen...i have never been in trouble with the law and i do have a crystal clear background for live scan... i don't want for myself to be caught up in a narrow mind...how's bout you?
i beg to differ here....god doesn't send you to jail; god always forgives but man uses ego to function and that is a flaw...i have been to court with many defendents as a support unit, and it is getting to the point where even miniscule offenses are prison worthy....maybe this is worth an entire thread???? what do you think, soulsinger...? when your life is on the line or your freedom is at jeopardy by a court of law, it means to me that not only are you judged by an army of civil servents, but god as well...personal reflection...hope it's not toooooo spacy.....
can you explain this more, soulsinging? i just heard the term the other day and i do have a-d-d, so following long articles is difficult for me...(a symptom u accuse me of becasue i smoke the herb) but i was like this long before i turned 14. i am glad that your school plays this role; i am glad i smarted off to you too....it brought me to know you better; and it sounds like you may not be one of the greed mongers who i loathe....;)
thank you for this post; it's the most valueable part to me...
to be quite frank, this is the part of the post i saw first and this is where i was gonna smartly answer you, that this statement here is exactly why we have big problems...people don't wanna think beyond their existence; it's gonna disturb the calm seas and make the boat rock....to really care is to look at issues that don't affect us personally and fight and discuss until atleast everyone can forumulate their own position....but since i decided that i have a bit of reverence for you, i am really glad i took this risk to actually talk to you and exchange....again, thank you....
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
So, thanks!
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
LOL...you're claiming this one?
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
lol Had to. They don't often get to this point by the 2nd page.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
don't worry, it never happens on mine either lol...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
From Democracy Now! headlines:
9 Ex-Black Panthers Indicted Decades After Confessions Under Torture
Back in the United States, nine former Black Panthers have been arrested and charged for a thirty-five year old murder case that was originally dismissed because police had obtained confessions through torture. The case centers around the killing of a San Francisco police officer in 1971. Three of the former Panthers were cleared of wrongdoing in 1975 after it was revealed police used torture to extract their confessions. The men were beaten, stripped naked, blindfolded, and had electric probes applied to their genitals. The new arrests are drawing intense criticism. Attorney Kamau Franklin of the Center for Constitutional Rights said: “These indictments are an attempt to rewrite history— the history of the Black Panthers, the history of COINTELPRO, and the history of the Civil Rights Movement.”
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Where do you go to school soulsinging, what year are you, I'm just curious?
yeah, who was that masked human?
considering myself very complimented that soulsinging even took time to talk to me...my suggestion to you to learn more about anyone here is to click on the person's nick and go to their homepage, and then take some sweet time to read and research...
soulsinging : always good tiding to ya....
p.s. me like black crowes too.....
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light