About the escalating crime in the USA...



  • NMyTreeNMyTree Posts: 2,374
    This is response to a similiar thread, but I felt my comment was so good, it deserved a thread of its own:

    It's amazing, when you look at the red/blue colored map of the USA, and the areas that have the highest crime rates are the blue states, or in the case of the red states- the blue marked areas. In essense, the big Democrat runned cities have the most crime- and/or Dem controlled states. Hmmm...

    Best wishes and here's hoping a full recovery, for you.

    I know head injuries can be so very devastating and difficult.

    Best of luck to ya'.
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    that would mean there are more democrats than republicans. so why can't the democrats get a president in the whitehouse.
    oh yea; they didn't have a qualified candidate.

    not exactly. For a very long period of time up until say 1994 the majority of Congress house and senate were Democrats, and the republicans railed on about how they would do a better job if given the opportunity, well, they got thier chance, the people of America gave them an opportunity, what did they do? Damn near exactly the same bullshit that the democrats did, change a few words and semantics here and there. I'm hoping America gives both parties the old fuck you at the ballot box but I'm not holding my breath.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • Pacomc79 wrote:
    not exactly. For a very long period of time up until say 1994 the majority of Congress house and senate were Democrats, and the republicans railed on about how they would do a better job if given the opportunity, well, they got thier chance, the people of America gave them an opportunity, what did they do? Damn near exactly the same bullshit that the democrats did, change a few words and semantics here and there. I'm hoping America gives both parties the old fuck you at the ballot box but I'm not holding my breath.

    Yeah, it took Democrats a few decades to fuck up bad enough to get voted out of the majority in Congress. The Republicans might find a way to do it in 12 years. They're nothing if not efficient.

    Wait, they aren't efficient, either. Nevermind.
    "Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
  • AllNiteThingAllNiteThing Posts: 1,115
    This is response to a similiar thread, but I felt my comment was so good, it deserved a thread of its own:

    It's amazing, when you look at the red/blue colored map of the USA, and the areas that have the highest crime rates are the blue states, or in the case of the red states- the blue marked areas. In essense, the big Democrat (i.e. LIBERAL) runned cities have the most crime- and/or Dem controlled states. Hmmm...

    Or it could be the blue states are more heavily populated. Hmmm...
    24 years old, mid-life crisis
    nowadays hits you when you're young
  • boxwine_in_hellboxwine_in_hell Posts: 1,263
    that would mean there are more democrats than republicans. so why can't the democrats get a president in the whitehouse.
    oh yea; they didn't have a qualified candidate.

    You're intellect and logic are dizzying. If the President of the United States was elected by New York City, Boston, Los Angeles and Chicago then yes it would be a Democrat in office. The issue is crime and crime tends to happen where there are more people. It has nothing to do with politics. Go ask Sheriff Opie in Buttfuck Arkansas how busy he is with crime?
    one foot in the door
    the other foot in the gutter
    sweet smell that they adore
    I think I'd rather smother
    -The Replacements-
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